24,813 research outputs found

    BRST cohomology and Hodge decomposition theorem in Abelian gauge theory

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    We discuss the Becchi-Rouet-Stora-Tyutin (BRST) cohomology and Hodge decomposition theorem for the two dimensional free U(1) gauge theory. In addition to the usual BRST charge, we derive a local, conserved and nilpotent co(dual)-BRST charge under which the gauge-fixing term remains invariant. We express the Hodge decomposition theorem in terms of these charges and the Laplacian operator. We take a single photon state in the quantum Hilbert space and demonstrate the notion of gauge invariance, no-(anti)ghost theorem, transversality of photon and establish the topological nature of this theory by exploiting the concepts of BRST cohomology and Hodge decomposition theorem. In fact, the topological nature of this theory is encoded in the vanishing of the Laplacian operator when equations of motion are exploited. On the two dimensional compact manifold, we derive two sets of topological invariants with respect to the conserved and nilpotent BRST- and co-BRST charges and express the Lagrangian density of the theory as the sum of terms that are BRST- and co-BRST invariants. Mathematically, this theory captures together some of the key features of both Witten- and Schwarz type of topological field theories.Comment: 20 pages, LaTeX, no figures, Title and text have been changed, Journal reference is given, some references have been adde

    Topological aspects in non-Abelian gauge theory

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    We discuss the BRST cohomology and exhibit a connection between the Hodge decomposition theorem and the topological properties of a two dimensional free non-Abelian gauge theory having no interaction with matter fields. The topological nature of this theory is encoded in the vanishing of the Laplacian operator when equations of motion are exploited. We obtain two sets of topological invariants with respect to BRST and co-BRST charges on the two dimensional manifold and show that the Lagrangian density of the theory can be expressed as the sum of terms that are BRST- and co-BRST invariants.Comment: (1+11) pages, LaTeX, no figure

    Three Brane Action and The Correspondence Between N=4 Yang Mills Theory and Anti De Sitter Space

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    Recently, a relation between N=4 Super Yang Mills in 3+1 dimensions and supergravity in an AdS5AdS_5 background has been proposed. In this paper we explore the idea that the correspondence between operators in the Yang Mills theory and modes of the supergravity theory can be obtained by using the D3 brane action. Specifically, we consider two form gauge fields for this purpose. The supergravity analysis predicts that the operator which corresponds to this mode has dimension six. We show that this is indeed the leading operator in the three brane Dirac-Born-Infeld and Wess-Zumino action which couples to this mode. It is important in the analysis that the brane action is expanded around the anti de-Sitter background. Also, the Wess-Zumino term plays a crucial role in cancelling a lower dimension operator which appears in the the Dirac-Born-Infeld action.Comment: 12 pages, LaTex, no figures; error in the form of the final dimension six operator corrected, some references and comments added, main conclusions unchange

    SECOR observations in the Pacific

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    Geometric adjustment technique for Pacific SECOR observations based on least squares metho

    Dual Projection and Selfduality in Three Dimensions

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    We discuss the notion of duality and selfduality in the context of the dual projection operation that creates an internal space of potentials. Contrary to the prevailing algebraic or group theoretical methods, this technique is applicable to both even and odd dimensions. The role of parity in the kernel of the Gauss law to determine the dimensional dependence is clarified. We derive the appropriate invariant actions, discuss the symmetry groups and their proper generators. In particular, the novel concept of duality symmetry and selfduality in Maxwell theory in (2+1) dimensions is analysed in details. The corresponding action is a 3D version of the familiar duality symmetric electromagnetic theory in 4D. Finally, the duality symmetric actions in the different dimensions constructed here manifest both the SO(2) and Z2Z_2 symmetries, contrary to conventional results.Comment: 20 pages, late

    Kaluza-Klein electrically charged black branes in M-theory

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    We present a class of Kaluza-Klein electrically charged black p-brane solutions of ten-dimensional, type IIA superstring theory. Uplifting to eleven dimensions these solutions are studied in the context of M-theory. They can be interpreted either as a p+1 extended object trapped around the eleventh dimension along which momentum is flowing or as a boost of the following backgrounds: the Schwarzschild black (p+1)-brane or the product of the (10-p)-dimensional Euclidean Schwarzschild manifold with the (p+1)-dimensional Minkowski spacetime.Comment: 16 pages, uses latex and epsf macro, figures include

    Abelian Duality

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    We show that on three-dimensional Riemannian manifolds without boundaries and with trivial first real de Rham cohomology group (and in no other dimensions) scalar field theory and Maxwell theory are equivalent: the ratio of the partition functions is given by the Ray-Singer torsion of the manifold. On the level of interaction with external currents, the equivalence persists provided there is a fixed relation between the charges and the currents.Comment: 11 pages, LaTeX, no figures, a reference added, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    A Note on Marginally Stable Bound States in Type II String Theory

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    Spectrum of elementary string states in type II string theory contains ultra-short multiplets that are marginally stable. UU-duality transformation converts these states into bound states at threshold of pp-branes carrying Ramond-Ramond charges, and wrapped around pp-cycles of a torus. We propose a test for the existence of these marginally stable bound states. Using the recent results of Polchinski and of Witten, we argue that the spectrum of bound states of pp-branes is in agreement with the prediction of UU-duality.Comment: LaTeX file, 6 page

    Aspects of BRST Quantization

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    BRST-methods provide elegant and powerful tools for the construction and analysis of constrained systems, including models of particles, strings and fields. These lectures provide an elementary introduction to the ideas, illustrated with some important physical applications.Comment: Lectures presented at the summerschool `Geometry and Topology in Physics', Rot a/d/ Rot (Germany), sept. 2001; 75 page