1,954 research outputs found

    Moderate deviations for stabilizing functionals in geometric probability

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    The purpose of the present paper is to establish explicit bounds on moderate deviation probabilities for a rather general class of geometric functionals enjoying the stabilization property, under Poisson input and the assumption of a certain control over the growth of the moments of the functional and its radius of stabilization. Our proof techniques rely on cumulant expansions and cluster measures and yield completely explicit bounds on deviation probabilities. In addition, we establish a new criterion for the limiting variance to be non-degenerate. Moreover, our main result provides a new central limit theorem, which, though stated under strong moment assumptions, does not require bounded support of the intensity of the Poisson input. We apply our results to three groups of examples: random packing models, geometric functionals based on Euclidean nearest neighbors and the sphere of influence graphs.Comment: 52 page

    Absolute beam position monitoring using HOM-damper signals

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    To preserve the required beam quality in an e+/e- collider it is necessary to have a very precise beam position control at each accelerating cavity. An elegant method to avoid additional length and beam disturbance is the usage of signals from existing HOM-dampers. The magnitude of the displacement is derived from the amplitude of a dipole mode whereas the sign follows from the phase comparison of a dipole and a monopole HOM. To check the performance of the system, a measurement setup has been built with an antenna which can be moved with micrometer resolution to simulate the beam. Furthermore we have developed a signal processing to determine the absolute beam displacement. Measurements on the HOM-damper cell can be done in the frequency domain using a network analyser. Final measurements with the nonlinear time dependent signal processing circuit has to be done with very short electric pulses simulating electron bunches. Thus, we have designed a sub nanosecond pulse generator using a clipping line and the step recovery effect of a diode. The measurement can be done with a resolution of about 10 micrometers. Measurements and numerical calculations concerning the monitor design and the pulse generator are presented

    Distances of CVs and related objects derived from Gaia Data Release 1

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    We consider the parallaxes of sixteen cataclysmic variables and related objects that are included in the TGAS catalogue, which is part of the Gaia first data release, and compare these with previous parallax measurements. The parallax of the dwarf nova SS Cyg is consistent with the parallax determination made using the VLBI, but with only one of the analyses of the HST Fine Guidance Sensor (FGS) observations of this system. In contrast, the Gaia parallaxes of V603 Aql and RR Pic are broadly consistent, but less precise than the HST/FGS measurements. The Gaia parallaxes of IX Vel, V3885 Sgr, and AE Aqr are consistent with, but much more accurate than the Hipparcos measurements. We take the derived Gaia distances and find that absolute magnitudes of outbursting systems show a weak correlation with orbital period. For systems with measured X-ray fluxes we find that the X-ray luminosity is a clear indicator of whether the accretion disc is in the hot and ionised or cool and neutral state. We also find evidence for the X-ray emission of both low and high state discs correlating with orbital period, and hence the long-term average accretion rate. The inferred mass accretion rates for the nova-like variables and dwarf novae are compared with the critical mass accretion rate predicted by the Disk Instability Model. While we find agreement to be good for most systems there appears to be some uncertainty in the system parameters of SS Cyg. Our results illustrate how future Gaia data releases will be an extremely valuable resource in mapping the evolution of cataclysmic variables.Comment: Accepted by A&

