829 research outputs found

    Public Education and Growth in Developing Countries

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    Human capital plays a key role in fostering technology adoption, the major source of economic growth in developing countries. Consequently, enhancing the level of human capital should be a matter of public concern. The present paper studies public education incentives in an environment in which governments can invest in human capital to facilitate the adoption of new technologies invented abroad or, instead, focus on consumptive public spending. Although human capital is pivotal for growth, the model reveals that incentives to invest in public education vanish if a country is poorly endowed with human capital. Rather, governments of these poorly-endowed countries focus on consumptive public spending. As a result, while their better-endowed counterparts build up human capital thereby promoting technology adoption and growth, the growth process in poorly-endowed countries stagnates.growth; public education; human capital; technology adoption

    Financing Social Security by Taxing Capital Income – A Bad Idea?

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    This paper examines the growth effects of an increase of capital income taxes with additional revenue being devoted to cut wage-related social security contributions to reduce unemployment. The analysis is carried out in an overlapping generations model with endogenous growth, unemployment and a social security system comprising pensions and unemployment benefits. It is shown that the reform not only promotes employment but may additionally stimulate economic growth. Calibrating the model to match data for the EU15 reveals that European countries can indeed gain in form of higher employment and growth if the initial capital income tax is not too high.Capital income taxation, social security, imperfect labor market, overlapping generations, growth

    Images as Proof. Photographic portrayal of Catastrophes in Helsingin Sanomat, 1969-1979

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    Tutkielman aiheena ovat Helsingin Sanomissa 1969 – 1979 uutisoitujen onnettomuuksien kuvallisen esittämisen tavat. Aihetta lähestytään analysoimalla V. K. Hietasen ottamia uutisartikkelien yhteydessä julkaistuja katastrofivalokuvia. Analyysi tapahtuu vertailemalla negatiiveja julkaistuihin kuviin, syventymällä kuvavalintoihin, sekä siihen, miten ne mahdollisesti vaikuttavat lukijoiden käsitykseen todellisuudesta. Tutkielmassa valokuvat toimivat itsenäisinä historian lähteinä, niiden arvo ja luotettavuus punnitaan omassa kontekstissaan. Vaikkakin lehtikuvat ovat pääasiallisena lähteenä, niiden suhde artikkeleihin ja kuvateksteihin on merkityksellinen. Katastrofi-termi viittaa tutkimuksessa onnettomuus- ja rikoskuviin, niiden yhdistäviä tekijöitä ovat draamallisuus ja dramaattisuus. Toisaalta kuvat ovat todisteita dramaattisesta tapahtumasta, toisaalta ne on rakennettu kertomaan tapahtuman tarina joko yksittäisessä kuvassa tai monesta kuvasta koostuvassa kuvasarjassa. Todistaminen ja kuvien rakentaminen tapahtuu pitkälti henkilöiden kautta. Personifikaation avulla uutisartikkelit ja niiden kuvat tuodaan lähemmäksi lukijoita. Valokuvien todistus- ja totuusarvot vaihtelevat julkaisuyhteydestä riippuen, vaikka kuvien alkuperäinen tarkoitus on todistaa tapahtumien todenperäisyydestä. Samoin vaatimus niiden autenttisuudesta on artikkelityypille alisteinen. Kuvavalinnoissa tasapainoillaan todellisuuden näyttämisen ja peittämisen välillä. Lukijoille luodaan kuvavalinnoin mediatapahtumia, joissa onnettomuuksien dramaattisuus korostuu, mutta samalla heille kuitenkin luodaan kuva harmonisesta yhteiskunnasta, jossa auktoriteetit ja yhteisöt liittävät voimansa yhteen taistelussa pahaa vastaan.Siirretty Doriast

    Three Stories for Claire and Henrietta

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    Zur Ethik (intergenerationeller) Risikoauferlegung

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    Zusammenfassung Unter welchen Bedingungen, falls überhaupt, ist es moralisch gerechtfertigt anderen Menschen ohne deren Einverständnis Risiken aufzuerlegen? Diese Frage spielt gerade im Zuge der Klimaethik eine zentrale Rolle, da viele mit dem anthropogenen Klimawandel verknüpfte Probleme zunächst als Risiken gesehen werden müssen. In diesem Beitrag werden einige der wichtigsten gängigen Positionen zur Ethik der Risikoauferlegung kritisch hinterfragt und mit einer im Lichte aufgezeigter Probleme ergänzten, neuen Position kontrastiert. Demnach hängt die moralische Rechtfertigbarkeit von Risikoauferlegungen stark von der Schwere, Wahrscheinlichkeit und Vermeidbarbarkeit des jeweiligen Risikos ab. Anschließend wird diese neue Theorie auf Fälle intergenerationeller Risikoauferlegung angewandt.</jats:p

    Andrzej Wajda's A Generartion and Man of Marble

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    ANDRZEJ WAJDA'S A GENERATION AND MAN OF MARBLE FROM A POLITICAL PERSPECTIVE 'The cinema does not exist in a sublime state of innocence, untouched by the world; it also has a political content, whether conscious or unconscious, hidden or overt.'(1) Andrew Sarris A PIECE of art is always produced in concrete socio-political circumstances; it is a social product. Undoubtedly art does not come into being or exists in an absolute, free state of self-sufficiency. But to postulate that art is at the same time always political, is quite a different affair. What exactly does it imply to say that art, or as in the case of Andrew Sarris and this article, that film is political? This paper is going to inquire into the political role, function and use of film. The aim of this paper is to give a short..

    The World of Rules

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    "This book takes a stand against the narrowing focus of (German) jurisprudence on state law, rooted in the history of the territorially organised nation state. In the shadow of this tradition, state(-hood) law was only conceived of as state law. However, a gradual decoupling of state and law is observable – not least because of globalisation – which inevitably entails a pluralisation of legal regulations. Jurisprudence has to react to this, if it wants to remain relevant. This can happen through a broadening of its horizon towards a more far-reaching “science of regulation”, in order to grasp the increasing “Variety of Rules” adequately. State law remains an important and central type of law, yet it is no longer the sole type. If that is the case, it becomes necessary to analyse the following three spheres: (1) the plurality of normative orders, especially those of non-state character; (2) the plurality of norm producers, from state legislature to transnational networks of regulation; (3) finally, the plurality of norm enforcement regimes, from states’ judiciaries via the judiciary of (international) sport to the exercise of social pressure (e. g. political correctness). Those findings of plurality inevitably lead to the follow-up problem of a redefinition of the concept of law and to the question, which types of law/norms can be identified meaningfully.

    The World of Rules: A Somewhat Different Measurement of the World

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    This book takes a stand against the narrowing focus of (German) jurisprudence on state law, rooted in the history of the territorially organised nation state. In the shadow of this tradition, state(-hood) law was only conceived of as state law. However, a gradual decoupling of state and law is observable - not least because of globalisation - which inevitably entails a pluralisation of legal regulations. Jurisprudence has to react to this, if it wants to remain relevant
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