1,066 research outputs found

    The association among diet, dietary fiber, and bowel preparation at colonoscopy

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    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Pre-colonoscopy dietary restrictions vary widely and lack evidence-based guidance. We investigated whether fiber and various other foods/macronutrients consumed during the 3 days before colonoscopy are associated with bowel preparation quality. METHODS: This was a prospective observational study among patients scheduled for outpatient colonoscopy. Patients received instructions including split-dose polyethylene glycol, avoidance of vegetables/beans 2 days before colonoscopy, and a clear liquid diet the day before colonoscopy. Two 24-hour dietary recall interviews and 1 patient-recorded food log measured dietary intake on the 3 days before colonoscopy. The Nutrition Data System for Research was used to estimate dietary exposures. Our primary outcome was the quality of bowel preparation measured by the Boston Bowel Preparation Scale (BBPS). RESULTS: We enrolled 201 patients from November 2015 to September 2016 with complete data for 168. The mean age was 59 years (standard deviation, 7 years), and 90% of colonoscopies were conducted for screening/surveillance. Only 17% and 77% of patients complied with diet restrictions 2 and 1 day(s) before colonoscopy, respectively. We found no association between foods consumed 2 and 3 days before colonoscopy and BBPS scores. However, BPPS was positively associated with intake of gelatin, and inversely associated with intake of red meat, poultry, and vegetables on the day before colonoscopy. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings support recent guidelines encouraging unrestricted diets >1 day before colonoscopy if using a split-dose bowel regimen. Furthermore, we found no evidence to restrict dietary fiber 1 day before colonoscopy. We also found evidence to promote consumption of gelatin and avoidance of red meat, poultry, and vegetables 1 day before colonoscopy.Dr Jacobson has acted as a consultant for MOTUS GI and Remedy Partners. All other authors disclosed no financial relationships relevant to this publication. Supported by NIH/NIDDK R21DK105476. (R21DK105476 - NIH/NIDDK)Accepted manuscrip

    Ultrafast nonequilibrium evolution of excitonic modes in semiconductors

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    We study the time evolution of excitonic states after photoexcitation in the one-dimensional spinless extended Falicov-Kimball model. Several numerical methods are employed and benchmarked against each other: time-dependent mean-field simulations, the second-Born approximation (2BA) within the Kadanoff-Baym formalism, the generalized Kadanoff-Baym ansatz (GKBA) implemented with the 2BA, and the infinite time-evolving block decimation (iTEBD) method. It is found that the GKBA gives the best agreement with iTEBD and captures the relevant physics. Excitations to the particle-hole continuum and resonant excitations of the equilibrium exciton result in a qualitatively different dynamics. In the former case, the exciton binding energy remains positive and the frequency of the corresponding coherent oscillations is smaller than the band gap. On the other hand, resonant excitations trigger a collective mode whose frequency is larger than the band gap. We discuss the origin of these different behaviors by evaluating the nonequilibrium susceptibility using the nonthermal distribution and a random phase approximation. The peculiar mode with frequency larger than the band gap is associated with a partial population inversion with a sharp energy cutoff. We also discuss the effects of the cooling by a phonon bath. We demonstrate the real-time development of coherence in the polarization, which indicates excitonic condensation out of equilibrium

    Encounter complexes and dimensionality reduction in protein-protein association

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    An outstanding challenge has been to understand the mechanism whereby proteins associate. We report here the results of exhaustively sampling the conformational space in protein–protein association using a physics-based energy function. The agreement between experimental intermolecular paramagnetic relaxation enhancement (PRE) data and the PRE profiles calculated from the docked structures shows that the method captures both specific and non-specific encounter complexes. To explore the energy landscape in the vicinity of the native structure, the nonlinear manifold describing the relative orientation of two solid bodies is projected onto a Euclidean space in which the shape of low energy regions is studied by principal component analysis. Results show that the energy surface is canyon-like, with a smooth funnel within a two dimensional subspace capturing over 75% of the total motion. Thus, proteins tend to associate along preferred pathways, similar to sliding of a protein along DNA in the process of protein-DNA recognition

    Toward Absolute Molecular Numbers in DNA-PAINT

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    Single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) has revolutionized optical microscopy, extending resolution down to the level of individual molecules. However, the actual counting of molecules relies on preliminary knowledge of the blinking behavior of individual targets or on a calibration to a reference. In particular for biological applications, great care has to be taken because a plethora of factors influence the quality and applicability of calibration-dependent approaches to count targets in localization clusters particularly in SMLM data obtained from heterogeneous samples. Here, we present localization-based fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (lbFCS) as the first absolute molecular counting approach for DNA-points accumulation for imaging in nanoscale topography (PAINT) microscopy and, to our knowledge, for SMLM in general. We demonstrate that lbFCS overcomes the limitation of previous DNA-PAINT counting and allows the quantification of target molecules independent of the localization cluster density. In accordance with the promising results of our systematic proof-of-principle study on DNA origami structures as idealized targets, lbFCS could potentially also provide quantitative access to more challenging biological targets featuring heterogeneous cluster sizes in the future

    Off-axis electron holography of bacterial cells and magnetic nanoparticles in liquid

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    The mapping of electrostatic potentials and magnetic fields in liquids usingelectron holography has been considered to be unrealistic. Here, we showthat hydrated cells ofMagnetospirillum magneticumstrain AMB-1 and assem-blies of magnetic nanoparticles can be studied using off-axis electronholography in a fluid cell specimen holder within the transmission electronmicroscope. Considering that the holographic object and reference waveboth pass through liquid, the recorded electron holograms show sufficientinterference fringe contrast to permit reconstruction of the phase shift ofthe electron wave and mapping of the magnetic induction from bacterialmagnetite nanocrystals. We assess the challenges of performingin situmagne-tization reversal experiments using a fluid cell specimen holder, discussapproaches for improving spatial resolution and specimen stability, and outlinefuture perspectives for studying scientific phenomena, ranging from interpar-ticle interactions in liquids and electrical double layers at solid–liquidinterfaces to biomineralization and the mapping of electrostatic potentialsassociated with protein aggregation and folding

    Electrical control of glass-like dynamics in vanadium dioxide for data storage and processing

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    Metal–oxide–semiconductor junctions are the building blocks of modern electronics and can provide a variety of functionalities, from memory to computing. The technology, however, faces constraints in terms of further miniaturization and compatibility with post–von Neumann computing architectures. Manipulation of structural—rather than electronic—states could provide a path to ultrascaled low-power functional devices, but the electrical control of such states is challenging. Here we report electronically accessible long-lived structural states in vanadium dioxide that can provide a scheme for data storage and processing. The states can be arbitrarily manipulated on short timescales and tracked beyond 10,000 s after excitation, exhibiting features similar to glasses. In two-terminal devices with channel lengths down to 50 nm, sub-nanosecond electrical excitation can occur with an energy consumption as small as 100 fJ. These glass-like functional devices could outperform conventional metal–oxide–semiconductor electronics in terms of speed, energy consumption and miniaturization, as well as provide a route to neuromorphic computation and multilevel memories
