28 research outputs found

    Investigating potential acoustic correlates of sonority: Intensity vs. periodic energy

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    This empirical study examines possible acoustic correlates of sonority. The results indicate that periodic energy (in particular its sum) is a more reliable cue to sonority than intensity

    Erfassung von Kleinsäugern durch Schüler:Ein Unterrichtsprojekt zum Erlernen biologischer Methoden-Kompetenzen

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    Mit Schülern einer 9. Klasse der Werner-von-Siemens Realschule (Gladbeck) sind in dem Landschaftsschutzgebiet „Wittringer Wald“ bei Gladbeck die dort vorkommenden Kleinsäu- gerarten erfasst worden. Die Daten sind von landesweitem Interesse und dienen der Erstel- lung eines Verbreitungsatlasses einheimischer Säugetierarten. Bei dem Natur begegnenden Projekt konnten die Schüler neben der Erweiterung ihrer Artenkenntnis methodische Kompetenzen erlangen, die für exaktes biologisches Arbeiten unerlässlich sind.<br

    Customer Perspective On The Purchase and Use Of Sustainable And Innovative Furniture In A Co-Creation Process

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    For developing a European industrial cooperation and involvement in the furniture industry, the international research project INEDIT conducted a survey for furniture customers. By finding out the needs and wishes of the customer regarding innovative products and the production process the project will establish a new way for designing and producing furniture. Within INEDIT a platform is built on which customized, technologically innovative and sustainable furniture can be created and produced in a co-creation process. The furniture industry should thus become significantly more flexible, transparent and sustainable. Following the "do-it-together" approach, a business ecosystem will be generated which creates added value not only for customers but also for designers, suppliers and manufacturing companies. In order to involve the customer even more actively in the design process and the production, the platform will provide access to a mix of digital and physical services and is linked to all other stakeholders in the value chain. To match the platform and the process to the needs, wishes and demands of the customer an anonymous survey with 300 participants was developed and conducted. By analyzing the survey, important factors were found for buying and for using furniture considering new technological inventions (e.g. 3D-printing or smart objects), sustainability of the products and the production process. Furthermore, the potential customer-group and their usage of the do-it-together process and additional activities can be tightened

    Analyzing Supply Risks and Product Characteristics - A Systematic Literature Review

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    The environment in which companies operate is increasingly volatile and complex. This results in an increased exposure to disruptions. Past disruptions have especially affected procurement. Thus, companies need to prepare for disruptions. The preparedness for disruptions in the context of procurement is significantly influenced by the design of the procurement strategy. However, a high number of purchased articles and a variety of influencing factors lead to high complexity in procurement. The systematic design of the procurement strategy should therefore take into account the criticality of the purchased articles. This enables to focus on the purchased articles that have a high impact on the disruption preparedness. Existing approaches regarding the design of the procurement strategy in uncertain environments either lack practical applicability and objective evaluation or focus on the criticality of raw materials rather than of purchased articles. Therefore, a data-based approach for the systematic design of the procurement strategy in the context of the Internet of Production has been proposed. One central aspect of this approach is the identification of success-critical purchased articles. Thus, this paper proposes a framework for characterizing purchased articles regarding supply risks by combining two systematic analyses. First, a systematic literature review is performed to answer the question of what factors can be used to describe the supply risks of purchased articles. The results are analyzed regarding sources and impacts of risks and thus contribute to a structured characterization of supply risks. Second, existing criticality assessment approaches for raw materials are analyzed to identify categories and indicators that describe purchased articles. The results of both reviews provide the basis for linking product characteristics with supply risks and assessing product criticality which will be integrated into an app prototype

    Systematisation Approach: Handling Insufficient Data Quality

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    Current megatrends such as globalisation and digitalisation are increasing complexity, making systems for well-founded and short-term decision support indispensable. A necessary condition for reliable decision-making is high data quality. In practice, it is repeatedly shown that data quality is insufficient, especially in master and transaction data. Moreover, upcoming approaches for data-based decisions consistently raise the required level of data quality. Hence, the importance of handling insufficient data quality is currently and will remain elementary. Since the literature does not systematically consider the possibilities in the case of insufficient data quality, this paper presents a general model and systematic approach for handling those cases in real-world scenarios. The model developed here presents the various possibilities of handling insufficient data quality in a process-based approach as a framework for decision support. The individual aspects of the model are examined in more detail along the process chain from data acquisition to final data processing. Subsequently, the systematic approach is applied and contextualised for production planning and supply chain event management, respectively. Due to their general validity, the results enable companies to manage insufficient data quality systematically

    Towards A Modular IT-Landscape For Manufacturing Companies: Framework For Holistic Software Modularization

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    Companies in the manufacturing sector are confronted with an increasingly dynamic environment. Thus, corporate processes and, consequently, the supporting IT landscape must change. This need is not yet fully met in the development of information systems. While best-of-breed approaches are available, monolithic systems that no longer meet the manufacturing industry's requirements are still prevalent in practical use. A modular structure of IT landscapes could combine the advantages of individual and standard information systems and meet the need for adaptability. At present, however, there is no established standard for the modular design of IT landscapes in the field of manufacturing companies' information systems. This paper presents different ways of the modular design of IT landscapes and information systems and analyzes their objects of modularization. For this purpose, a systematic literature research is carried out in the subject area of software and modularization. Starting from the V-model as a reference model, a framework for different levels of modularization was developed by identifying that most scientific approaches carry out modularization at the data structure-based and source code-based levels. Only a few sources address the consideration of modularization at the level of the software environment-based and software function-based level. In particular, no domain-specific application of these levels of modularization, e.g., for manufacturing, was identified

    Requirements for an IoT-lock enabling asynchronous physical handovers of temi-trailers in road freight relay-transport

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    In long-distance road freight transport, capacity utilization of semi-trailers is less than 30 % due to mandatory steering and rest periods. Truck parking spaces are overcrowded while resulting parking search traffic leads to additional emissions. At the same time, the acute driver shortage and customers' expectations of ever faster functioning supply chains force the highest efficiency in transport means and personnel. Multi-carrier relay-transport represents an approach to solving these problems and exploiting untapped efficiency potentials: Via a digital platform, long distances are intelligently divided into short route sections which are distributed among different carriers. At predefined switching points, the asynchronous handover of semi-trailers to rested drivers takes place. To enable a secure cross-company physical handover, IoT-locking mechanisms play a crucial role. This paper details the asynchronous handover process and introduces the technical design of an IoT-lock which provides effective theft protection while the trailer is parked and reliably connects tractor and semi-trailer during transport. Based on an analysis of stakeholder requirements, software functionalities and mechanical properties of the IoT-lock are derived, which ensure effective theft protection as well as real-time data transmission for relay transports. In addition, legal requirements for asynchronous transfers are investigated to determine liability in case of damage or loss. These form the basis for digital handover protocols that record the condition of the freight and trailer during the handover process

    The Process Mining Use Case Canvas: A Framework for Developing and Specifying Use Cases

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    Process mining has emerged as a crucial technology for digitalization, enabling companies to analyze, visualize, and optimize their processes using system data. Despite significant developments in the field over the years, companies - notably small and medium-sized enterprises - are not yet familiar with the discipline, leaving untapped potential for its practical application in the business domain. They often struggle with understanding the potential use cases, associated benefits, and prerequisites for implementing process mining applications. This lack of clarity and concerns about the effort and costs involved hinder the widespread adoption of process mining. To address this gap between process mining theory and real-world business application, we introduce the "Process Mining Use Case Canvas", a novel framework designed to facilitate the structured development and specification of suitable use cases for process mining applications within manufacturing companies. We also connect to established methodologies and models for developing and specifying use cases for business models from related domains targeting data analytics and artificial intelligence projects. The canvas has already been tested and validated through its application in the ProMiConE research project, collaborating with manufacturing companies

    Rapid spin depolarization in the layered 2D Ruddlesden Popper perovskite (BA)(MA)PbI

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    We report temperature-dependent spectroscopy on the layered (n=4) two-dimensional (2D) Ruddlesden-Popper perovskite (BA)(MA)PbI. Helicity-resolved steady-state photoluminescence (PL) reveals no optical degree of polarization. Time-resolved PL shows a photocarrier lifetime on the order of nanoseconds. From simultaneaously recorded time-resolved differential reflectivity (TRΔ\DeltaR) and time-resolved Kerr ellipticity (TRKE), a photocarrier lifetime of a few nanoseconds and a spin dephasing time on the order of picoseconds was found. This stark contrast in lifetimes clearly explains the lack of spin polarization in steady-state PL. While we observe clear temperature-dependent effects on the PL dynamics that can be related to structural dynamics, the spin dephasing is nearly T-independent. Our results highlight that spin dephasing in 2D (BA)(MA)PbI occurs at time scales faster than the exciton recombination time, which poses a bottleneck for applications aimingto utilize this degree of freedom

    Practitioner’s Section: Integrated Resource Efficiency Analysis for Reducing Climate Impacts in the Chemical Industry

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    Reducing greenhouse gas emissions of the material-intensive chemical industry requires an integrated analysis and optimization of the complex production systems including raw material and energy use, resulting costs and environmental and climate impacts. To meet this challenge, the research project InReff (Integrated Resource Efficiency Analysis for Reducing Climate Impacts in the Chemical Industry) has been established. It aims at the development of an IT-supported modeling and evaluation framework which is able to comprehensively address issues of resource efficiency and climate change within the chemical industry, e.g. the minimization of material and energy intensity and consequently greenhouse gas emissions, without compromising on production performance. The paper presents background information on resource efficiency and the research project, an ideal-typical decision model for resource efficiency analysis, the conceptual approach for an IT-based integration platform as well as the case study design at the industrial project partners’ sites. These first results are linked to future activities and further research questions are highlighted in the concluding section