417 research outputs found

    Game-based meditation therapy to improve posttraumatic stress and neurobiological stress systems in traumatized adolescents:Protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Many adolescents in residential care have been exposed to prolonged traumatic experiences such as violence, neglect, or abuse. Consequently, they suffer from posttraumatic stress. This not only negatively affects psychological and behavioral outcomes (eg, increased anxiety, depression, and aggression) but also has adverse effects on physiological outcomes, in particular on their neurobiological stress systems. Although current evidence-based treatment options are effective, they have their limitations. An alternative to traditional trauma treatment is meditation-based treatment that focuses on stress regulation and relaxation. Muse is a game-based meditation intervention that makes use of adolescents’ intrinsic motivation. The neurofeedback element reinforces relaxation abilities. Objective: This paper describes the protocol for a randomized controlled trial in which the goal is to examine the effectiveness of Muse (InteraXon Inc) in reducing posttraumatic stress and normalizing neurobiological stress systems in a sample of traumatized adolescents in residential care. Methods: This will be a multicenter, multi-informant, and multimethod randomized controlled trial. Participants will be adolescents (N=80), aged 10 to 18 years, with clinical levels of posttraumatic symptoms, who are randomized to receive either the Muse therapy sessions and treatment as usual (intervention) or treatment as usual alone (control). Data will be collected at 3 measurement instances: pretest (T1), posttest (T2), and at 2-month follow-up. Primary outcomes will be posttraumatic symptoms (self-report and mentor report) and stress (self-report) at posttest. Secondary outcomes will be neurobiological stress parameters under both resting and acute stress conditions, and anxiety, depression, and aggression at posttest. Secondary outcomes also include all measures at 2-month follow-up: posttraumatic symptoms, stress, anxiety, depression aggression, and neurobiological resting parameters. Results: The medical-ethical committee Arnhem-Nijmegen (NL58674.091.16) approved the trial on November 15, 2017. The study was registered on December 2, 2017. Participant enrollment started in January 2018, and the results of the study are expected to be published in spring or summer 2021. Conclusions: Study results will demonstrate whether game-based meditation therapy improves posttraumatic stress and neurobiological stress systems, and whether it is more effective than treatment as usual alone for traumatized adolescents

    The BeppoSAX WFC X-ray source catalogue

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    We present the catalogue of X-ray sources detected by the two Wide Field Cameras (WFCs) in complete observations on board BeppoSAX during its 6 years of operational lifetime, between April 1996 and April 2002. The BeppoSAX WFCs were coded mask instruments sensitive in the 2-28 keV energy band with a 40x40 square degree fields of view, pointing in opposite directions and perpendicularly to the BeppoSAX Narrow Field Instruments (NFI). The WFCs were usually operated simultaneously to NFI observations, each lasting up to several days. WFCs observed thus the entire sky several times with a typical sensitivity of 2 to 10 mCrab. A systematic analysis of all WFC observations in the BeppoSAX archive has been carried out using the latest post-mission release of the WFC analysis software and calibrations. The catalogue includes 253 distinct sources, obtained from a total sample of 8253 WFC detections. We describe the basic statistical properties of the sample and present a six-year history of two celestial calibration X-ray sources.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures, Catalogue, Accepted for publication on A&

    Validity of the Empatica E4 wristband to measure heart rate variability (HRV) parameters:A comparison to electrocardiography (ECG)

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    Wearable monitoring devices are an innovative way to measure heart rate (HR) and heart rate variability (HRV), however, there is still debate about the validity of these wearables. This study aimed to validate the accuracy and predictive value of the Empatica E4 wristband against the VU University Ambulatory Monitoring System (VU-AMS) in a clinical population of traumatized adolescents in residential care. A sample of 345 recordings of both the Empatica E4 wristband and the VU-AMS was derived from a feasibility study that included fifteen participants. They wore both devices during two experimental testing and twelve intervention sessions. We used correlations, cross-correlations, Mann-Whitney tests, difference factors, Bland-Altman plots, and Limits of Agreement to evaluate differences in outcomes between devices. Significant correlations were found between Empatica E4 and VU-AMS recordings for HR, SDNN, RMSSD, and HF recordings. There was a significant difference between the devices for all parameters but HR, although effect sizes were small for SDNN, LF, and HF. For all parameters but RMSSD, testing outcomes of the two devices led to the same conclusions regarding significance. The Empatica E4 wristband provides a new opportunity to measure HRV in an unobtrusive way. Results of this study indicate the potential of the Empatica E4 as a practical and valid tool for research on HR and HRV under non-movement conditions. While more research needs to be conducted, this study could be considered as a first step to support the use of HRV recordings provided by wearables

