3 research outputs found

    Severe infections of Panton-Valentine leukocidin positive Staphylococcus aureus in children

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    Infections caused by Panton-Valentine leukocidin-positive Staphylococcus aureus (PVL-SA) mostly present as recurrent skin abscesses and furunculosis. However, life-threatening infections (eg, necrotizing pneumonia, necrotizing fasciitis, and osteomyelitis) caused by PVL-SA have also been reported.We assessed the clinical phenotype, frequency, clinical implications (surgery, length of treatment in hospitals/intensive care units, and antibiotic treatments), and potential preventability of severe PVL-SA infections in children.Total, 75 children treated for PVL-SA infections in our in- and outpatient units from 2012 to 2017 were included in this retrospective study.Ten out of 75 children contracted severe infections (PVL-methicillin resistant S aureus n = 4) including necrotizing pneumonia (n = 4), necrotizing fasciitis (n = 2), pyomyositis (n = 2; including 1 patient who also had pneumonia), mastoiditis with cerebellitis (n = 1), preorbital cellulitis (n = 1), and recurrent deep furunculosis in an immunosuppressed patient (n = 1). Specific complications of PVL-SA infections were venous thrombosis (n = 2), sepsis (n = 5), respiratory failure (n = 5), and acute respiratory distress syndrome (n = 3). The median duration of hospital stay was 14 days (range 5-52 days). In 6 out of 10 patients a history suggestive for PVL-SA colonization in the patient or close family members before hospital admission was identified.PVL-SA causes severe to life-threatening infections requiring lengthy treatments in hospital in a substantial percentage of symptomatic PVL-SA colonized children. More than 50% of severe infections might be prevented by prompt testing for PVL-SA in individuals with a history of abscesses or furunculosis, followed by decolonization measures

    10-year-analysis of the acute abdomen in very low birth weight infants considering risk factors and outcome