    Competitiveness of milk and wine production and processing in Albania

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    This study provides an empirical assessment of the competitiveness of Albanian dairy and wine production, based on specifically collected survey data. For both product groups, the analysis is carried out on two levels: farm level production of raw material and processing and manufacturing of the final product in the food industry. In a third step, both levels are aggregated to analyse the competitiveness of the entire production chain for each product group. Overall, the wine sector appears in an economically more favourable situation than the milk sector. Although there is currently no relevant export of wine, there has been considerable in-vestment activity at the farm level and the harmonisation of quality standards with EU legislation is currently pursued. Grape processing is currently profitable. Small farm and herd sizes limit the profitability and efficiency of dairy farming. Fragmented and dispersed production units increase the costs of milk collection. International quality standards are by far not met. This is partially due to the high share of informally traded milk and the importance of direct sales to consumers. It is therefore unlikely that Albanian dairy products will become internationally competitive in the near future. -- G E R M A N V E R S I O N: Die vorliegende Studie beinhaltet eine Einschätzung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der albanischen Milch- und Weinproduktion, die sich auf spezifisch gesammelte Betriebsdaten stützt. Für beide Produktgruppen wird eine Analyse auf zwei Ebenen durchgeführt: Erzeugung der Rohprodukte und Verarbeitungsstufe. In einem dritten Schritt werden die Teilergebnisse der beiden Ebenen zu einer Gesamtbewertung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der jeweiligen Produktions- und Verarbei-tungskette zusammengeführt. Insgesamt präsentiert sich der albanische Weinsektor in ökono-misch günstigerer Verfassung als der Milchsektor. Auch wenn der Export von albanischem Wein derzeit keine Rolle spielt, werden die notwendigen rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen für die Sicherung von Qualität und Herkunftsbezeichnung bei Wein werden derzeit geschaffen. Auf der Erzeugerebene wurden in den vergangenen Jahren bereits größere Investitionen durchge-führt. Die Verarbeitungsstufe weist positive wirtschaftliche Ergebnisse auf. Milchproduktion und -verarbeitung leiden unter mangelnden Hygienestandards und einem stark informell ge-prägten, untransparenten Markt für Frischprodukte. Unter diesen Bedingungen fällt es den Mol-kereien schwer, sich wirtschaftlich zu behaupten. Es ist daher nicht zu erwarten, dass albanische Milchprodukte in nächster Zeit international wettbewerbsfähig sein werden.Agricultural sector,competitiveness,milk,wine,Albania,Agrarsektor,Wettbewerbsfähigkeit,Milch,Wein,Albanien

    A note on the cattle problem of Archimedes

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    The famous cattle problem, an ancient mathematical riddle ascribed to Archimedes, is unsolvable. The known “solutions” contradict one of the conditions given in the wording of the problem

    Quantitative analysis of the impacts of Croatia's agricultural trade policy on the agri-food sector

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    Croatia recently signed several trade liberalisation agreements. The cornerstones of its trade policy are WTO membership, the Stabilisation and Association Agreement with the EU and Croatia's application of membership as well as bilateral free trade agreements within the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe. The objective of this paper is to quantify the impact of Croatia's agricultural trade policy on the agri-food sector. For the analysis, a partial equilibrium model based on 1999/2000 data is used. Trade between Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Slovenia, the EU-15 and the rest of the world is modelled for 12 product groups. Three liberalisation scenarios are analysed for the years 2002 and 2005. The scenarios differ with regard to the tariff changes. In general, the model results indicate that reciprocal trade liberalisation is welfare improving for Croatia. The increase in consumer welfare is larger than the decline in farmers' profits and the loss of governmental tariff revenues. In conclusion, the continuation of trade liberalisation is to be recommended. However, trade policy alone will not solve the existing problems of the agri-food sector, and transitional compensation measures could be considered to avoid unacceptable hardship. The benefits of trade liberalisation are primarily to be seen in an improved access to international markets, which probably enables Croatian food processors to realise economies of scale. In addition, internationally binding commitments such as trade agreements are likely to foster the internal and international political credibility and reduce political risks. -- G E R M A N V E R S I O N: In den letzten Jahren hat Kroatien mehrere Handelsabkommen unterzeichnet. Die Hauptelemente der kroatischen Handelspolitik sind die Mitgliedschaft in der WTO, das Stabilisierungsund Assoziierungsabkommen mit der EU und der Antrag auf EU-Mitgliedschaft sowie die bilateralen Freihandelsabkommen innerhalb des Stabilitätspaktes für Südosteuropa. Ziel des vorliegenden Beitrages ist es, die Auswirkungen dieser Agrarhandelspolitik auf den kroatischen Agrar- und Ernährungssektor zu quantifizieren. Für die Analyse wird ein partielles Gleichgewichtsmodell verwendet, das auf Daten der Jahre 1999/2000 basiert. Für 12 Produktgruppen wird Kroatiens Handel mit Bosnien und Herzegowina, Ungarn, Slowenien, der EU-15 und dem Rest der Welt modelliert. Für die Jahre 2002 und 2005 werden drei Liberalisierungsszenarien untersucht, die sich bezüglich der Zolländerungen unterscheiden. Insgesamt zeigen die Modellergebnisse, das eine wechselseitige Handelsliberalisierung wohlfahrtssteigernde Effekte für Kroatien hat. Der Anstieg der Konsumentenwohlfahrt übersteigt den Einkommensrückgang der Landwirte und den Verlust an staatlichen Zolleinnahmen. Daher ist eine Fortsetzung der Handelsliberalisierung empfehlenswert. Allerdings kann die Handelspolitik alleine die existierenden Probleme im Agrar- und Ernährungssektor Kroatiens nicht lösen. Um unerwünschteHärten zu vermeiden, könnten für eine Übergangsphase Kompensationsmaßnahmen in Betracht gezogen werden. Der Nutzen einer Handelsliberalisierung ist vor allem in einem verbesserten Zugang zu internationalen Märkten zu sehen. Dies ermöglicht es kroatischen Verarbeitern wahrscheinlich, Skaleneffekte zu realisieren. Außerdem erhöhen international bindende Verpflichtungen wie Handelsabkommen die interne und internationale politische Glaubwürdigkeit und tragen damit dazu bei, politische Risiken zu reduzieren.Croatia,trade liberalisation,agri-food sector,partial equilibrium analysis,Kroatien,Handelsliberalisierung,Agrar- und Ernährungssektor,partielle Gleichgewichtsanalyse

