528 research outputs found

    Managing Organizational Anxiety with Information Systems

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    This conceptual paper explores the issue of organizational anxiety as well as reactions and possible solutions. Building on the general solutions we explore how Information Systems can be used to manage organizational anxiety

    Writing IS Teaching Cases: Guidelines for JISE Submission

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    Over the past year, JISE began accepting Teaching Cases for publication. Many information systems (IS) academicians and professionals have valuable experiences that are ripe for translating into cases. Students and instructors would benefit from the communication of these experiences into realistic, well-written cases to promote active learning. To encourage case submissions, the purpose of this article is twofold: (1) to provide potential authors with helpful advice and suggestions for writing case manuscripts; and (2) to communicate JISE guidelines for Teaching Case submissions. This paper is designed to serve as a resource for writers who are interested in developing Teaching Cases for publication

    Coefficient of Restitution as a Fluctuating Quantity

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    The coefficient of restitution of a spherical particle in contact with a flat plate is investigated as a function of the impact velocity. As an experimental observation we notice non-trivial (non-Gaussian) fluctuations of the measured values. For a fixed impact velocity, the probability density of the coefficient of restitution, p(ϵ)p(\epsilon), is formed by two exponential functions (one increasing, one decreasing) of different slope. This behavior may be explained by a certain roughness of the particle which leads to energy transfer between the linear and rotational degrees of freedom.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    SME Adoption of Wireless LAN Technology: Applying the UTAUT Model

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    Wireless network technologies present unique opportunities and challenges for businesses, and Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are no exception. Recently Vankatesh et al. (2003) proposed a more complete model for the understanding of the acceptance and adoption of Information Technology. Their model builds upon and extends beyond the well established Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). This study utilizes this new Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) to further validate the model and enhance our understanding of the adoption of wireless technologies as well as SME adoption

    Virtual Organization as a Source of Competitive Advantage: A Framework from the Resource-Based View

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    A framework is developed for viewing the centralization issues of organizations to consider to what degree a virtual organization may help a firm obtain competitive advantage. Utilizing the concepts of flexibility and synergy, the framework can serve as a guide for practitioners to help determine what degree of synergy and flexibility a given organizational form would bring and what its suggested category of competitive advantage would be. Implications and suggestions for future research are also discussed

    Social Network Privacy: Expectations vs Reality

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    This study is an initial step in a larger study which explores issues associated with security and privacy in social network sites (SNSs). Sites such as Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, Bebo, Ning and others have increased in popularity and are receiving increased attention from industry and academics as SNSs move beyond the youth market. Most SNSs are targeted towards individuals, yet they are impacting organizations and will change the way business is conducted in the future. Utilizing a survey of MBA students from two US institutions, this study explores the issue of privacy and proposes a model which addresses the risks, expectations, and reality of social networking privacy. It also outlines an agenda for future research

    Unexpected systematic degeneracy in a system of two coupled Gaudin models with homogeneous couplings

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    We report an unexpected systematic degeneracy between different multiplets in an inversion symmetric system of two coupled Gaudin models with homogeneous couplings, as occurring for example in the context of solid state quantum information processing. We construct the full degenerate subspace (being of macroscopic dimension), which turns out to lie in the kernel of the commutator between the two Gaudin models and the coupling term. Finally we investigate to what extend the degeneracy is related to the inversion symmetry of the system and find that indeed there is a large class of systems showing the same type of degeneracy.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Application Of Media Richness Theory To Data Collection

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    Researchers and practitioners are becoming more dependent on electronic means of data collection. This study utilizes media richness theory (MRT) as a means to better understand respondent performance in data collection among adults and adolescents. Examining the differences between paper and pencil, interview and electronic form methods of data collection, the results of this study indicate that matching task type to data collection method according to MRT principles produces improved levels of response distortion as expected; however, item omissions are not influenced in the manner anticipated from MRT concepts

    Carbon and nitrogen partitioning in Vitis vinifera L.: Responses to nitrogen supply and limiting irradiance

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    Potted Vitis vinifera L. plants were grown under controlled environmental conditions at five different levels of nitrogen (0, 1, 5, 10, 100 mM NH4NO3) in combination with two different levels of irradiance (photon flux densities: 30 and 140 µ mol Â· m-2 s-1 PAR) during bloom. Elevated N supply increased available N (particularly NO3-), K, Ca and Mg, and reduced P in the soil. Soil-NO3- and K were higher in the lower light regime, but NH4+ and other nutrients were not influenced by irradiance. The concentration of total N in the xylem sap increased as N supply was increased, although there was no further rise above intermediate soil-N levels. NO3- was the principal xylem solute, in particular under severe light restriction and high N availability. In the lower light regime, only traces of organic N could be detected in the xylem sap, whereas in the higher light treatment, glutamine and glutamate increased with increasing N application level. Light limitation reduced the concentrations of P, K and Mg in the xylem sap by about 50 %, but no response to N supply could be observed. There was a strong positive relationship between N availability and N concentration in all plant parts, while the effect on C content was minor and depended on the type and physiological age of the tissue. The amounts of total N per vine were not affected by the light treatments, although low-light stress increased N concentrations in the dry matter of the annual organs by 34-86 %. By contrast, low light led to a slight decrease of the C concentration in the annual plant parts. In the higher light regime, non-structural carbohydrates in the permanent parts of the vine declined as N availability increased. Under severe light restriction, however, the C reserve fraction was depleted and was not altered by N supply, indicating that reserves had been remobilized to support maintenance and growth processes, in order to guarantee survival of the vine

    Ergebnisse der alternierenden Gabe von COP-Blam/IMVP 16 bei hochmalignen Non-Hodgkin-Lymphomen:prospektive, unselektive, nicht randomisierte Pilotstudie von 1990 - 1993

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    Es wurden 33 Patienten mit hochmalignem NHL mit COPBLAM/IMVP 16 alternierend therapiert. Sie befanden sich im Stadium II – IV nach Ann-Arbor. Nach Therapieabschluss befanden sich in der B-Zell-Gruppe 84,6% in einer CR ; 3,8% der Patienten hatten eine PR ; bei 3,8% der Patienten kam es zum Progress und 3,8% der Patienten verstarben, bei einem Patienten (3,8% ) war eine Responsebeurteilung nicht möglich. Nach Therapieabschluss befanden sich in der Gruppe mit T-Zell-Lymphom 72 % in CR; 14% der Patienten hatten eine PR und bei 14% der Patienten kam es zum Progress. Zum letzen Staging im Februar 2003 waren in der B- Zell-Gruppe 36% der Patienten in CR, 36% der Patienten waren an den Tumorfolgen verstorben, 12% der Patienten an nicht tumorbedingter Ursache und 16% der Patienten waren nicht zu beurteilen. In der Gruppe mit T-Zell-Lymphom waren 2/2003 28,6% der Patienten weiterhin in kompletter Remission, 71,4 % dieser Gruppe sind verstorben
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