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    Das akute Abdomen stellt in jedem Lebensalter eine potentiell lebensgefĂ€hrdende Erkrankung dar. Es ist auch bei vlbw infants ein gefĂŒrchtetes, mit hoher MorbiditĂ€t und MortalitĂ€t einhergehendes Krankheitsbild. Die bei vlbw infants hĂ€ufigsten Ursachen sind, unter Ausschluss angeborener Fehlbildungen, NEC, FIP, meconium disease und Volvulus. Andere Ursachen stellen RaritĂ€ten dar. In der vorliegenden single-center Studie wurden sĂ€mtliche im Zeitraum vom 1.1.1995 bis zum 31.12.2004 in der CharitĂ© ohne intestinale Fehlbildungen geborene vlbw infants untersucht, die wĂ€hrend ihres ersten Klinikaufenthaltes ein akutes Abdomen entwickelten. Ein Augenmerk lag auf der Frage, inwieweit sich die an den verschiedenen Krankheitsbildern leidenden Kinder perinatal und prĂ€operativ unterschieden. Ferner sollte die Frage untersucht werden, welche perinatalen, prĂ€- und postoperativen Faktoren Hinweise auf das unmittelbare postoperative outcome der Patienten geben. Bei Betrachtung der Daten zu den einzelnen Erkrankungen fallen als wesentliche Ergebnisse auf, dass die NEC mit im Median 20 Lebenstagen ein signifikant höheres Erkrankungsalter aufweist, als die anderen Erkrankungen. Ferner scheinen die prĂ€operativen laborchemischen EntzĂŒndungsparameter einen wichtigen Hinweis auf die zugrunde liegende Erkrankung zu geben: Bei der NEC ist das CRP prĂ€operativ nur moderat erhöht, wĂ€hrend das Il-6 massiv angestiegen ist, was fĂŒr einen hochakuten Prozess spricht. Im Gegensatz dazu ist das prĂ€operative CRP bei der FIP stĂ€rker und das Il-6 geringer erhöht. Bei der meconium disease und bei einem Volvulus liegt das CRP erwartungsgemĂ€ĂŸ im Normbereich, da es sich bei beiden Erkrankungen um nichtentzĂŒndliche Genesen handelt. ZusĂ€tzlich ist bei der NEC prĂ€operativ der Blutlaktatwert hĂ€ufig massiv erhöht. Bei spĂ€rlicher Datenlage wurde hier aber auf die Berechnung der Signifikanz verzichtet. Bei der Untersuchung der Kinder scheinen fĂŒr ein positives outcome, sprich keine weitere Laparotomie oder lediglich ein geplanter Zweit-Eingriff (in der Regel zum Stomaverschluss) zu sprechen: 5-Minuten APGAR >5, Erkrankungsbeginn am ersten Lebenstag oder nach der zweiten Lebenswoche, sowie mĂ€ĂŸige Il-6-Erhöhung von <400ng/dl. Hinweise fĂŒr ein negatives outcome im Sinne von einer oder mehreren Relaparotomien bzw. letalem Ausgang scheinen ein Gestationsalter von <25 SSW zu sein. Außerdem sind KörpertemperaturinstabilitĂ€t mit Temperaturen von unter 36,4°C oder ĂŒber 40,0°C als PrĂ€diktoren fĂŒr ein negatives outcome anzusehen. Kinder mit aus kinderchirurgischer Sicht postoperativ kompliziertem Verlauf hatten prĂ€operativ signifikant hĂ€ufiger eine Azidose mit einem pH von im Mittel 7,252 sowie ein erhöhtes Blut-Laktat. Bei den postoperativ erhobenen Daten dient ein auftretendes kapillary-leak-syndrome als signifikanter Indikator fĂŒr einen letalen Ausgang. 70,6% der verstorbenen Kinder erlitten postoperativ diese Komplikation. Wichtig ist die PrĂ€vention des akuten Abdomen, da es trotz extremer medizinischer Fortschritte immer noch mit hohen Komplikationen verbunden ist. Einzig zur PrĂ€vention der NEC, welche sich am ehesten durch ein Zusammenspiel von MotilitĂ€tsstörung, bakterielle Inbalance im Darmlumen und intestinaler IschĂ€mie im unreifen Darm entwickelt gibt es veröffentlichte Studien. Diese zeigen eine protektive Wirkung von optimaler Oxygenisierung, MuttermilchfĂŒtterung, Arginin-Supplementation, ZufĂŒtterung von Probiotika sowie die simultane enterale Gabe von IgG und IgA.At every age the acute abdomen is a potential deathly disease. It is dreaded and associated with a high morbidity and mortality among vlbw imfants too. Except congenital malformations, the most common causes for acute abdomen in vlbw infants are NEC, FIP, meconium disease and volvulus. Other causes are rare. In this single center study we analysed all vlbw infants, born between 1.1.1995 and 31.12.2004 in the CharitĂ©- UniversitĂ€tsmedizin Berlin, developing an acute abdomen in their first hospitalisation. Newborns with congenital intestinal malformations were excluded. Especially we payed attention in perinatal and perioperative differences among the chidren suffering the various diseases. Moreover we sceened perinatal, pre- or postoperative factors which could hint to the direct postoperativ outcome. We noticed that NEC occurred significant later than the other diseases (median 2oth day of life). Besides the preoperative inflammtory laboratory parameters leads to the underlying disease: With NEC the preoperative CRP is moderately elevated, while Il-6 is massively increased. This is an indication for a high acuity of NEC. With FIP it is the opposite - the preoperative CRP is more and the Il-6 less increased. As expected with meconium disease and volvulus the CRP is in normal range, because it is a matter of non-inflammatory origin. With NEC the preoperative blood-lactate is often heavily elevated. Few data were available, so we had to refrain from the calculation of significance. During the survey for a postoperative positive outcome, that means no further laparotomy or just a projected re-intervention (normally for stoma closure), we found the following beneficial prognostic facts: 5-minute APGAR >5, beginning of the illness on the first day of life or after the second week of like and moderate elevation of Il-6 <400ng/dl. Indications for a negative outcome in terms of one or more relaparotomies or lethal consequence seems to be age of gestation <25 weeks of pregnancy and instability of body temperature with a temperature 40.0°C. Infants with a complicated growth had significantly more frequent an acidosis with a blood-pH, in the mean of 7.252. Among the postoperative data the development of a capillary leak syndrome is a significant predictor for a lethal outcome. 70.6% of the deceased children had this postoperative complication. The prevention of the acute abdomen is important, because despite the medical progress it is still associated with a high rate of complication. In literature only studies for the prevention of NEC can be found. Presumably NEC develops in an interaction of a dysfunction of intestinal motility, bacterial imbalance in gut lumen and intestinal ischemia. The studies show a protective effect of optimal oxygenation, feeding of breast milk, supplementation of arginin, feeding of probiotics and simultaneous enteral donation of IgG and IgA

    Surgical Practice in Girls with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia: An International Registry Study.

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    In this article international trends in surgical practice in girls with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) are evaluated. All cases that had been classified in the I-CAH/I-DSD registry as 46,XX CAH and who were born prior to 2017 were identified. Centers were approached to obtain information on surgical decision making. Of the 330 included participants, 208 (63.0%) presented within the first month of life, and 326 (98.8%) cases were assigned female. Genital surgery had been performed in 250 (75.8%). A total of 64.3, 89.2, and 96.8% of cases residing in Europe, South America and Asia, respectively, had at least one surgery. In a logistic regression model for the probability of surgery before the second birthday (early surgery) over time an increase of probability for early vaginal surgery could be identified, but not for clitoral surgery or both surgeries combined. Genitoplasty in girls with CAH remains controversial. This large international study provides a snapshot of current practice and reveals geographical and temporal differences. Fewer surgeries were reported for Europe, and there seems to be a significant trend towards aiming for vaginal surgery within the first 2 years of life