36,781 research outputs found

    Rare events in networks with internal and external noise

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    We study rare events in networks with both internal and external noise, and develop a general formalism for analyzing rare events that combines pair-quenched techniques and large-deviation theory. The probability distribution, shape, and time scale of rare events are considered in detail for extinction in the Susceptible-Infected-Susceptible model as an illustration. We find that when both types of noise are present, there is a crossover region as the network size is increased, where the probability exponent for large deviations no longer increases linearly with the network size. We demonstrate that the form of the crossover depends on whether the endemic state is localized near the epidemic threshold or not

    Field dependence of the critical current and its relation to the anisotropy of BSCCO conductors and coils

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    The design of HTS magnets is often based on the properties of a number of short samples that are presumed to be representative of the conductor to be used. Variability in conductor properties and inhomogeneity in the magnetic field distribution within the magnets, coupled with conductor anisotropy, provide a significant challenge to accurately predict the field dependence of the magnet critical current. This work is based on measured superconducting properties of Bi-2212 and Bi-2223 conductors at 4.2 K in parallel and perpendicular magnetic fields up to 33 T. Properties of double pancake units and stacks, from the same or similar conductor batches, are presented, based on measurements at self-field and in applied co-axial background magnetic fields up to 19 T. Modeling of this data is based on short sample properties in perpendicular field; the average grain misalignment is used as the parameter to quantify the anisotropy. Correlations and discrepancies between the measured data and models based on short sample data are discussed for Bi-2212 and Bi-2223 conductors

    Enhanced vaccine control of epidemics in adaptive networks

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    We study vaccine control for disease spread on an adaptive network modeling disease avoidance behavior. Control is implemented by adding Poisson distributed vaccination of susceptibles. We show that vaccine control is much more effective in adaptive networks than in static networks due to an interaction between the adaptive network rewiring and the vaccine application. Disease extinction rates using vaccination are computed, and orders of magnitude less vaccine application is needed to drive the disease to extinction in an adaptive network than in a static one

    End to end distance on contour loops of random gaussian surfaces

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    A self consistent field theory that describes a part of a contour loop of a random Gaussian surface as a trajectory interacting with itself is constructed. The exponent \nu characterizing the end to end distance is obtained by a Flory argument. The result is compared with different previuos derivations and is found to agree with that of Kondev and Henley over most of the range of the roughening exponent of the random surface.Comment: 7 page

    Predictions of ultra-harmonic oscillations in coupled arrays of limit cycle oscillators

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    Coupled distinct arrays of nonlinear oscillators have been shown to have a regime of high frequency, or ultra-harmonic, oscillations that are at multiples of the natural frequency of individual oscillators. The coupled array architectures generate an in-phase high-frequency state by coupling with an array in an anti-phase state. The underlying mechanism for the creation and stability of the ultra-harmonic oscillations is analyzed. A class of inter-array coupling is shown to create a stable, in-phase oscillation having frequency that increases linearly with the number of oscillators, but with an amplitude that stays fairly constant. The analysis of the theory is illustrated by numerical simulation of coupled arrays of Stuart-Landau limit cycle oscillators.Comment: 24 pages, 9 figures, accepted to Phys. Rev. E, in pres

    Virial Masses of Black Holes from Single Epoch Spectra of AGN

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    We describe the general problem of estimating black hole masses of AGN by calculating the conditional probability distribution of M_BH given some set of observables. Special attention is given to the case where one uses the AGN continuum luminosity and emission line widths to estimate M_BH, and we outline how to set up the conditional probability distribution of M_BH given the observed luminosity, line width, and redshift. We show how to combine the broad line estimates of M_BH with information from an intrinsic correlation between M_BH and L, and from the intrinsic distribution of M_BH, in a manner that improves the estimates of M_BH. Simulation was used to assess how the distribution of M_BH inferred from the broad line mass estimates differs from the intrinsic distribution, and we find that this can lead to an inferred distribution that is too broad. We use these results and a sample of 25 sources that have recent reverberation mapping estimates of AGN black hole masses to investigate the effectiveness of using the C IV emission line to estimate M_BH and to indirectly probe the C IV region size--luminosity (R--L) relationship. We estimated M_BH from both C IV and H-Beta for a sample of 100 sources, including new spectra of 29 quasars. We find that the two emission lines give consistent estimates if one assumes R \propto L^{1/2}_{UV} for both lines.Comment: 38 pages, 6 figures, accepted by Ap

    Limits to the critical current in Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3Ox tape conductors: The parallel path model

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    An extensive overview of a model that describes current flow and dissipation in high-quality Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3Ox superconducting tapes is provided. The parallel path model is based on a superconducting current running in two distinct parallel paths. One of the current paths is formed by grains that are connected at angles below 4°. Dissipation in this strongly linked backbone occurs within the grains and is well described by classical flux-creep theory. The other current path, the weakly linked network, is formed by superconducting grains that are connected at intermediate angles (4°–8°) where dissipation occurs at the grain boundaries. However, grain boundary dissipation in this weakly linked current path does not occur through Josephson weak links, but just as in the strongly linked backbone, is well described by classical flux creep. The results of several experiments on Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3Ox tapes and single-grained powders that strongly support the parallel path model are presented. The critical current density of Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3Ox tapes can be scaled as a function of magnetic field angle over the temperature range from 15 K to 77 K. Expressions based on classical flux creep are introduced to describe the dependence of the critical current density of Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3Ox tapes on the magnetic field and temperature

    A Study of Snippet Length and Informativeness: Behaviour, Performance and User Experience

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    The design and presentation of a Search Engine Results Page (SERP) has been subject to much research. With many contemporary aspects of the SERP now under scrutiny, work still remains in investigating more traditional SERP components, such as the result summary. Prior studies have examined a variety of different aspects of result summaries, but in this paper we investigate the influence of result summary length on search behaviour, performance and user experience. To this end, we designed and conducted a within-subjects experiment using the TREC AQUAINT news collection with 53 participants. Using Kullback-Leibler distance as a measure of information gain, we examined result summaries of different lengths and selected four conditions where the change in information gain was the greatest: (i) title only; (ii) title plus one snippet; (iii) title plus two snippets; and (iv) title plus four snippets. Findings show that participants broadly preferred longer result summaries, as they were perceived to be more informative. However, their performance in terms of correctly identifying relevant documents was similar across all four conditions. Furthermore, while the participants felt that longer summaries were more informative, empirical observations suggest otherwise; while participants were more likely to click on relevant items given longer summaries, they also were more likely to click on non-relevant items. This shows that longer is not necessarily better, though participants perceived that to be the case - and second, they reveal a positive relationship between the length and informativeness of summaries and their attractiveness (i.e. clickthrough rates). These findings show that there are tensions between perception and performance when designing result summaries that need to be taken into account
