10 research outputs found

    Probióticos e resposta imune Probiotics and immune response

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    Os probióticos são bactérias que produzem efeitos benéficos no hospedeiro, usadas para prevenir e tratar doenças, como promotores de crescimento e como imunoestimulantes. Nesta revisão abordam-se as principais aplicações dos probióticos, com ênfase nas informações recentes sobre suas propriedades de modular a resposta imune.<br>Probiotics are bacteria that produce beneficial effects on their hosts, used in the prevention and treatment of diseases, as growth promoters and immune-modulators. The most important applications of probiotics, with emphasis on their properties to modulate the immune response, are reviewed here

    Trends in dairy and non-dairy probiotic products - a review

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    Use of Probiotics For Oral Health

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    The role of probiotics, prebiotics and synbiotics in animal nutrition

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