1,798 research outputs found

    Pore fluid constraints on deep ocean temperature and salinity during the Last Glacial Maximum

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    Pore water records of δ^(18)O and [Cl] from ODP Site 1063A on the Bermuda Rise constrain the change in seawater δ^(18)O and salinity from the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) to the Holocene to be 0.75±0.05‰ and 2.5±0.1% respectively. Coupled with a measured benthic foraminiferal δ^(18)O change, this result means that bottom waters were 4.6±0.8°C cooler than the Holocene at the LGM and therefore at or near the seawater freezing point. Coupled δ^(18)O and chlorinity results give an extrapolated mean ocean LGM to Holocene change in δ^(18)O of 0.95±0.09‰. These data also constrain the past southern source deep‐water salinity to be 35.76±0.04 psu, which is within error of the mean deep ocean value for this time

    Seasonally resolved stable isotope chronologies from northern Thailand deciduous trees

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    Author Posting. © The Authors, 2005. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Elsevier B. V. for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Earth and Planetary Science Letters 235 (2005): 752-765, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2005.05.012.Despite the existence of a number of climate proxies, the terrestrial expression of tropical climate variability over the past few centuries remains poorly resolved. We explore the applicability of stable isotope dendroclimatology as a tool for chronology and paleo-hydrology reconstruction on deciduous trees from monsoonal northern Thailand. Analysis of 11 trees coming from 4 different regions of northern Thailand yielded 7 records with varying degrees of δ18O and δ13C seasonality. We develop age models for trees lacking visible rings based on the seasonality of the δ18O and find agreement to within ≤ 3 years with radiocarbon age estimates. We use the isotopic age models to reconstruct estimates of growth rates and find a significant positive correlation between growth and amplitude of the oxygen and carbon seasonal isotopic signals. A comparison of a reconstructed dendro-isotopic index from Pangmapa with regional rainfall records indicates significant correlations consistent with the locally derived patterns but with decreased representation of the variance. Individual isotopic chronologies stemming from different tree species share common trends, which are also consistent with patterns of rainfall variability. We see an increase in the amplitude of the seasonal δ18O cycle along with an increase in δ18Omax over the past few decades suggesting a tracking of the recent drying trend of Thailand's monsoon.This research was supported by NSERC and the Teresa Heinz Scholarship for Environmental Research to PFP and Award #0402425 from the Paleoclimate Program of the Atmospheric Sciences Division of NSF to DPS

    An absolute reference frame for clumped isotope thermometry

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    Analysis of multiply substituted isotopologues of molecules (‘clumped isotope geochemistry’) presents special challenges to both precision and accuracy. Previous discussions have focused on mass spectrometric precision for these rare species and intralaboratory reference frames. This discipline has spread, demanding interlaboratory standardization. We present a four-laboratory study of the calibration of mass-47 anomalies (Δ_(47) values) in CO_2 (especially extracted from carbonate). We consider: instrument linearity, source fragmentation/recombination reactions (which vary between mass spectrometers and with time and instrument settings), and differences in methods, materials and conditions for sample preparation. We address these problems by developing a method for standardizing Δ_(47) measurements to an absolute reference frame based on theoretical predictions of the abundances of multiply-substituted isotopologues of gaseous CO_2 that has reached a thermodynamic equilibrium at a known temperature. By analyzing CO_2 gases that have been subjected to established laboratory procedures known to promote isotopic equilibration (i.e., heated gases and water-equilibrated CO_2), and by reference to the statistical thermodynamic predictions of equilibrium isotopic distributions, it is possible to construct an empirical transfer function that can then be applied to CO_2 samples with unknown Δ_(47) values. This reference frame may be unique in that it is based on thermodynamic equilibrium, rather than the isotopic composition of an arbitrary reference material. We describe the protocol necessary to construct such a reference frame, the method for converting gases with unknown clumped isotope compositions to this frame, and suggest a protocol for ensuring that reported Δ_(47) values can be compared among different laboratories, independent of laboratory-specific analytical or methodological artefacts. Application of this approach to measurements of CO_2 extracted from several carbonate reference materials results in interlaboratory agreement on their Δ_(47) values to within est. ±0.01 ‰, 1σ. Finally, we present a revised paleotemperature scale that applies when using the absolute reference frame described here, as opposed to the previous paleotemperature equation based on data from a single laboratory. More generally, this study presents a model for how interlaboratory standardization might be approached for other ‘clumped isotope’ measurements

