4 research outputs found

    Criação de Blastopsylla occidentalis (Hemiptera: Aphalaridae) - psilídeo das ponteiras do eucalipto, em casa de vegetação.

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    PsilĂ­deos compreendem pequenos insetos da superfamĂ­lia Psylloidea, distribuĂ­dos por todos os continentes. SĂŁo sugadores fitĂłfagos, muitos deles presentes em diversas culturas agrĂ­colas, florestais e ornamentais, podendo causar prejuĂ­zos econĂŽmicos. Mais de 300 espĂ©cies de psilĂ­deos, todas elas de origem australiana, sĂŁo citadas utilizando o eucalipto como planta hospedeira (Hollis, 2004). No Brasil, alĂ©m de Blastopsylla occidentalis Taylor, 1985, foram tambĂ©m introduzidas mais trĂȘs outras espĂ©cies, todas da famĂ­lia Aphalaridae (Hemiptera, Psylloidea) subfamĂ­lia Spondyliaspidinae, sendo elas: Ctenarytaina eucalypti (Maskell, 1890), Ctenarytaina spatulata Taylor, 1997 e Glycaspis brimblecombei Moore, 1964 (Burckhardt; Queiroz, 2012).bitstream/item/212298/1/CT-442-1776-final.pd

    Effects of ultrasound on the performance improvement of wastewater microfiltration through a porous ceramic filter

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    Filtration under an ultrasonic field is a technique that is gaining importance in the wastewater treatment research field, not only due to its ability as a cleaning mechanism, but also as a filtration intensifier. The main objective of this research was the study of the influence of ultrasonic waves on the filtration of theoilfield wastewater (known as produced water) in order to increase the operation performance and filter medium regenerative effectiveness. A 0.016 m2 hollow cylindrical porous ceramic filter was submitted to the filtration of produced water by two mechanisms: conventional filtration under vacuum and filtration under theinfluence of ultrasonic waves. Experiments were carried out using synthetic produced water by analyzing the variables oil and grease content (O&G) and total suspended solids (TSS) for each filtration run. Backwashing of the filter medium with distilled water was also performed to evaluate the regeneration efficiency. During conventional filtration, permeate flux decreased gradually, becoming stable around 0.06 cm3.cm-2.s-1. Furthermore, in the filtration assisted by ultrasound, the permeate flux was around 0.15 cm3.cm-2.s-1. Therefore, ultrasonic waves provided an increase of about 150% in the permeate flux. Moreover, the sonication improved filter medium regeneration effectiveness, even under conditions of high TSS and O&G contents. Taking into consideration the very positive results associated with the application of ultrasonicwaves, this filtration technique is likely to become an important industrial process

    A survey of the family Muscidae (Diptera) (except for Coenosiinae) from MbaracayĂș forest, Paraguay.

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    A survey of the Muscid (Diptera) fauna of the MbaracayĂș forest is presented. The forest is a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve located in Cuenca Alta del RĂ­o JejuĂ­, CanindeyĂș department, eastern Paraguay. The paper constitutes the first Muscid survey for Paraguay and contributes for the main priorities of the Paraguayan Plan EstratĂ©gico del Sistema Nacional de Áreas Silvestres Protegidas. The specimens were sampled in five different biomes within the park area during 1996. The sampling method employed continuous sampling with malaise traps. The survey accounted for 22 genera and 52 species, comprising four genera (Dolichophaonia Carvalho, Haematobia Le Peletier, Sarcopromusca Townsend, and Stomoxys Geoffroy) and 21 species not yet registered for Paraguay. The results included sampled specimens information including biome, date and taxonomic position.201