329 research outputs found

    O desenvolvimento do terrorismo islamita moderno no Afeganistão

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    Treze anos depois do maior atentado terrorista da história em solo ocidental, o assunto terrorismo continua sendo um problema mundial, e o pior, sem solução aparente. Assim, esta monografia tem como objetivo compreender o que é o terrorismo e como ele se desenvolveu no Afeganistão, estudando as ideias islamitas e a conjuntura que possibilitou o surgimento e desenvolvimento da organização terrorista al-Qaeda. Revelou-se que o Afeganistão foi como um solo fértil para o crescimento e desenvolvimento de organizações islamitas e terroristas, devido tanto ao contexto histórico no qual o país estava inserido quanto à cultura enraizada em seu povo, que percebia o retorno à religião, através do fundamentalismo extremado, como a única saída para seu país, o que acabou sendo traduzido na forma de apoio a organizações como o Talibã e posteriormente a al-Qaeda de Osama bin Laden.Thirteen years after the biggest terrorist act in history in ocidental soil, the subject of terrorism being a worldwide problem, and worst, it has no apparent solution. So, this monograph aims to understand what is terrorism and how it developed in Afghanistan, by studying the islamist ideas and the conjuncture which enabled the emergence and development of the terrorist organization al-Qaeda. It was revealed that Afghanistan was as a fertile soil for the growth and development of islamist and terrorist organizations, due both to the historical context in which the country was inserted as the deep-rooted culture of its people, who perceived the return to religion, through extreme fundamentalism, as the only way out for their country, what ended up being translated in the form of support to organizations such as Taliban and after that to Osama bin Laden‟s al-Qaeda

    Analysis of Task Management in Virtual Academic Teams

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    Social Collaboration Analytics (SCA) aims at measuring collaboration in Enterprise Collaboration Systems (ECS). In this paper, we apply SCA to investigate the use of Task Management (TM) features in virtual academic teams on a collaboration platform. This paper contributes to theory by developing the TM Catalog describing the elements and characteristics of TM. Our literature review identified only three studies analyzing the use of TM features in ECS. These studies base their analyses on transactional data (event logs). We propose to analyze both the structure and characteristics of tasks, as well as how tasks are used. In our paper, we show how SCA can be applied to gain insights on the use of TM features. Based on data from an academic collaboration platform, we demonstrate the characteristics of tasks and how different types of virtual academic teams make use of TM features

    Forced Adoption: A new Phenomenon of Information Systems Adoption

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    The adoption of Information Systems (IS) in an organizational context often follows a mandated process: management decides to implement the IS and the employees are supposed to adopt the IS. The regulations enforcing remote work during the COVID-19 pandemic have changed this process. Organizations around the world saw themselves forced to adopt new IS overnight. This “forced adoption” unfolded unprepared and unstructured, induced by an uncontrollable external factor instead of a traditional management mandate. Consequently, forced adoption challenges existing knowledge about IS adoption. We provide a first conceptualization of the term “forced adoption” and outline our research approach for examining forced adoption of IS, work practices and leadership styles in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic

    Social Collaboration Analytics for Enterprise Collaboration Systems: Providing Business Intelligence on Collaboration Activities

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    The success of public Social Media has led to the emergence of Enterprise Social Software (ESS), a new type of collaboration software for organizations that incorporates “social features”. Surveys show that many companies are trying to implement ESS but that adoption is slower than expected. We believe that in order to understand the issues with its implementation we need to first examine and understand the “social” interactions that are taking place in this new kind of collaboration software. We propose Social Collaboration Analytics (SCA), a specialized form of examination of log files and content data, to gain a better understanding of the actual usage of ESS. Our research was guided by the CRISP-DM approach. We first analyzed the data available in a leading ESS. Together with leading user companies of this ESS, we then developed a framework for Social Collaboration Analysis, which we present in this paper

    Developing a User Typology for the Analysis of Participation in Enterprise Collaboration Systems

