349 research outputs found

    Management of dental extraction in patients with Haemophilia A and B: a report of 58 extractions

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    Objectives: Patients with inherited bleeding disorders are at high risk of bleeding following oral surgery and present challenges to the oral surgeons. Aim of this study was to report our experience in dental extraction in patients exhibiting Haemophilia A and B between 2007 and 2012. Patient and Methods: 58 dental extractions in 15 patients during 19 interventions were performed. Replacement therapy with recombinant and plasma-derived factor VIII and IX was applied systematically in combination with antifibrinolytic treatment and local haemostatic measures. The following data were recorded: type of surgery, applied local haemostatic measures, general substitution, systemic antifibrinolytic agents and occurrence of postoperative bleeding complications. Results: Two patients presented postoperative bleeding. One had secondary bleeding requiring additional injection of factor concentrates. The other one presented epistaxis which was managed conservatively with a nasal tamponade. Conclusions: Excellent haemostasis is achievable after dental extractions in patients with Haemophilia A and B by following a protocol using defined pre- and postoperative doses of factor concentrates in combination with haemostatic measures

    Evaluation of A Post-Treatment Follow-Up Program in Patients with Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma

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    Objectives The duration and the frequency of follow-up after treatment of oral squamous cell carcinoma are not standardized in the current literature. The purpose of this study was to evaluate our local standard post-treatment and follow-up protocol. Materials and methods Overall, 228 patients treated curatively from 01/2006 to 07/2013 were reviewed. To evaluate the follow-up program, data on the secondary event were used. To determine risk groups, all patients with tumor recurrence were specifically analyzed. Relapse-free rate were estimated by the Kaplan-Meier product limit method. The chi-square test was used to identify independent risk factors for tumor relapse. Results In total, 29.8 % patients had a secondary event. The majority of the relapse cases (88.2 %) were detected within 2 years postoperatively, 61.8 % of them within the first year. Most events were local recurrences (34.7 %). UICC-stage IV was significantly associated with tumor recurrence (p = 0.001). Gender (p = 0.188), age (p = 0.195), localization (p = 0.739), T-stage (p = 0.35), N-stage (p = 0.55), histologic grade (p = 0.162), and tobacco and alcohol use (p = 0.248) were not significantly associated with tumor recurrence. Patients with positive neck nodes relapsed earlier (p = 0.011). The majority of relapses (86.3 %) were found in asymptomatic patients at routine follow-up. Conclusions The results of this study suggest an intensified follow-up within the first 2 years after surgery. Clinical relevance Given the higher relapse rate of patients exhibiting an UICC-stage IV and/or positive neck nodes, it seems to be from special interest to perform in this group a risk-adapted follow-up with monthly examinations also in the second year

    The Isolated Orbital Floor Fracture from a Transconjunctival or Subciliary Perspective-A Standardized Anthropometric Evaluation

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    Background: The influence of orbital fractures and their repair on the rate of deformities of the lower eyelid is an ongoing source of discussion in the literature. Most of the present studies include isolated blow-out as well as combined orbital fractures. Material and Methods: We present a retrospective evaluation of a series of 100 patients after isolated blow-out fracture repair using reference anthropometric data on standardized photographs. Analysis included eye fissure width and height, lid sulcus height, upper lid height, upper and lower iris coverage, position of cornea to palpebra inferior, canthal tilt, scleral show, ectropion and entropion. It was clearly distinguished between operated and contralateral eyelid, whether a transconjunctival or a subciliary approach was performed and amount of fracture. Our main interests were changes of the aforementioned parameters with regards to eyelid deformities. Results: Surgery per se did not significantly influence eyelid deformities. However, the surgical approach selected significantly affected eye fissure index, lower iris coverage and rate of scleral show, indicating retraction of the lower eyelid. Conclusions: The standardized measurements described here are accurate and objective to evaluate postoperative results. The subciliary approach included the highest risk of lower lid retraction as compared to transconjunctival approaches

    Longterm quality of life after oncologic surgery and microvascular free flap reconstruction in patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma

