24,070 research outputs found

    Collective Diffusion and a Random Energy Landscape

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    Starting from a master equation in a quantum Hamiltonian form and a coupling to a heat bath we derive an evolution equation for a collective hopping process under the influence of a stochastic energy landscape. There results different equations in case of an arbitrary occupation number per lattice site or in a system under exclusion. Based on scaling arguments it will be demonstrated that both systems belong below the critical dimension dcd_c to the same universality class leading to anomalous diffusion in the long time limit. The dynamical exponent zz can be calculated by an ϵ=dc−d\epsilon = d_c-d expansion. Above the critical dimension we discuss the differences in the diffusion constant for sufficient high temperatures. For a random potential we find a higher mobility for systems with exclusion.Comment: 15 pages, no figure

    Kinetic induced phase transition

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    An Ising model with local Glauber dynamics is studied under the influence of additional kinetic restrictions for the spin-flip rates depending on the orientation of neighboring spins. Even when the static interaction between the spins is completely eliminated and only an external field is taken into account the system offers a phase transition at a finite value of the applied field. The transition is realized due to a competition between the activation processes driven by the field and the dynamical rules for the spin-flips. The result is based on a master equation approach in a quantum formulation.Comment: 13 page

    Universal behavior of the IMS domain formation in superconducting niobium

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    In the intermediate mixed state (IMS) of type-II/1 superconductors, vortex lattice (VL) and Meissner state domains coexist due to a partially attractive vortex interaction. Using a neutron-based multiscale approach combined with magnetization measurements, we study the continuous decomposition of a homogeneous VL into increasingly dense domains in the IMS in bulk niobium samples of varying purity. We find a universal temperature dependence of the vortex spacing, closely related to the London penetration depth and independent of the external magnetic field. The rearrangement of vortices occurs even in the presence of a flux freezing transition, i.e. pronounced pinning, indicating a breakdown of pinning at the onset of the vortex attraction

    Freezing of Spinodal Decompostion by Irreversible Chemical Growth Reaction

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    We present a description of the freezing of spinodal decomposition in systems, which contain simultaneous irreversible chemical reactions, in the hydrodynamic limit approximation. From own results we conclude, that the chemical reaction leads to an onset of spinodal decomposition also in the case of an initial system which is completely miscible and can lead to an extreme retardation of the dynamics of the spinodal decomposition, with the probability of a general freezing of this process, which can be experimetally observed in simultaneous IPN formation.Comment: 10 page

    On the metal-insulator transition in the two-chain model of correlated fermions

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    The doping-induced metal-insulator transition in two-chain systems of correlated fermions is studied using a solvable limit of the t-J model and the fact that various strong- and weak-coupling limits of the two-chain model are in the same phase, i.e. have the same low-energy properties. It is shown that the Luttinger-liquid parameter K_\rho takes the universal value unity as the insulating state (half-filling) is approached, implying dominant d-type superconducting fluctuations, independently of the interaction strength. The crossover to insulating behavior of correlations as the transition is approached is discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    Current reversal and exclusion processes with history-dependent random walks

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    A class of exclusion processes in which particles perform history-dependent random walks is introduced, stimulated by dynamic phenomena in some biological and artificial systems. The particles locally interact with the underlying substrate by breaking and reforming lattice bonds. We determine the steady-state current on a ring, and find current-reversal as a function of particle density. This phenomenon is attributed to the non-local interaction between the walkers through their trails, which originates from strong correlations between the dynamics of the particles and the lattice. We rationalize our findings within an effective description in terms of quasi-particles which we call front barriers. Our analytical results are complemented by stochastic simulations.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Fast detection of differential chromatin domains with {SCIDDO}

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