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    In this paper, we propose a user typology for Enterprise Collaboration Systems (ECS). We draw on and extend findings from previous research in the area of CSCW and Social Collaboration Analytics. The proposed typology includes: (1) a definition of user types, (2) dimensions of ECS use and (3) a classification of action (event) types. The typology contains the following user types: creator, contributor, lurker, inactive and non-user. These types are characterized by differences in the following dimensions: type of use, frequency of use, variety of use, choice of content type and platform preferences. The definition of user types along these dimensions facilitates the implementation of database queries (scripts) for Social Collaboration Analytics (SCA), with the aim of determining the dis-tribution of types of users in an Enterprise Collaboration System. We present selected results of such SCA for an integrated collaboration platform and discuss the findings. We successfully demonstrate that our classification of user types allows us to draw conclusions on (1) the form and degree of participation of users in the ECS and, derived from that, (2) the likely purpose of the examined communities

    Issues and perspectives of fiber optic gyroscopes application in space technology

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    Разработана математическая модель системы «ротор - электромагнитные подшипники» для электродвигателя-маховика системы ориентации и стабилизации космического аппарата. Модель учитывает собственные частоты изгибных колебаний ротора и коэффициенты жесткости электромагнитных подшипников. Предложен способ повышения угловой жесткости системы путем применения многополюсного осевого электромагнитного подшипника и рассмотрено влияние его коэффициента жесткости на собственные частоты системы.The paper presents the mathematical model of «rotor - active magnetic bearings» system for reaction wheel used in spacecraft attitude control system. Developed model consider the natural frequencies of rotor bending oscillations and stiffness parameters of electromagnetic bearing. Method of angular stiffness increasing by using multipolar axial magnetic bearing is suggested and the results of impact analysis of multipolar axial magnetic bearing stiffness on resonance frequencies of system is considered

    Metrics for Analyzing Social Documents to Understand Joint Work

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    Social Collaboration Analytics (SCA) aims at measuring and interpreting communication and joint work on collaboration platforms and is a relatively new topic in the discipline of Information Systems. Previous applications of SCA are largely based on transactional data (event logs). In this paper, we propose a novel approach for the examination of collaboration based on the structure of social documents. Guided by the ontology for social business documents (SocDOnt) we develop metrics to measure collaboration around documents that provide traces of collaborative activity. For the evaluation, we apply these metrics to a large-scale collaboration platform. The findings show that group workspaces that support the same use case are characterized by a similar richness of their social documents (i.e. the number of components and contributing authors). We also show typical differences in the “collaborativity” of functional modules (containers)

    Auditory evoked potential mismatch negativity in normal-hearing adults

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    Introduction Mismatch Negativity (MMN) corresponds to a response of the central auditory nervous system. Objective The objective of this study is to analyze MMN latencies and amplitudes in normal-hearing adults and compare the results between ears, gender and hand dominance. Methods This is a cross-sectional study. Forty subjects participated, 20 women and 20 men, aged 18 to 29 years and having normal auditory thresholds. A frequency of 1000Hz (standard stimuli) and 2000Hz (deviant stimuli) was used to evoked the MMN. Results Mean latencies in the right ear were 169.4ms and 175.3ms in the left ear, with mean amplitudes of 4.6μV in the right ear and 4.2μV in the left ear. There was no statistically significant difference between ears. The comparison of latencies between genders showed a statistically significant difference for the right ear, being higher in the men than in women. There was no significant statistical difference between ears for both right-handed and left-handed group. However, the results indicated that the latency of the right ear was significantly higher for the left handers than the right handers. We also found a significant result for the latency of the left ear, which was higher for the right handers. Conclusion It was possible to obtain references of values for the MMN. There are no differences in the MMN latencies and amplitudes between the ears. Regarding gender, the male group presented higher latencies in relation to the female group in the right ear. Some results indicate that there is a significant statistical difference of the MMN between right- and left-handed individuals

    Diagnóstico quali-quantitativo do potencial de cultivo florestal do município de Campo Erê/SC

