53 research outputs found

    How to Read a Visualization Research Paper: Extracting the Essentials

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    Introduction. Women's sexual pain disorders include dyspareunia and vaginismus and there is need for state-of-the-art information in this area. Aim. To update the scientific evidence published in 2004, from the 2nd International Consultation on Sexual Medicine pertaining to the diagnosis and treatment of women's sexual pain disorders. Methods. An expert committee, invited from six countries by the 3rd International Consultation, was comprised of eight researchers and clinicians from biological and social science disciplines, for the purpose of reviewing and grading the scientific evidence on nosology, etiology, diagnosis, and treatment of women's sexual pain disorders. Main Outcome Measure. Expert opinion was based on grading of evidence-based medical literature, extensive internal committee discussion, public presentation, and debate. Results. A comprehensive assessment of medical, sexual, and psychosocial history is recommended for diagnosis and management. Indications for general and focused pelvic genital examination are identified. Evidence-based recommendations for assessment of women's sexual pain disorders are reviewed. An evidence-based approach to management of these disorders is provided. Conclusions. Continued efforts are warranted to conduct research and scientific reporting on the optimal assessment and management of women's sexual pain disorders, including multidisciplinary approaches. van Lankveld JJDM, Granot M, Weijmar Schultz WCM, Binik YM, Wesselmann U, Pukall CF, Bohm-Starke N, and Achtrari C. Women's sexual pain disorders. J Sex Med 2010;7:615-631

    Changes in (risk) behavior and HPV knowledge among Dutch girls eligible for HPV vaccination: an observational cohort study.

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    Implementation of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination raised concerns that vaccination could lead to riskier sexual behavior. This study explored how possible differences in sexual behavior and HPV knowledge developed over time between HPV-vaccinated and unvaccinated girls

    Sexual Dysfunction 1 - Sexual sequelae of general medical disorders

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    That sexual symptoms can signal serious underlying disease confirms the importance of sexual enquiry as an integral component of medical assessment. Data on sexual function are sparse in some medical specialties. However, increased scientific understanding of the central and peripheral physiology of sexual response could help to identify the pathophysiology of sexual dysfunction from disease and medical interventions, and also to ameliorate or prevent some dysfunctions. Many common general medical disorders have negative effects on desire, arousal, orgasm, ejaculation, and freedom from pain during sex. Chronic disease also interferes indirectly with sexual function, by altering relationships and self-image and causing fatigue, pain, disfigurement, and dependency. Current approaches to assessment of sexual dysfunction are based on models that combine psychological and biological aspects

    Sexual Dysfunction 1 - Sexual sequelae of general medical disorders

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    That sexual symptoms can signal serious underlying disease confirms the importance of sexual enquiry as an integral component of medical assessment. Data on sexual function are sparse in some medical specialties. However, increased scientific understanding of the central and peripheral physiology of sexual response could help to identify the pathophysiology of sexual dysfunction from disease and medical interventions, and also to ameliorate or prevent some dysfunctions. Many common general medical disorders have negative effects on desire, arousal, orgasm, ejaculation, and freedom from pain during sex. Chronic disease also interferes indirectly with sexual function, by altering relationships and self-image and causing fatigue, pain, disfigurement, and dependency. Current approaches to assessment of sexual dysfunction are based on models that combine psychological and biological aspects

    Disorders in sexual desire and sexual arousal in women, a 2010 state of the art

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    In this contribution, female sexual desire and arousal disorders are viewed from the perspective of incentive motivation and information processing models of sexual response. The effects of hormones, somatic disease, and medication on sexual arousability are discussed, as well as the influence of psychological factors, such as stimulus meaning, mood and cognition, and relational context on female sexual desire and arousal. Specific topics to attend to during the anamnesis of sexual desire and arousal problems, and empirically evaluated psychological and pharmacological treatments for these problems are discussed

    Vaginismus and dyspareunia:Relationship with general and sex-related moral standards

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    Introduction. Relatively strong adherence to conservative values and/or relatively strict sex-related moral standards logically restricts the sexual repertoire and will lower the threshold for experiencing negative emotions in a sexual context. In turn, this may generate withdrawal and avoidance behavior, which is at the nucleus of vaginismus. Aim. To examine whether indeed strong adherence to conservative morals and/or strict sexual standards may be involved in vaginismus. Main Outcome Measures. The Schwartz Value Survey (SVS) to investigate the individual's value pattern and the Sexual Disgust Questionnaire (SDQ) to index the willingness to perform certain sexual activities as an indirect measure of sex-related moral standards. Methods. The SVS and SDQ were completed by three groups: women diagnosed with vaginismus (N = 24), a group of women diagnosed with dyspareunia (N = 24), and a healthy control group of women without sexual complaints (N = 32). Results. Specifically, the vaginismus group showed relatively low scores on liberal values together with comparatively high scores on conservative values. Additionally, the vaginismus group was more restricted in their readiness to perform particular sex-related behaviors than the control group. The dyspareunia group, on both the SVS and the SDQ, placed between the vaginismus and the control group, but not significantly different than either of the groups. Conclusions. The findings are consistent with the view that low liberal and high conservative values, along with restricted sexual standards, are involved in the development/maintenance of vaginismus. Borg C, de Jong PJ, and Weijmar Schultz W. Vaginismus and dyspareunia: Relationship with general and sex-related moral standards. J Sex Med 2011;8:223-231

    Vaginismus and Dyspareunia: Automatic vs. Deliberate Disgust Responsivity

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    Introduction. The difficulty of penetration experienced in vaginismus and dyspareunia may at least partly be due to a disgust-induced defensive response. Aims. To examine if sex stimuli specifically elicit: (i) automatic disgust-related memory associations; (ii) physiological disgust responsivity; and/or (iii) deliberate expression of disgust/threat. Methods. Two single target Implicit Association Task (st-IAT) and electromyography (EMG) were conducted on three groups: vaginismus (N = 24), dyspareunia (N = 24), and control (N = 31) group. Main Outcome Measures. st-IAT, to index their initial disgust-related associations and facial EMG for the m. levator labii and m. corrugator supercilii regions. Results. Both clinical groups showed enhanced automatic sex-disgust associations. As a unique physiological expression of disgust, the levator activity was specifically enhanced for the vaginismus group, when exposed to a women-friendly SEX video clip. Also at the deliberate level, specifically the vaginismus group showed enhanced subjective disgust toward SEX pictures and the SEX clip, along with higher threat responses. Conclusions. Supporting the view that disgust is involved in vaginismus and dyspareunia, for both, clinical groups' sex stimuli automatically elicited associations with disgust. Particularly for the vaginismus group, these initial disgust associations persisted during subsequent validation processes and were also evident at the level of facial expression and self-report data. Findings are consistent with the notion that uncontrollable activated associations are involved in eliciting defensive reactions at the prospect of penetration seen in both conditions. Whereas deliberate attitudes, usually linked with the desire for having intercourse, possibly generate the distinction (e.g., severity) between these two conditions. Borg C, de Jong PJ, and Schultz WW. Vaginismus and dyspareunia: Automatic vs. deliberate disgust responsivity. J Sex Med 2010;7:2149-2157