588 research outputs found

    Industry Concentration and Regional Innovative Performance – Empirical Evidence for Eastern Germany

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    Regarding technological innovativeness, the transformed economy of the former German Democratic Republic (GDR) clearly lags behind the Western part of the country. To face this weakness, a broad mixture of policy measures was carried out in recent years. Particular attention is drawn to the development of industry concentrations and economic ‘clusters’. However, little is known about the effectiveness of these policy measures regarding how industry concentrations in fact promote innovative performance in Eastern Germany. The present study tries to fill this gap by analyzing the relationship between industry concentration in Eastern Germany and regional innovative performance. Our empirical analysis is based upon the number of patent applications of 22 manufacturing industries in 22 Eastern German planning regions. The estimated regression models indicate an inverted U-shaped relationship between the degree of industry concentration and innovative performance. An exceedingly high degree of industry concentration in one region hampers regional innovative output. We discuss policy implications of our findings and give recommendations for future refinement of ‘cluster’-supporting policy schemes in Eastern Germany.industry concentration; agglomeration; specialization; cluster; innovation; patents; east germany

    Informal networking: An overview of the literature and an agenda for future research

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    Informal inter-organizational networks provide manifold opportunities to organize the transfer of information, knowledge and technology between actors. Given their potential and their importance, the lack of theoretical discussion and empirical research on informal networks and their dynamics is surprising. The objective of this paper is twofold. It attempts to review the fragmented academic discussion of the notion of informal networking, thereby focusing on how these relationships emerge initially and what conditions (presumably) are required to make them a mutually fruitful and sustainable channel of the transfer of information and knowledge. On that groundwork, the most important empirical studies which try to confirm and disentangle the aforementioned basic mechanisms of informal exchange relationships are reviewed. Finally, we outline an agenda of future research directions that we encourage researchers to pursue in future empirical studies. Five important research gaps can be identified. -- Informelle Netzwerkstrukturen bieten vielfĂ€ltige Möglichkeiten, den Transfer von Informationen, Wissen und Technologie zwischen Akteuren zu organisieren. In Anbetracht des Potentials sowie der Bedeutung informeller Netzwerke ist der bestehende Mangel an theoretischen Diskussionen wie auch empirischer Forschung ĂŒberraschend. Hier setzt der Beitrag an, indem eine BĂŒndelung der bislang lediglich in Fragmenten vorliegenden Auseinandersetzung mit dem Konzept informeller Netzwerke vorgenommen wird. Der Fokus wird dabei auf Fragen der Entstehung solcher Netzwerkstrukturen sowie auf diejenigen Faktoren gelegt, die notwendig sind, informelle Netzwerke als effektiven und bestĂ€ndigen Kanal des Wissens- und Technologietransfers nutzbar zu machen. In einem zweiten Teil des Beitrags wird ein Überblick ĂŒber die wichtigsten, zum gegenwĂ€rtigen Zeitpunkt existierenden, Studien gegeben, die sich empirisch mit dem Konzept informeller Netzwerkstrukturen auseinandersetzen. Basierend auf dieser Aufarbeitung werden anschließend fĂŒnf wichtige Forschungsfragen formuliert, die im Fokus zukĂŒnftiger Forschungsbestrebungen stehen sollten.Informelle Netzwerke,Information trading,Wissenstransfer,LiteraturĂŒberblick

    Urban Growth in Germany – The Impact of Localization and Urbanization Economies

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    This study examines the impact of localization and urbanization economies as well as the impact of city size on urban growth in German cities from 2003 to 2007. Although, from a theoretical perspective, agglomeration economies are supposed to have positive impacts on regional growth, prior empirical studies do not show consistent results. Especially little is known about agglomeration economies in Germany, where interregional support policy and the characteristics of the federal system are further determinants of urban growth. The results of the econometric analysis show a U-shaped relationship between specialization and urban growth, which particularly holds for manufacturing industries. We do not find evidence for the impact of Jacobs-externalities; however, city size shows a positive (but decreasing) effect on urban growth.agglomeration, localization economies, urbanization economies, urban growth, specialization, diversification

    Microwave-stimulated Raman adiabatic passage in a Bose-Einstein condensate on an atom chip

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    We report the achievement of stimulated Raman adiabatic passage (STIRAP) in the microwave frequency range between internal states of a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) magnetically trapped in the vicinity of an atom chip. The STIRAP protocol used in this experiment is robust to external perturbations as it is an adiabatic transfer, and power-efficient as it involves only resonant (or quasi-resonant) processes. Taking into account the effect of losses and collisions in a non-linear Bloch equations model, we show that the maximum transfer efficiency is obtained for non-zero values of the one- and two-photon detunings, which is confirmed quantitatively by our experimental measurements

