43 research outputs found

    Quality of regional individual needs assessment agencies regulating access to long term-care services: a client perspective

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    PURPOSE: to determine if and how the outcome quality from a client perspective is related to process characteristics and structure of Regional Individual Needs Assessment Agencies (RIOs) regulating access to long-term care services in the Netherlands. THEORY: because of decentralised responsibilities, ultimo 1999 85 RIOs were set up. RIOs differ in their structural and process characteristics. This could lead to differences in client quality. Insight into factors relating to client quality (e.g. client satisfaction) can improve the needs assessment process. METHODS: Eighteen RIOs participated in this study. These RIOs each selected 120 clients, filled in forms about their needs assessment procedures and sent them a questionnaire assessing judgements, experiences and satisfaction with the RIO. RESULTS: We received 1916 RIO-forms and 1062 client questionnaires. Eighty-two percent of the clients were satisfied with the RIO, the percentages not satisfied clients varied from 10 to 29% among items and working procedures. Satisfaction is mostly related to what is actually done for the client. Information aspects and providing choices are important determinants of client quality with the RIO. CONCLUSION: In improving quality seen from a client perspective, one should focus on what is actually done for the client, rather than looking at the RIOs structure

    Multidisciplinary integrated parent and child centres in Amsterdam: a qualitative study

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    Background: In several countries centres for the integrated delivery of services to the parent and child have been established. In the Netherlands family health care service centres, called Parent and Child Centres (PCCs) involve multidisciplinary teams. Here doctors, nurses, midwives, maternity help professionals and educationists are integrated into multidisciplinary teams in neighbourhood-based centres. To date there has been little research on the implementation of service delivery in these centres. Study Design: A SWOT analysis was performed by use of triangulation data; this took place by integrating all relevant published documents on the origin and organization of the PCCs and the results from interviews with PCC experts and with PCC professionals (N=91). Structured interviews were performed with PCC-professionals (health care professionals (N=67) and PCC managers N=12)) and PCC-experts (N=12) in Amsterdam and qualitatively analysed thematically. The interview themes were based on a pre-set list of codes, derived from a prior documentation study and a focus group with PCC experts. Results: Perceived advantages of PCCs were more continuity of care, shorter communication lines, low-threshold contact between professionals and promising future perspectives. Perceived challenges included the absence of uniform multidisciplinary guidelines, delays in communication with hospitals and midwives, inappropriate accommodation for effective professional integration, differing expectations regarding the PCC-manager role among PCC-partners and the danger of professionals' needs dominating clients' needs. Conclusions: Professionals perceive PCCs as a promising development in the integration of services. Remaining challenges involved improvements at the managerial and organizational level. Quantitative research into the improvements in quality of care and child health is recommended

    Do integrated mental healthcare organisations facilitate process quality in the treatment of people with schizophrenia and related psychoses?

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    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study is to investigate the influence of mergers of ambulatory and mental healthcare organisations on the process quality of care for persons suffering from schizophrenia or related psychoses. THEORY: On the basis of the theory of Donabedian we assume the relationships between three types of quality in healthcare: structure quality, process quality and outcome quality. This study focuses on the influences of structure quality, i.e. years since merger and catchment area size upon process quality. METHODS: Criteria according to Tugwell for evaluating healthcare were used to describe the process quality of schizophrenia care, resulting in a process quality questionnaire with 6 subscales and 21 items. Leading psychiatrists of 31 Dutch mental healthcare organisations, covering 89% of the country, answered the questionnaire. Both programmes and documents from the responding institutions and schizophrenia projects were analysed. Correlations of two determinants, age of the merged organisation and catchment area size, were made with total scale scores and the sub scores of the questionnaire. RESULTS: The response rate was 97% (31/32). Twenty-two organisations (71%) had a score of more than 50% on the used scale, 8 (29%) scored less. Two evidence-based interventions were implemented in more than 50% of the organisations, three in less than 50%. A low degree of implementation occurs in establishing care for people with schizophrenia from ethnic minorities, standardising diagnostic procedures and continuity of care. No significant relationship between the age of the merged organisation (‘age’) and the total process quality of schizophrenia care was found, however, the relationships between age and the subscales availability of interventions and integrated treatment were significant. No association was found between the size of the MHO's catchment area and any of the used subscales. CONCLUSIONS: The age of integration of residential and ambulatory mental health institutions correlates significantly with two subscales of process quality of schizophrenia care, i.e. availability of interventions and treatment. Catchment area size is not significantly associated with process quality or any of the subscales. Despite the mentioned positive effects, the overall picture of schizophrenia care is not very positive. Additional forces other than merely integration of ambulatory and residential services are needed for the further implementation of evidence-based interventions, diagnostic standards and continuity of care. The development of a national ‘schizophrenia standard’ (like in other countries) in relation with implementation plans and strategies to evaluate care on a regional level is recommended as well as further research on patient outcomes in relation to mergers of mental healthcare organisations