    Überinfusion von Verbrennungsopfern: häufig und schädlich

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    Zusammenfassung: Hintergrund: Schwerbrandverletzte (mehr als 20% verbrannter Körperoberfläche bei Erwachsenen) weisen in der ersten Phase (8-48h) einen durch das massive Kapillarleck bedingten Verbrennungsschock auf, der einer Infusionstherapie bedarf, um die Hämodynamik wieder herzustellen. Bis in die 80erJahre stellte eine unzureichende Flüssigkeitstherapie (Unterinfusion) die Haupttodesursache von Verbrennungspatienten dar. Seither ist die übermäßige Flüssigkeitstherapie (Überinfusion) zu einer beachtenswerten Quelle von Komplikationen geworden: abdominales Kompartmentsyndrom, Entlastungsschnitte (Escharotomie), Verschlechterung des Gasaustauschs, Verlängerung der künstlichen Beatmung und des Spitalaufenthalts. Die Überinfusion hat Ende der 90erJahre begonnen, wo innerhalb der ersten 24h Flüssigkeitsmengen zugeführt wurden, die weit über den 4ml/kg/%BSA ("burn surface area") der Parkland-Formel lagen. Ziel: Dieser Beitrag analysiert die Faktoren, welche zu einer Überinfusion führen können und zeigt Möglichkeiten, dem durch eine strikte Kontrolle der präklinischen Infusionstherapie sowie durch eine permissive Hypovolämie vorzubeuge

    Longitudinal decline in striatal dopamine transporter binding in Parkinson’s disease: associations with apathy and anhedonia

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    Background: Motivational symptoms such as apathy and anhedonia are common in Parkinson’s disease (PD), respond poorly to treatment, and are hypothesised to share underlying neural mechanisms. Striatal dopaminergic dysfunction is considered central to motivational symptoms in PD but the association has never been examined longitudinally. We investigated whether progression of dopaminergic dysfunction was associated with emergent apathy and anhedonia symptoms in PD. Methods: Longitudinal cohort study of 412 newly diagnosed patients with PD followed over 5 years as part of the Parkinson’s Progression Markers Initiative cohort. Apathy and anhedonia were measured using a composite score derived from relevant items of the 15-item Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS-15) and part I of the MDS-Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale. Dopaminergic neurodegeneration was measured using repeated striatal dopamine transporter (DAT) imaging. Results: Linear mixed-effects modelling across all contemporaneous data points identified a significant negative relationship between striatal DAT specific binding ratio (SBR) and apathy/anhedonia symptoms, which emerged as PD progressed (interaction:β=−0.09, 95% CI (−0.15 to 0.03), p=0.002). Appearance and subsequent worsening of apathy/anhedonia symptoms began on average 2 years after diagnosis and below a threshold striatal DAT SBR level. The interaction between striatal DAT SBR and time was specific to apathy/anhedonia symptoms, with no evidence of a similar interaction for general depressive symptoms from the GDS-15 (excluding apathy/anhedonia items) (β=−0.06, 95% CI (−0.13 to 0.01)) or motor symptoms (β=0.20, 95% CI (−0.25 to 0.65)). Conclusions: Our findings support a central role for dopaminergic dysfunction in motivational symptoms in PD. Striatal DAT imaging may be a useful indicator of apathy/anhedonia risk that could inform intervention strategies

    Repositioning the Catalytic Triad Aspartic Acid of Haloalkane Dehalogenase: Effects on Stability, Kinetics, and Structure

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    Haloalkane dehalogenase (DhlA) catalyzes the hydrolysis of haloalkanes via an alkyl-enzyme intermediate. The covalent intermediate, which is formed by nucleophilic substitution with Asp124, is hydrolyzed by a water molecule that is activated by His289. The role of Asp260, which is the third member of the catalytic triad, was studied by site-directed mutagenesis. Mutation of Asp260 to asparagine resulted in a catalytically inactive D260N mutant, which demonstrates that the triad acid Asp260 is essential for dehalogenase activity. Furthermore, Asp260 has an important structural role, since the D260N enzyme accumulated mainly in inclusion bodies during expression, and neither substrate nor product could bind in the active-site cavity. Activity for brominated substrates was restored to D260N by replacing Asn148 with an aspartic or glutamic acid. Both double mutants D260N+N148D and D260N+N148E had a 10-fold reduced kcat and 40-fold higher Km values for 1,2-dibromoethane compared to the wild-type enzyme. Pre-steady-state kinetic analysis of the D260N+N148E double mutant showed that the decrease in kcat was mainly caused by a 220-fold reduction of the rate of carbon-bromine bond cleavage and a 10-fold decrease in the rate of hydrolysis of the alkyl-enzyme intermediate. On the other hand, bromide was released 12-fold faster and via a different pathway than in the wild-type enzyme. Molecular modeling of the mutant showed that Glu148 indeed could take over the interaction with His289 and that there was a change in charge distribution in the tunnel region that connects the active site with the solvent. On the basis of primary structure similarity between DhlA and other α/β-hydrolase fold dehalogenases, we propose that a conserved acidic residue at the equivalent position of Asn148 in DhlA is the third catalytic triad residue in the latter enzymes.