13,244 research outputs found

    On statistically stationary homogeneous shear turbulence

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    A statistically stationary turbulence with a mean shear gradient is realized in a flow driven by suitable body forces. The flow domain is periodic in downstream and spanwise directions and bounded by stress free surfaces in the normal direction. Except for small layers near the surfaces the flow is homogeneous. The fluctuations in turbulent energy are less violent than in the simulations using remeshing, but the anisotropy on small scales as measured by the skewness of derivatives is similar and decays weakly with increasing Reynolds number.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures (Figs. 3 and 4 as external JPG-Files

    Sub-Kolmogorov-Scale Fluctuations in Fluid Turbulence

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    We relate the intermittent fluctuations of velocity gradients in turbulence to a whole range of local dissipation scales generalizing the picture of a single mean dissipation length. The statistical distribution of these local dissipation scales as a function of Reynolds number is determined in numerical simulations of forced homogeneous isotropic turbulence with a spectral resolution never applied before which exceeds the standard one by at least a factor of eight. The core of the scale distribution agrees well with a theoretical prediction. Increasing Reynolds number causes the generation of ever finer local dissipation scales. This is in line with a less steep decay of the large-wavenumber energy spectra in the dissipation range. The energy spectrum for the highest accessible Taylor microscale Reynolds number R_lambda=107 does not show a bottleneck.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures (Figs. 1 and 3 in reduced quality

    Moving to Extremal Graph Parameters

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    Which graphs, in the class of all graphs with given numbers n and m of edges and vertices respectively, minimizes or maximizes the value of some graph parameter? In this paper we develop a technique which provides answers for several different parameters: the numbers of edges in the line graph, acyclic orientations, cliques, and forests. (We minimize the first two and maximize the third and fourth.) Our technique involves two moves on the class of graphs. A compression move converts any graph to a form we call fully compressed: the fully compressed graphs are split graphs in which the neighbourhoods of points in the independent set are nested. A second consolidation move takes each fully compressed graph to one particular graph which we call H(n,m). We show monotonicity of the parameters listed for these moves in many cases, which enables us to obtain our results fairly simply. The paper concludes with some open problems and future directions

    Dispersion of tracer particles in a compressible flow

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    The turbulent diffusion of Lagrangian tracer particles has been studied in a flow on the surface of a large tank of water and in computer simulations. The effect of flow compressibility is captured in images of particle fields. The velocity field of floating particles has a divergence, whose probability density function shows exponential tails. Also studied is the motion of pairs and triplets of particles. The mean square separation is fitted to the scaling form ~ t^alpha, and in contrast with the Richardson-Kolmogorov prediction, an extended range with a reduced scaling exponent of alpha=1.65 pm 0.1 is found. Clustering is also manifest in strongly deformed triangles spanned within triplets of tracers.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Alternative Buffer-Layers for the Growth of SrBi2Ta2O9 on Silicon

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    In this work we investigate the influence of the use of YSZ and CeO2/YSZ as insulators for Metal- Ferroelectric-Insulator-Semiconductor (MFIS) structures made with SrBi2Ta2O9 (SBT). We show that by using YSZ only the a-axis oriented Pyrochlore phase could be obtained. On the other hand the use of a CeO2/YSZ double-buffer layer gave a c-axis oriented SBT with no amorphous SiO2 inter- diffusion layer. The characteristics of MFIS diodes were greatly improved by the use of the double buffer. Using the same deposition conditions the memory window could be increased from 0.3 V to 0.9 V. From the piezoelectric response, nano-meter scale ferroelectric domains could be clearly identified in SBT thin films.Comment: 5 pages, 9 figures, 13 refernece

    Money and Goldstone modes

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    Why is ``worthless'' fiat money generally accepted as payment for goods and services? In equilibrium theory, the value of money is generally not determined: the number of equations is one less than the number of unknowns, so only relative prices are determined. In the language of mathematics, the equations are ``homogeneous of order one''. Using the language of physics, this represents a continuous ``Goldstone'' symmetry. However, the continuous symmetry is often broken by the dynamics of the system, thus fixing the value of the otherwise undetermined variable. In economics, the value of money is a strategic variable which each agent must determine at each transaction by estimating the effect of future interactions with other agents. This idea is illustrated by a simple network model of monopolistic vendors and buyers, with bounded rationality. We submit that dynamical, spontaneous symmetry breaking is the fundamental principle for fixing the value of money. Perhaps the continuous symmetry representing the lack of restoring force is also the fundamental reason for large fluctuations in stock markets.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Measurement of heavy-hole spin dephasing in (InGa)As quantum dots

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    We measure the spin dephasing of holes localized in self-assembled (InGa)As quantum dots by spin noise spectroscopy. The localized holes show a distinct hyperfine interaction with the nuclear spin bath despite the p-type symmetry of the valence band states. The experiments reveal a short spin relaxation time {\tau}_{fast}^{hh} of 27 ns and a second, long spin relaxation time {\tau}_{slow}^{hh} which exceeds the latter by more than one order of magnitude. The two times are attributed to heavy hole spins aligned perpendicular and parallel to the stochastic nuclear magnetic field. Intensity dependent measurements and numerical simulations reveal that the long relaxation time is still obscured by light absorption, despite low laser intensity and large detuning. Off-resonant light absorption causes a suppression of the spin noise signal due to the creation of a second hole entailing a vanishing hole spin polarization.Comment: accepted to be published in AP

    Derivative moments in turbulent shear flows

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    We propose a generalized perspective on the behavior of high-order derivative moments in turbulent shear flows by taking account of the roles of small-scale intermittency and mean shear, in addition to the Reynolds number. Two asymptotic regimes are discussed with respect to shear effects. By these means, some existing disagreements on the Reynolds number dependence of derivative moments can be explained. That odd-order moments of transverse velocity derivatives tend not vanish as expected from elementary scaling considerations does not necessarily imply that small-scale anisotropy persists at all Reynolds numbers.Comment: 11 pages, 7 Postscript figure

    Tunable sub-luminal propagation of narrowband x-ray pulses

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    Group velocity control is demonstrated for x-ray photons of 14.4 keV energy via a direct measurement of the temporal delay imposed on spectrally narrow x-ray pulses. Sub-luminal light propagation is achieved by inducing a steep positive linear dispersion in the optical response of 57{}^{57}Fe M\"ossbauer nuclei embedded in a thin film planar x-ray cavity. The direct detection of the temporal pulse delay is enabled by generating frequency-tunable spectrally narrow x-ray pulses from broadband pulsed synchrotron radiation. Our theoretical model is in good agreement with the experimental data.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure
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