    De psychometrische eigenschappen van de ReproQuestionnaire

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    __Abstract__ De organisatie van de geboortezorg is in beweging. Er zijn nieuwe samenwerkingsvormen, er zijn nieuwe risicobenaderingen, nieuwe verdelingen van taken en andere settings van bevallingszorg. Sommige disciplines zoals de huisarts hebben een steeds kleinere rol, andere zoals de klinisch-verloskundigen een steeds grotere. Er is geen masterplan van verandering, en er heerst op onderdelen verscheidenheid van opvatting over de wenselijke richting. Al deze veranderingen zijn - naar men stelt - gericht op het verbeteren van de kwaliteit van zorg. Hiermee wordt niet alleen het terugdringen van de perinatale sterfte (‘baby-sterfte’) beoogd, maar ook het verbeteren van de onderlinge samenwerking, met name, tussen eerstelijns verloskundigen en gynaecologen, en het realiseren van zorg die de zwangere als cliënt centraal stelt. Er is weinig informatie bekend over de huidige proceskwaliteit van de Nederlandse geboortezorg, mede door het ontbreken van daartoe geëigende lijnoverstijgende instrumenten. Kwaliteitsindicatoren zijn momenteel primair harde uitkomstindicatoren ontleend aan informatie uit zorgregistraties zoals de PRN. Deze geven wel een beeld van de medische uitkomsten, van sommige procedures, en van de belangrijkste bevallingsinterventies, maar niet van de cliëntervaringen met de zorgverlening, en ook niet van de subjectief ervaren uitkomst van c.q. bij moeder en kind. Proceskwaliteit kan men benaderen vanuit de professional bijvoorbeeld aan de hand van richtlijnen of het realiseren van procesdoelen zoals bij risicoselectie, maar dat is een ander perspectief dan de proceskwaliteit vanuit het cliëntperspectief. Ongeacht de vraag wie de zorg verleende, en los van de vraag of alle richtlijnen in acht werden genomen, is namelijk van belang of de cliënte in haar eigen ogen respect en bejegening ontving, of de communicatie in orde was, en of faciliteiten voldeden. Een en ander vraagt zorgvuldig ontwerp van vragenlijsten omdat alle betrokken professionals zeggen vanuit het cliëntperspectief te werken. Vaak, zo is ons gebleken, doelen professionals dan op het volgen van gedragsregels en richtlijnen zoals de beroepsorganisaties die aan hun leden voorschrijven. Het cliëntperspectief doet niets af aan dit professioneel perspectief, en een eindoordeel over de zorg kan ook niet zonder harde uitkomsten en procedure kwaliteit worden geveld, maar het cliëntperspectief vraagt niettemin een ander type vragen

    Organisational design for an integrated oncological department

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    OBJECTIVE: The outcomes of a Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threat (SWOT) analysis of three Integrated Oncological Departments were compared with their present situation three years later to define factors that can influence a successful implementation and development of an Integrated Oncological Department in- and outside (i.e. home care) the hospital. RESEARCH DESIGN: Comparative Qualitative Case Study. METHODS: Auditing based on care-as-usual norms by an external, experienced auditing committee. RESEARCH SETTING: Integrated Oncological Departments of three hospitals. RESULTS: Successful multidisciplinary care in an integrated, oncological department needs broad support inside the hospital and a well-defined organisational plan