19 research outputs found

    Revising the UMLS Semantic Network

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    The integration of standardized biomedical terminologies into a single, unified knowledge representation system has formed a key area of applied informatics research in recent years. The Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) is the most advanced and most prominent effort in this direction, bringing together within its Metathesaurus a large number of distinct source-terminologies. The UMLS Semantic Network, which is designed to support the integration of these source-terminologies, has proved to be a highly successful combination of formal coherence and broad scope. We argue here, however, that its organization manifests certain structural problems, and we describe revisions which we believe are needed if the network is to be maximally successful in realizing its goals of supporting terminology integration

    Simulation of DNA array hybridization experiments and evaluation of critical parameters during subsequent image and data analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Gene expression analyses based on complex hybridization measurements have increased rapidly in recent years and have given rise to a huge amount of bioinformatic tools such as image analyses and cluster analyses. However, the amount of work done to integrate and evaluate these tools and the corresponding experimental procedures is not high. Although complex hybridization experiments are based on a data production pipeline that incorporates a significant amount of error parameters, the evaluation of these parameters has not been studied yet in sufficient detail. RESULTS: In this paper we present simulation studies on several error parameters arising in complex hybridization experiments. A general tool was developed that allows the design of exactly defined hybridization data incorporating, for example, variations of spot shapes, spot positions and local and global background noise. The simulation environment was used to judge the influence of these parameters on subsequent data analysis, for example image analysis and the detection of differentially expressed genes. As a guide for simulating expression data real experimental data were used and model parameters were adapted to these data. Our results show how measurement error can be balanced by the analysis tools. CONCLUSIONS: We describe an implemented model for the simulation of DNA-array experiments. This tool was used to judge the influence of critical parameters on the subsequent image analysis and differential expression analysis. Furthermore the tool can be used to guide future experiments and to improve performance by better experimental design. Series of simulated images varying specific parameters can be downloaded from our web-site: http://www.molgen.mpg.de/~lh_bioinf/projects/simulation/biotech

    Information Retrieval Systems Adapted to the Biomedical Domain

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    The terminology used in Biomedicine shows lexical peculiarities that have required the elaboration of terminological resources and information retrieval systems with specific functionalities. The main characteristics are the high rates of synonymy and homonymy, due to phenomena such as the proliferation of polysemic acronyms and their interaction with common language. Information retrieval systems in the biomedical domain use techniques oriented to the treatment of these lexical peculiarities. In this paper we review some of the techniques used in this domain, such as the application of Natural Language Processing (BioNLP), the incorporation of lexical-semantic resources, and the application of Named Entity Recognition (BioNER). Finally, we present the evaluation methods adopted to assess the suitability of these techniques for retrieving biomedical resources.Comment: 6 pages, 4 table

    Genetic Algorithms and Protein Folding

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    Contents 1 Evolutionary Computation (introduction) 1.1 Methodology 1.1.1 Genetic Algorithms 1.1.2 Evolution Strategy 1.2 Applications 1.2.1 Protein Folding Simulation by Force Field Optimisation Representation Formalism Fitness Function Conformational Energy Genetic Operators Ab initio Prediction Results Side Chain Placement 1.2.2 Multi-Criteria Optimisation of Protein Conformations Vector Fitness Function Specialised Genetic Operators Results Exercises References Evolutionary Computation Evolutionary Computation is, like neural networks, an example par excellence for an information processing paradigm that was originally developed and exhibited by nature and later discovered by man who subsequently transformed the general principle into computational algorithms to be put to work on computers. Nature makes in an impressive way use of the principle of geneti

    Discovery in the human genome project

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    Ontologies for the life sciences

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    Where humans can manipulate and integrate the information they receive in subtle and ever-changing ways from context to context, computers need structured and context-free background information of a sort which ontologies can help to provide. A domain ontology captures the stable, highly general and commonly accepted core knowledge for an application domain. The domain at issue here is that of the life sciences, in particular molecular biology and bioinformatics. Contemporary life science research includes components drawn from physics, chemistry, mathematics, medicine and many other areas, and all of these dimensions, as well as fundamental philosophical issues, must be taken into account in the construction of a domain ontology. Here we describe the basic features of domain ontologies in the life sciences and show how they can be used

    BioSim - A New Qualitative Simulation Environment for Molecular Biology

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    Traditionally, biochemical systems are modelled using kinetics and differential equations in a quantitative simulator. However, for many biological processes detailed quantitative information is not available, only qualitative or fuzzy statements about the nature of interactions. In a previous paper we have shown the applicability of qualitative reasoning methods for molecular biological regulatory processes. Now, we present a newly developed simulation environment, BioSim, that is written in Prolog using constraint logic programming techniques. The simulator combines the basic ideas of two main approaches to qualitative reasoning and integrates the contents of a molecular biology knowledge base, EcoCyc. We show that qualitative reasoning can be combined with automatic transformation of contents of genomic databases into simulation models to give an interactive modelling system that reasons about the relations and interactions of biological entities. This is demonstrated on the glycoly..