    Technologie- und GrĂŒnderzentren im Lichte von Diversifizierung versus Spezialisierung

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    In Germany, a growing tendency can be observed to focus business incubators (BIs) and technology centers and their respective support elements and processes as well as the selection criteria applied by the incubator management on firms from solely one sector or few but complementary sectors and their specific needs and requirements. These are called specialized business incubators (SBIs). Despite the increasing importance of specialization strategies of business incubators as local and regional policy instruments, there are no reliable empirical examinations of the specifics, and advantages in particular, of SBIs compared to more diversified BIs. On the basis of survey-data, that comprises responses from 161 actual firms incubated in 13 diversified BIs and 13 specialized BIs in Germany, this study investigates the mechanisms within the specific context of specialized BIs and their value-added contribution versus the more diversified incubation model. For the first time, this study provides large-scale empirical evidence concerning the effects of adopting a specialization strategy in the context of business incubation.business incubators, science parks, specialization, diversification, location advantages, local technology policy

    Auf gute Nachbarschaft? Zentreninterne Netzwerkstrukturen und Determinanten von Wissenschaftskooperationen in deutschen Technologie- und GrĂŒnderzentren

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    The article examines cooperation patterns of firms located in German business incubators (BIs) and technology centers. Based on cross-sectional data, the study explores the network activities within the tenant portfolio and the academic-industry linkages of the tenant firms. In this respect, we contribute to the literature on the impact of business incubation by explicitly considering differences regarding cooperation patterns between diversified and specialized incubator facilities. Contrary to common assumptions, we do not find a higher propensitiy for incubator-internal cooperation activities for firms located in specialized BIs. However, firms located in specialized BIs show significantly higher propensity to engage in academic-industry linkages compared to firms located in diversified incubators.business incubators, science parks, specialization, diversification, networking academic-industry-linkages, local technology policy

    Im Fokus: Technologie- und GrĂŒnderzentren – Spezialisierung nimmt zu!

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    For nearly 30 years, business incubators are at the heart of urban technology and innovation policies in Germany. A recent study by the Halle Institute for Economic Research shows that there has been an increasing tendency for establishing specialized incubators that focus their support elements, processes and selection criteria on firms from one specific sector (in most cases knowledge-intensive sectors), and its particular needs. Among the total number of 413 business incubators currently operating in Germany, 94 can be classified as being specialized. Among the German specialized incubators, the vast majority specialize in biotechnology.

    RĂ€umliche Branchenschwerpunkte als Innovationsmotoren? – empirische Befunde aus Ostdeutschland

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    A positive relation between the spatial concentration of sectors and their capacity of innovation is frequently assumed in regional science as well as in regional development policy. Therefore, with the support of sectoral agglomeration, effects on the regional technological performance are expected. However, previous empirical work is inconsistent in supporting this interdependency. This study aims to examine the effects of sectoral agglomeration on innovative activities in East-German regions. For this purpose, spatially concentrated industries are identified and included in the estimation of regional ‘knowledge-production-functions’. Contrary to expectations, the spatial concentration seems to inhibit the amount of patent-activities of the sector in the specific region. In contrast, positive effects are generated from research facilities. Moreover, we find evidence for intersectoral spillovers. The results show that for innovative activities, urbanization effects have a higher relevance as localization effects. So far, spatially concentrated industries are not an innovation driver in East Germany.

    Hightech-Firmen in Ostdeutschland: Disperses Standortmuster und ungleiche Entwicklungschancen

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    High technology firms are often considered to be one of the drivers of structural change in Eastern Germany. With regard to the possible benefits of high-tech firms, the focus is on employments effects in particular. In a first step, the article investigates the regional distribution of firms from high technology sectors in Eastern Germany. Furthermore, within the framework of a case study of firms from business incubators, it is investigated whether high-tech firms in fact show a high growth potential, as it is often postulated. Empirical results concerning the spatial pattern show a highly heterogeneous distribution, with a strong North-South divide. In particular, path dependency seems to be relevant in explaining the high-tech patterns/agglomerations identified. In addition, the case study results demonstrate the strong growth potential of high-tech firms compared to low-tech firms and firms from rather traditional sectors respectively, whereby a higher R&D intensity (within the sample of high-tech firms) is found to be associated with higher growth. However, the article warns against “high-tech euphoria”, since the total number of existing high-tech firms as well as the number of newly founded high technology ventures is modest, and therefore the overall employment effect is rather limited.

    Symptomatische Hirnstammkavernome

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