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    The change, expansion or diversification of income generating activities in farms requires planning. For that, it is necessary technical and methodological bases available to professionals that do technical assistance and farmers that need this. Therefore, the objective of this work was to use remote sensing techniques and field forestry studies to detect and characterize areas with forest plantations and potential areas for future projects in the municipality of Campo Erê. The study area was all the territory of the municipality of Campo Erê, Santa Catarina State, southern region of the country. The work was divided in two parts, the first made in the laboratory, through remote sensing techniques, making a transfer of all he territory through the software. For that, the territory was divided in four micro-basins with similarity characteristics, to facilitate the classification. The second part was realized in the field, with visits in farms, to take information in loco. The data treatment was did by the calculation of means and relative frequency. It was found that 40.1% of the total area is occupied by agricultural crops and, these, 2.04% was identified as degraded agriculture area. The pasture class represented 24.21% of the territory, which 45.55% of this class was classified as degraded pasture. Forest plantations accounted 4.9% of the municipal territory, comprising by 56% for pine, 39% for eucalyptus, 4% for yerba mate and 1% for araucaria. Regarding the distance of the urban municipal area, 49.5% of the planted forests is more than 15 km away. It was also verified good physical and soil fertility characteristics for existing forest planting, but one low level of the technical forest managements, that was planted with seedlings with low genetic quality and the lack of basic management of invasive plants and pest control, lack of fertilization, generating situations of low productivity. Approximately 6,500 hectares of land are underutilized or inadequately used, especially in the degraded pasture, that totaling 5,267.8 hectares, which corresponds to 11.03% of the entire territory of the municipality. This area is 177.6% larger than the area with existing forest plantations. With the dimensioning of the planted forests of the municipality, there is a solid database to initiate the planning of actions to develop the forest sector and the municipality. With about 5% of the municipal territory occupied by planted forests, there is a very large expansion offer, however, it is necessary to idealize an entire productive chain, mainly in the final part of it, for consumption and sale of the raw material, being the main problem actually found in the municipality. It is suggested that the areas that are in some degradation stage, can become forest plantation. Forestry production can do the soil protection, water resources and biodiversity, helping to maintain environmental services and farmer’s income.A mudança, ampliação ou diversificação das atividades geradoras de renda em uma propriedade rural requerem planejamento e, para isso, deve-se ter as bases técnicas e metodológicas necessárias à disposição, tanto para profissionais que realizam assistência técnica como para os produtores que necessitam da mesma. Sendo assim, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo empregar técnicas de sensoriamento remoto e estudos silviculturais de campo visando à detecção e caracterização de áreas com plantios florestais e com potencialidade para futuros plantios no município de Campo Erê/SC. A área de estudo foi composta pelo município de Campo Erê, pertencente ao estado de Santa Catarina, região Sul do país. O trabalho se dividiu em duas partes, sendo a primeira feita em laboratório, através de técnicas de sensoriamento remoto, fazendo-se a vetorização de todo território através de softwares. Para isso, o território foi dividido em quatro microbacias com características similares, a fim de facilitar a classificação. Já a segunda parte ocorreu a campo, na forma de visitas em propriedades rurais para coleta de informações in loco. O tratamento dos dados se deu através do cálculo das médias e frequência relativa. Foi constatado que 40,1% de toda a extensão territorial é ocupada por área de lavoura e, destes, 2,04% foi identificada como lavoura degradada. A classe pastagem representou 24,21% do território, sendo que 45,55% dessa classe foi classificada como pastagem degradada. Os plantios florestais representaram 4,9% do território municipal, sendo formados 56% por pinus, 39% por eucalipto, 4% por erva-mate e 1% por araucária. Em relação a distância da sede municipal, 49,5% das florestas plantadas se encontram a mais de 15 km de distância. Foi constatado também boas características físicas e de fertilidade do solo para o plantio florestal existente, porém, um baixo nível técnico de manejo dos plantios florestais existentes, sendo plantios com mudas de baixo potencial genético, aliado a falta de manejos básicos como controle de invasoras e pragas, falta de adubação, gerando principalmente situações de baixa produtividade. Aproximadamente 6.500 hectares de terra são subaproveitados ou utilizados de forma inadequada, principalmente na área de pastagem degradada, somando 5.267,8 hectares, o que corresponde a 11,03% de todo o território do município. Essa área é 177,6% maior do que a área com plantios florestais existentes. Através do dimensionamento das florestas plantadas do município, tem-se uma base sólida de dados para iniciar o planejamento de ações que visem desenvolver o setor na região. Com cerca de 5% do território municipal ocupado por florestas plantadas, existe uma grande possibilidade de ampliação mas, para isso, é necessário dimensionar toda a cadeia produtiva, principalmente na parte final da mesma, para consumo e venda da matéria prima, sendo esse o principal gargalo hoje encontrado no município. Sugere-se que as áreas que se encontram em algum estágio de degradação poderiam ser objetivo de projetos de plantios florestais. A produção florestal poderia proporcionar a proteção do solo, dos recursos hídricos e da biodiversidade, ajudando na manutenção dos serviços ambientais e na renda dos produtores