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    Background: Quality of life (QoL) has become increasingly important in cancer treatment. It refers to the patient’s perception of the effects of the disease and therapy, and their impact on daily functioning and general feeling of well being. Material and Methods: In this prospective study, a total of 100 patients treated at our institution, completed the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) QLQ-C30 questionnaire and the specific EORTC QLQ-H&N35 module. The questionnaires were distributed to the patients between 12 and 60 months postoperatively. Results: Global QoL score was 58.3 and mean score for functioning scale was 76.7. Fatigue (28.7 ± 26.1), followed by financial problems (27.7 ± 33.5), insomnia (26.7 ± 34.5) and pain (26.3 ± 29.9) had highest symptom score on QLQ-C30. Fatigue (r=-0.488), insomnia (r=-0.416) and pain (r =-0.448) showed highest value for significantly negative correlation to global QoL. In the H&N35 module, restriction of mouth opening (43.3 ± 38.6), dry mouth (40.7 ± 36.9), sticky saliva (37.3 ± 37.1) and eating in public (33.8 ± 31.9) were the four worst symptoms. Swallowing problem (r=-0.438), eating in public (r=-0.420) and persistent severe speech (r=-0.398) ranked as the three worst symptoms with highest value for significantly negative correlation to global QoL. Conclusions: Longterm QoL after oncologic surgery and microvascular free flap reconstruction in patients with oral cancer is satisfactory. Measuring QoL should be considered as part of the evaluation of cancer treatment

    Salivary MMP-9 in the detection of oral squamous cell carcinoma

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    Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is the most common malignant tumour of the oral cavity. Detection of OSCC is currently based on clinical oral examination combined with histopathological evaluation of a biopsy sample. Direct contact between saliva and the oral cancer makes measurement of salivary metalloproteinase- 9 (MMP-9) an attractive alternative. In total, 30 OSCC patients and 30 healthy controls were included in this prospective study. Saliva samples from both groups were collected, centrifuged and supernatant fluid was subjected to ELISA for assessment of MMP-9. The median salivary MMP-9 values with interquartile range (IQR) of OSCC patients and the control group were statistically analysed using the Mann-Whitney U-test. The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve was constructed and the area under curve (AUC) was computed. The median absorbance MMP-9 value of the OSCC group was 0.186 (IQR=0.158) and that of control group was 0.156 (IQR=0.102). MMP-9 was significantly increased in the OSCC patients than in the controls by +19.2% (p=0.008). Median values in patients with recurrence and in patients with primary event were 0.233 (IQR=0.299) and 0.186 (IQR=0.134) respectively. MMP-9 was significantly increased in patients with primary event (p=0.017) compared to controls by +19.2%. No significant increase of MMP-9 level was detected when comparing patients with recurrence and healthy controls (+49.4%; p=0.074). The sensitivity value of MMP-9 was 100% whereas the specificity value was 26.7% with AUC of 0.698. The present data indicates that the elevation of salivary levels of MMP-9 may be a useful adjunctive diagnostic tool for detection of OSCC. However, further studies are necessary to provide scientific and clinical validation

    Quality of Postoperative Pain Management After Maxillofacial Fracture Repair

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    Background: Effective pain management is an essential component in the perioperative care of surgical patients. However, post-operative pain after maxillofacial fracture repair and its optimal therapy has not been described in detail. Materials and Methods: In a prospective cohort study, 95 adults rated their pain on the first postoperative day after maxillofacial fracture repair using the questionnaire of the Quality Improvement in Postoperative Pain Management (QUIPS) project. Quality Improvement in Postoperative Pain Management allowed for a standardized assessment of patients’ characteristics and pain- related parameters. Results: Overall, the mean maximal pain and pain on activity (numeric rating scales) were significantly higher in patients with mandibular fractures than in patients with midface fractures (P = 0.002 and P = 0.045, respectively). In patients with mandibular fractures, a longer duration of surgery was significantly associated with higher satisfaction with pain intensity (P = 0.015), but was more frequently associated with postoperative vomiting (P = 0.023). A shorter duration of surgery and an absence of preoperative pain counseling in these patients were significantly correlated to desire for more pain medication (P = 0.049 and P = 0.004, respectively). Patients with mandibular fractures that received opioids in the recovery room had significantly higher strain-related pain (P = 0.017). In patients with midface fractures, a longer duration of surgery showed significantly higher levels of decreased mobility (P = 0.003). Patients receiving midazolam for premedication had significantly less minimal pain (P = 0.021). Conclusions: Patients with mandibular fractures seem to have more postoperative pain than patients with midface fractures. Monitoring of postsurgical pain and a procedure-specific pain-treatment protocol should be performed in clinical routine

    Morphologic outcome of bimaxillary surgery–An anthropometric appraisal

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    Objectives: To adequately perform orthognathic surgery procedures, it is from basic interest to understand the morphologic changes caused by orthognathic surgery. Anthropometric analyses of standardized frontal view and profile photographs could help to investigate and understand such changes. Study Design: We present a pre- to postoperative evaluation of orthognathic surgery results based on anthropometric indices described by Farkas and cephalometric measurements. 30 Class III patients undergoing maxillary advancement by Le Fort I Osteotomy and mandibular setback by bilateral sagittal split osteotomy were evaluated. Preoperative as well as three and nine months postoperative lateral cephalograms as well as standardized frontal view and profile photographs were taken. On the photographs 21 anthropometric indices given by Farkas were evaluated. In cephalograms SNA and SNB angle as well as Wits appraisal were investigated. Results: The investigated anthropometric indices showed a significant increase of the vertical height of the upper lip without changing the relation of the upper vermilion to the cutaneous upper lip. The lower vermilion height increased relatively to the cutaneous lower lip without vertical changes in the lower lip. Due to maxillary advancement the upper face height increased meanwhile the lower face height decreased due to mandibular setback. SNA and SNB angle and Wits appraisal showed typical changes related to surgery. Conclusions: The investigated photo-assisted anthropometric measurements presented reproducible results related to bimaxillary surgery

