8 research outputs found

    Визначення впливу основних чинників на величину операційного прибутку будівельних підприємств

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    Стаття присвячена оцінці впливу основних чинників на величину операційного прибутку будівельних підприємств. На основі аналізу динаміки витрат та доходів і структури собівартості будівельної продукції підприємств будівельної галузі було визначено основні чинники, від яких залежить ефективність діяльності підприємств цієї галузі.Статья посвящена оценке влияния основных факторов на величину операционной прибыли строительных предприятий. На основе анализа динамики затрат, доходов и структуры себестоимости строительной продукции предприятий строительной отрасли были определены основные факторы, от которых зависит эффективность деятельности предприятий этой отрасли.The article is devoted to the estimation of influence of the main factors on operating profit of building companies. On the base of analysis of cost and income behavior as well as cost structure of building product main factors that influence effective activity of building companies were determined

    Alignment to natural and imposed mismatches between the senses

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    Does the nervous system continuously realign the senses so that objects are seen and felt in the same place? Conflicting answers to this question have been given. Research imposing a sensory mismatch has provided evidence that the nervous system realigns the senses to reduce the mismatch. Other studies have shown that when subjects point with the unseen hand to visual targets, their end points show visual-proprioceptive biases that do not disappear after episodes of visual feedback. These biases are indicative of intersensory mismatches that the nervous system does not align for. Here, we directly compare how the nervous system deals with natural and imposed mismatches. Subjects moved a hand-held cube to virtual cubes appearing at pseudorandom locations in threedimensional space. We alternated blocks in which subjects moved without visual feedback of the hand with feedback blocks in which we rendered a cube representing the hand-held cube. In feedback blocks, we rotated the visual feedback by 5° relative to the subject's head, creating an imposed mismatch between vision and proprioception on top of any natural mismatches. Realignment occurred quickly but was incomplete. We found more realignment to imposed mismatches than to natural mismatches. We propose that this difference is related to the way in which the visual information changed when subjects entered the experiment: the imposed mismatches were different from the mismatch in daily life, so alignment started from scratch, whereas the natural mismatches were not imposed by the experimenter, so subjects are likely to have entered the experiment partly aligned. © 2013 the American Physiological Society

    Grasping Movement: What we know and do not know about the control of grasping

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    Smeets, J.B.J. [Promotor]Brenner, E.M. [Copromotor

    Robust movement segmentation by combining multiple sources of information

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    One of the first steps in analyzing kinematic data is determining the beginning and end of movement segments. This is often done automatically on the basis of one parameter (such as a speed minimum) and subsequently corrections are made if visual inspection of other kinematic parameters suggests that the obtained value was incorrect. We argue that in many cases it is impossible to find a satisfactory endpoint for all possible movement segments within an experiment using a single parameter because the intuition about the end of a segment is based on multiple criteria. Therefore by taking the maximum of an objective function based on multiple sources of information one can find the best possible time point to call the endpoint. We will demonstrate that this Multiple Sources of Information method (MSI-method) for finding endpoints performs better than conventional methods and that it is robust against arbitrary choices made by the researcher. Using it reduces the chance of introducing biases and eliminates the need for subjective corrections. Although we will take goal directed upper limb motion as an example throughout this paper, it should be stressed that the method could be applied to a wide variety of movements. © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved