175 research outputs found

    Towards Interactive, Incremental Programming of ROS Nodes

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    Writing software for controlling robots is a complex task, usually demanding command of many programming languages and requiring significant experimentation. We believe that a bottom-up development process that complements traditional component- and MDSD-based approaches can facilitate experimentation. We propose the use of an internal DSL providing both a tool to interactively create ROS nodes and a behaviour-replacement mechanism to interactively reshape existing ROS nodes by wrapping the external interfaces (the publish/subscribe topics), dynamically controlled using the Python command line interface.Comment: Presented at DSLRob 2014 (arXiv:cs/1411.7148

    Towards Unifying Inheritance and Automatic Program Specialization

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    Inheritance allows a class to be specialized and its attributes refined, but implementation specialization can only take place by overriding with manually implemented methods. Automatic program specialization can generate a specialized, efficient implementation. However, specialization of programs and specialization of classes (inheritance) are considered different abstractions. We present a new programming language, Lapis, that unifies inheritance and program specialization at the conceptual, syntactic, and semantic levels. This paper presents the initial development of Lapis, which uses inheritance with covariant specialization to control the automatic application of program specialization to class members. Lapis integrates object-oriented concepts, block structure, and techniques from automatic program specialization to provide both a language where object-oriented designs can be efficiently implemented and a simple yet powerful partial evaluator for an object-oriented language

    Towards Declarative Safety Rules for Perception Specification Architectures

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    Agriculture has a high number of fatalities compared to other blue collar fields, additionally population decreasing in rural areas is resulting in decreased work force. These issues have resulted in increased focus on improving efficiency of and introducing autonomy in agriculture. Field robots are an increasingly promising branch of robotics targeted at full automation in agriculture. The safety aspect however is rely addressed in connection with safety standards, which limits the real-world applicability. In this paper we present an analysis of a vision pipeline in connection with functional-safety standards, in order to propose solutions for how to ascertain that the system operates as required. Based on the analysis we demonstrate a simple mechanism for verifying that a vision pipeline is functioning correctly, thus improving the safety in the overall system.Comment: Presented at DSLRob 2015 (arXiv:1601.00877

    Towards Python-based Domain-specific Languages for Self-reconfigurable Modular Robotics Research

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    This paper explores the role of operating system and high-level languages in the development of software and domain-specific languages (DSLs) for self-reconfigurable robotics. We review some of the current trends in self-reconfigurable robotics and describe the development of a software system for ATRON II which utilizes Linux and Python to significantly improve software abstraction and portability while providing some basic features which could prove useful when using Python, either stand-alone or via a DSL, on a self-reconfigurable robot system. These features include transparent socket communication, module identification, easy software transfer and reliable module-to-module communication. The end result is a software platform for modular robots that where appropriate builds on existing work in operating systems, virtual machines, middleware and high-level languages.Comment: Presented at DSLRob 2011 (arXiv:1212.3308

    Lambda-Dropping: Transforming Recursive Equations into Programs with Block Structure

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    Lambda-lifting a functional program transforms it into a set of recursiveequations. We present the symmetric transformation: lambda-dropping.Lambda-dropping a set of recursive equations restores blockstructure and lexical scope.For lack of scope, recursive equations must carry around all theparameters that any of their callees might possibly need. Both lambda-liftingand lambda-dropping thus require one to compute a transitiveclosure over the call graph:- for lambda-lifting: to establish the Def/Use path of each freevariable (these free variables are then added as parameters toeach of the functions in the call path);- for lambda-dropping: to establish the Def/Use path of each parameter(parameters whose use occurs in the same scope as theirdefinition do not need to be passed along in the call path).Without free variables, a program is scope-insensitive. Its blocks arethen free to float (for lambda-lifting) or to sink (for lambda-dropping)along the vertices of the scope tree.We believe lambda-lifting and lambda-dropping are interesting perse, both in principle and in practice, but our prime application is partialevaluation: except for Malmkjær and Ørbæk's case study presented atPEPM'95, most polyvariant specializers for procedural programs operateon recursive equations. To this end, in a pre-processing phase,they lambda-lift source programs into recursive equations. As a result,residual programs are also expressed as recursive equations, often withdozens of parameters, which most compilers do not handle efficiently.Lambda-dropping in a post-processing phase restores their block structureand lexical scope thereby significantly reducing both the compiletime and the run time of residual programs.

    Declarative Specialization for Object-Oriented-Program Specialization

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    The use of partial evaluation for specializing programs written in im- perative languages such as C and Java is hampered by the di-culty of controlling the specialization process. We have developed a simple, declar- ative language for controlling the specialization of Java programs, and in- terfaced this language with the JSpec partial evaluator for Java. This lan- guage, named Pesto, allows declarative specialization of programs written in an object-oriented style of programming. The Pesto compiler auto- matically generates the context information needed for specializing Java programs, and automatically generates guards that enable the specialized code in the right context

    Flexible Language Interoperability

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    Virtual machines raise the abstraction level of the execution environment at the cost of restricting the set of supported languages. Moreover, the ability of a language implementation to integrate with other languages hosted on the same virtual machine typically constrains the features of the language. In this paper, we present a highly flexible yet efficient approach to hosting multiple programming languages on an objectoriented virtual machine. Our approach is based on extending the interface of each class with language-specific wrapper methods, offering each language a tailored view of a given class. This approach can be deployed both on a statically typed virtual machine, such as the JVM, and on a dynamic virtual machine, such as a Smalltalk virtual machine. We have implemented our approach to language interoperability on top of a prototype virtual machine for embedded systems based on the Smalltalk object model, which provides interoperability for embedded versions of the Smalltalk, Java, and BETA programming languages