    Bilateral Sagittal Split Osteotomy-parameters and Correlations of Postoperative Pain Management

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    Objectives Postoperative pain management is of utmost interest for patients undergoing orthognathic surgery. Currently, there is a lack of information regarding process and outcome parameters of postoperative pain management after bilateral sagittal split osteotomy. Materials and methods In a prospective clinical study, 31 adults were evaluated on the first postoperative day following bilateral sagittal split osteotomy using the standardized questionnaire of the Germany-wide project Quality Improvement in Postoperative Pain Management (QUIPS). It allows a standardized assessment of patients’ characteristics, pain parameters, outcome, and pain therapy process parameters. Results Pain management consisted mainly of premedication with midazolam, sufentanil, and metamizol intraoperatively; piritramide in the recovery room; and metamizol and tramadol on ward. Twenty patients (64.5%) showed inadequate pain management with pain levels ≥4. Patients receiving tramadol as opioid on ward presented significantly higher maximum pain levels (p = .037). Significantly lower satisfaction with postoperative pain intensity (p \u3e .001) and significantly higher desire for additional pain medication (p = .023) were detected, when duration of surgery was above the median of 107.5 min. Conclusions Inadequate pain management on the first postoperative day following bilateral sagittal split osteotomy was widespread on our ward. QUIPS helped us to identify it and thereby gave us the possibility to improve the situation. Prolonged duration of surgery seems to be a predictor of an elevated postoperative pain medication demand. Clinical relevance Only the establishment of an ongoing monitoring of postoperative pain management can help to reduce or even avoid inadequate postoperative pain management. In accordance to the existing literature, we found inadequate postoperative pain management more widespread than thought

    Early Mortality among Patients with Head and Neck Cancer Diagnosed in Thuringia, Germany, between 1996 and 2016—A Population-Based Study

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    Simple Summary When we consider the outcome of cancer treatment, we mostly focus on overall survival: studies on early mortality in head and neck cancer (HNC) are sparse. This retrospective population-based study investigated early mortality of HNC and the influence of patients’ tumor and treatment characteristics. All 8288 patients with primary HNC of the German federal state Thuringia from 1996 to 2016 were included. Statistics were performed to identify independent factors for 30-day, 90-day, and 180-day mortality. The 30-, 90-, and 180-day mortality risks were 1.8%, 5.1%, and 9.6%, respectively. Male sex, increasing age, larger tumor size, and distant metastasis, tumors of the cavity of mouth, oropharynx, and hypopharynx had a significantly greater 180-day mortality. Surgery, radiotherapy, and multimodal therapy were associated with decreased 180-day mortality. Typical factors associated with worse overall survival had the most important impact on early mortality in HNC patients in a population-based setting. Abstract Population-based studies on early mortality in head and neck cancer (HNC) are sparse. This retrospective population-based study investigated early mortality of HNC and the influence of patients’ tumor and treatment characteristics. All 8288 patients with primary HNC of the German federal state Thuringia from 1996 to 2016 were included. Univariate and multivariate analysis were performed to identify independent factors for 30-day, 90-day, and 180-day mortality. The 30-, 90-, and 180-day mortality risks were 1.8%, 5.1%, and 9.6%, respectively. In multivariable analysis, male sex (odds ratio (OR) 1.41; 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.08–1.84), increasing age (OR 1.81; CI 1.49–2.19), higher T (T4: OR 3.09; CI 1.96–4.88) and M1 classification (OR 1.97; CI 1.43–2.73), advanced stage (IV: OR 3.97; CI 1.97–8.00), tumors of the cavity of mouth (OR 3.47; CI 1.23–9.75), oropharynx (OR 3.01; CI 1.06–8.51), and hypopharynx (OR 3.27; CI 1.14–9.40) had a significantly greater 180-day mortality. Surgery (OR 0.51; CI 0.36–0.73), radiotherapy (OR 0.37; CI 0.25–0.53), and multimodal therapy (OR 0.10; CI 0.07–0.13) were associated with decreased 180-day mortality. Typical factors associated with worse overall survival had the most important impact on early mortality in a population-based setting
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