    Analyzing sensory data using non-linear preference learning with feature subset selection

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    15th European Conference on Machine Learning, Pisa, Italy, September 20-24, 2004The quality of food can be assessed from different points of view. In this paper, we deal with those aspects that can be appreciated through sensory impressions. When we are aiming to induce a function that maps object descriptions into ratings, we must consider that consumers’ ratings are just a way to express their preferences about the products presented in the same testing session. Therefore, we postulate to learn from consumers’ preference judgments instead of using an approach based on regression. This requires the use of special purpose kernels and feature subset selection methods. We illustrate the benefits of our approach in two families of real-world data base

    Spontaneous decay of an excited atom in an absorbing dielectric

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    Starting from the quantized version of Maxwell's equations for the electromagnetic field in an arbitrary linear Kramers-Kronig dielectric, spontaneous decay of the excited state of a two-level atom embedded in a dispersive and absorbing medium is studied and the decay rate is calculated. The calculations are performed for both the (Clausius-Mosotti) virtual cavity model and the (Glauber-Lewenstein) real cavity model. It is shown that owing to nonradiative decay associated with absorption the rate of spontaneous decay sensitively depends on the cavity radius when the atomic transition frequency approaches an absorption band of the medium. Only when the effect of absorption is fully disregarded, then the familiar local-field correction factors are recovered.Comment: 28 pages, 6 figures, typeset using RevTe

    Multipole interaction between atoms and their photonic environment

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    Macroscopic field quantization is presented for a nondispersive photonic dielectric environment, both in the absence and presence of guest atoms. Starting with a minimal-coupling Lagrangian, a careful look at functional derivatives shows how to obtain Maxwell's equations before and after choosing a suitable gauge. A Hamiltonian is derived with a multipolar interaction between the guest atoms and the electromagnetic field. Canonical variables and fields are determined and in particular the field canonically conjugate to the vector potential is identified by functional differentiation as minus the full displacement field. An important result is that inside the dielectric a dipole couples to a field that is neither the (transverse) electric nor the macroscopic displacement field. The dielectric function is different from the bulk dielectric function at the position of the dipole, so that local-field effects must be taken into account.Comment: 17 pages, to be published in Physical Review

    Random Resonators and Prelocalized Modes in Disordered Dielectric Films

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    Areal density of disorder-induced resonators with a high quality factor, Q≫1Q\gg 1, in a film with fluctuating refraction index is calculated theoretically. We demonstrate that for a given kl>1kl>1, where kk is the light wave vector, and ll is the transport mean free path, when {\em on average} the light propagation is diffusive, the likelihood for finding a random resonator increases dramatically with increasing the correlation radius of the disorder. Parameters of {\em most probable} resonators as functions of QQ and klkl are found.Comment: 6 pages including 2 figure

    WITCH: a recoil spectrometer for weak interaction and nuclear physics studies

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    An experimental set-up is described for the precise measurement of the recoil energy spectrum of the daughter ions from nuclear beta decay. The experiment is called WITCH, short for Weak Interaction Trap for CHarged particles, and is set up at the ISOLDE facility at CERN. The principle of the experiment and its realization are explained as well as the main physics goal. A cloud of radioactive ions stored in a Penning trap serves as the source for the WITCH experiment, leading to the minimization of scattering and energy loss of the decay products. The energy spectrum of the recoiling daughter ions from the β\beta--decays in this ion cloud will be measured with a retardation spectrometer. The principal aim of the WITCH experiment is to study the electroweak interaction by determining the beta--neutrino angular correlation in nuclear β\beta--decay from the shape of this recoil energy spectrum. This will be the first time that the recoil energy spectrum of the daughter ions from β\beta--decay can be measured for a wide variety of isotopes, independent of their specific properties
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