    Make It Point

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    1. Finding a Willingness to Disappoint Steel, latex paint, wood. An object that attempts to make a self-sufficient structure from a series of failed attempts. Hardware shows as an answer, but over and over, an answer isn’t enough. More than anything, each answer is the sum of its shape and weight, not its’ prescribed function. 2. My Own Sliding Self-Respect Steel, enamel, latex paint, wood, light fixture, colored light bulb, extension cord. Scale is a measurement of self-worth. Some people know exactly how much space they take up, others lack a sturdy shape in their volume. And light takes up space in the faces it illuminates. 3-4. Tell the Question to the Wall, Parts 1 & 2 Wood, plywood, blue crepe paper, glue, steel, copper, aluminum, enamel, latex paint, spray paint, self-drilling screws, watercolor, nylon rope. Drawings need fasteners to hold together. Bringing formal language out of image-space involves practical considerations, or else pictorial elements begin to fall apart. 5. The Hardest Thing to Move Wood, Steel, enamel, latex paint, nylon webbing, nylon rope, glue, plaster, tin foil, beeswax, colored light bulb. The hardest thing to move is the thing with the most loose parts. Each time it moves, it changes; it is only held together by gravity, a gaze, and a formal grammar. 6. Trust Steel, enamel, wood, woodglue, spray paint. “Trust” draws out our affinities for each other. This is a word that can be forged, polished, and put on tidy pedestals. Something we can all understand without squinting or standing back. Not stricken lines, not doubting; communicating (communication is a labor-intensive process). 7. Habits of Spoken Pleasure Colored thread, straight pins, nylon yarn, latex paint, zip ties, enamel, scrim, blue crepe paper, vinyl rope, rubber bands, plastic wrapper, hemp string, nails, aluminum tape, copper wire, screw, packing tape, plastic netting. At the scale of a thumbnail, all material is sufficient as material. These items are made to be cast away. They hold together by virtue of their lightness, which isn\u27t to say their bonds are weak. It takes a very open strength to be small, held in the palm of a hand. 8. Two Different Plans and Two Similar Outcomes Steel, Fiberboard, spray paint, self-drilling screws, light fixture, colored light bulbs, paper pulp, vinyl rope. A particular kind of confusion and dissolution, in the presence of other letters and actions that make less sense as a group than as individual parts. These elements can’t even make themselves out from the rest of the room, and that may be the only reason they remain. 9. Keenness for Even Feeling Colored thread, nails, graphite pencil. Occasional gaps, manifested as non-spaces between the other works, are agents of their own erasure. This is a volume without form, adrift and lacking the vocabulary to express. These threads are, at best, on the verge of recognition and ascribed meaning. 10-11. Words are Two-Sided, Parts 1 & 2 Steel. Each letter taking a square within a grid, language achieves meaning via proximity. A gathering of letters can express doubt (Part 1) or assurance (Part 2). When the grid is extruded into three-dimensional space, it can express both. The words make a commitment to live as objects
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