11 research outputs found

    Untersuchungen zu verschiedenen Bewirtschaftungssystemen im Weinbau unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der biologisch-dynamischen Wirtschaftsweise und des Präparateeinsatzes – Ergebnisse aus der Umstellungsphase 2006-2009

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    World wide many wine farms are converting into organic or biodynamic viticulture. The main reasons are better wine quality and healthier wine with the long-term aim of sustainability in viticulture. In 2005 a long-term study started in Geisenheim. The objective of the research program is to investigate, compare and optimise the techniques of integrated, organic and particularly biodynamic wine production in terms of resource protection and food quality. The goals of this study are to look at the effects on the biological and microbial activity in the soil, the vegetative and generative growth of the vine, microbiology, the grape and wine quality and the sustainability of the three viticultural systems

    Towards Detecting Cognitive Load and Emotions in Usability Studies using the RealEYES Framework

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    In this paper, we will discuss some extensions to the RealEYES framework that can help to automatically detect interesting sections in usability studies using additional sensor input and knowledge discovery techniques

    A freely configurable, multi modal sensor system for affecting computing

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    Affective computing systems consist of a varying number of components, such as sensors, data bases, and processing devices. So far, each system is set-up specifically and its architecture and configuration is as unique as its targeted purpose. With the increasing interest in affective computing, a generally applicable and easily realizable approach is desired to ease and speed up the installation process of such systems. In this paper, a Java based framework is presented which uses an adaptor-oriented approach in order to address this problem from a data perspective. An example is given for the application of this proposed framework within an affective computing system

    Emotionale Aspekte in Produktevaluationen

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    In dieser Arbeit werden zunächst die Begriffe Produktevaluation und hedonistische Qualität von Produkten eingeführt, danach werden Methoden zur Erkennung von Emotionen aus Mimik, Sprache und physiologischen Sensordaten beschrieben. Anschließend wird eine Studie vorgestellt, in der die neu entwickelten Methoden erstmals in einer Produktevaluation eingesetzt wurden. Eine Zusammenfassung und ein Ausblick schließen diese Arbeit ab

    EREC-II in Use - Studies on Usability and Suitability of a Sensor System for Affect Detection and Human Performance Monitoring

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    Interest in emotion detection is increasing significantly. For research and development in the field of Affective Computing, in smart environments, but also for reliable non-lab medical and psychological studies or human performance monitoring, robust technologies are needed for detecting evidence of emotions in persons under everyday conditions. This paper reports on evaluation studies of the EREC-II sensor system for acquisition of emotionrelated physiological parameters. The system has been developed with a focus on easy handling, robustness, and reliability. Two sets of studies have been performed covering 4 different application fields: medical, human performance in sports, driver assistance, and multimodal affect sensing. Results show that the different application fields pose different requirements mainly on the user interface, while the hardware for sensing and processing the data proved to be in an acceptable state for use in different research domains

    EREC-II in use - studies on usability and suitability of a sensor system for affect detection and human performance monitoring

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    Interest in emotion detection is increasing significantly. For research and development in the field of Affective Computing, in smart environments, but also for reliable non-lab medical and psychological studies or human performance monitoring, robust technologies are needed for detecting evidence of emotions in persons under everyday conditions. This paper reports on evaluation studies of the EREC-II sensor system for acquisition of emotionrelated physiological parameters. The system has been developed with a focus on easy handling, robustness, and reliability. Two sets of studies have been performed covering 4 different application fields: medical, human performance in sports, driver assistance, and multimodal affect sensing. Results show that the different application fields pose different requirements mainly on the user interface, while the hardware for sensing and processing the data proved to be in an acceptable state for use in different research domains

    EREC-II in Use -- Studies on Usability and Suitability of a Sensor System for Affect Detection and Human Performance Monitoring

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    Interest in emotion detection is increasing significantly. For research and development in the field of Affective Computing, in smart environments, but also for reliable non-lab medical and psychological studies or human performance monitoring, robust technologies are needed for detecting evidence of emotions in persons under everyday conditions. This paper reports on evaluation studies of the EREC-II sensor system for acquisition of emotionrelated physiological parameters. The system has been developed with a focus on easy handling, robustness, and reliability. Two sets of studies have been performed covering 4 different application fields: medical, human performance in sports, driver assistance, and multimodal affect sensing. Results show that the different application fields pose different requirements mainly on the user interface, while the hardware for sensing and processing the data proved to be in an acceptable state for use in different research domains