2,089 research outputs found

    Many Body Theory for Quartets, Trions, and Pairs in Low Density Multi-Component Fermi-Systems

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    A selfconsistent many body approach for the description of gases with quartets, trions, and pairs is presented. Applications to 3D Fermi systems at low density are discussed

    Occupation numbers in Self Consistent RPA

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    A method is proposed which allows to calculate within the SCRPA theory the occupation numbers via the single particle Green function. This scheme complies with the Hugenholtz van Hove theorem. In an application to the Lipkin model it is found that this prescription gives consistently better results than two other commonly used approximations: lowest order boson expansion and the number operator method.Comment: 25 pages, 10 figures, submitted to Nucl. Phys.

    The proteasome biogenesis regulator Rpn4 cooperates with the unfolded protein response to promote ER stress resistance

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    Misfolded proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) activate the unfolded protein response (U PR), which enhances protein folding to restore homeostasis. Additional pathways respond to ER stress, but how they help counteract protein misfolding is incompletely understood. Here, we develop a titratable system for the induction of ER stress in yeast to enable a genetic screen for factors that augment stress resistance independently of the UPR. We identify the proteasome biogenesis regulator Rpn4 and show that it cooperates with the UPR. Rpn4 abundance increases during ER stress, first by a post-transcriptional, then by a transcriptional mechanism. Induction of RPN4 transcription is triggered by cytosolic mislocalization of secretory proteins, is mediated by multiple signaling pathways and accelerates clearance of misfolded proteins from the cytosol. Thus, Rpn4 and the UPR are complementary elements of a modular cross-compartment response to ER stress

    Isospin singlet (pn) pairing and quartetting contribution to the binding energy of nuclei

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    Isospin singlet (pn) pairing as well as quartetting in nuclei is expected to arise near the symmetry line N=ZN=Z. Empirical values can be deduced from the nuclear binding energies applying special filters. Within the local density approximation, theoretical estimates for finite nuclei are obtained from results for the condensation energy of asymmetric nuclear matter. It is shown that the isospin singlet condensation energy drops down abruptly for |N-Z|~4 for medium nuclei in the region A=40. Furthermore, alpha-like quartetting and the influence of excitations are discussed.Comment: 19 pages, 19 figures, submitted to PR

    Random Phase Approximation and Extensions Applied to a Bosonic Field Theory

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    An application of a self-consistent version of RPA to quantum field theory with broken symmetry is presented. Although our approach can be applied to any bosonic field theory, we specifically study the ϕ4\phi^4 theory in 1+1 dimensions. We show that standard RPA approach leads to an instability which can be removed when going to a superior version,i.e. the renormalized RPA. We present a method based on the so-called charging formula of the many electron problem to calculate the correlation energy and the RPA effective potential.Comment: 30 pages, LaTeX file, 10 figures included, final version accepted in EPJ

    Chaoticity and Dissipation of Nuclear Collective Motion in a Classical Model

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    We analyze the behavior of a gas of classical particles moving in a two-dimensional "nuclear" billiard whose multipole-deformed walls undergo periodic shape oscillations. We demonstrate that a single particle Hamiltonian containing coupling terms between the particles' motion and the collective coordinate induces a chaotic dynamics for any multipolarity, independently on the geometry of the billiard. The absence of coupling terms allows us to recover qualitatively the "wall formula" predictions. We also discuss the dissipative behavior of the wall motion and its relation with the order-to-chaos transition in the dynamics of the microscopic degrees of freedom.Comment: LateX, 11 pages, 7 figures available on request, to appear in the Proceedings of XXXIV Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics, Bormio 22-27 January, 199

    Deuteron formation in nuclear matter

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    We investigate deuteron formation in nuclear matter at finite temperatures within a systematic quantum statistical approach. We consider formation through three-body collisions relevant already at rather moderate densities because of the strong correlations. The three-body in-medium reaction rates driven by the break-up cross section are calculated using exact three-body equations (Alt-Grassberger-Sandhas type) that have been suitably modified to consistently include the energy shift and the Pauli blocking. Important quantities are the lifetime of deuteron fluctuations and the chemical relaxation time. We find that the respective times differ substantially while using in-medium or isolated cross sections. We expect implications for the description of heavy ion collisions in particular for the formation of light charged particles at low to intermediate energies.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figure

    Medium polarization in asymmetric nuclear matter

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    The influence of the core polarization on the effective nuclear interaction of asymmetric nuclear matter is calculated in the framework of the induced interaction theory. The strong isospin dependence of the density and spin density fluctuations is studied along with the interplay between the neutron and proton core polarizations. Moving from symmetric nuclear matter to pure neutron matter the crossover of the induced interaction from attractive to repulsive in the spin singlet state is determined as a function of the isospin imbalance.The density range in which it occurs is also determined. For the spin triplet state the induced interaction turns out to be always repulsive. The implications of the results for the neutron star superfluid phases are shortly discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure