167 research outputs found

    Cellular cholesterol and how to find it

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    Cholesterol is an essential component of eukaryotic cellular membranes. Information about its subcellular localization and transport pathways inside cells are key for the understanding and treatment of cholesterol-related diseases. In this review we give an overview over the most commonly used methods that contributed to our current understanding of subcellular cholesterol localization and transport routes. First, we discuss methods that provide insights into cholesterol metabolism based on readouts of downstream effects such as esterification. Subsequently, we focus on the use of cholesterol-binding molecules as probes that facilitate visualization and quantification of sterols inside of cells. Finally, we explore different analogues of cholesterol which, when taken up by living cells, are integrated and transported in a similar fashion as endogenous sterols. Taken together, we highlight the challenges and advantages of each method such that researchers studying aspects of cholesterol transport may choose the most pertinent approach for their problem

    Magneto-optical probe of the fully gapped Dirac band in ZrSiS

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    We present a far-infrared magneto-optical study of the gapped nodal-line semimetal ZrSiS in magnetic fields BB up to 7 T. The observed field-dependent features, which represent intra- (cyclotron resonance) and interband transitions, develop as B\sqrt{B} in increasing field and can be consistently explained within a simple 2D Dirac band model with a gap of 26 meV and an averaged Fermi velocity of 3×1053\times10^{5} m/s. This indicates a rather narrow distribution of these parameters along the in-plane portions of the nodal line in the Brillouin zone. A field-induced feature with an energy position that does not depend on BB is also detected in the spectra. Possible origins of this feature are discussed.Comment: accepted to Phys. Rev. Researc

    Calcifediol is a safe and effective metabolite for raising vitamin D status and improving growth and feed conversion in rainbow trout

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    The vitamin D endocrine system is required for the transcriptional regulation of a myriad of vertebrate genes including those involved in bone health, growth, nutrient metabolism and immunity. The requirements of salmonids for vitamin D are amongst the highest for any aquaculture species. With nuances, the metabolism of the pre-vitamin cholecalciferol (D3) via calcifediol (25-OH-D3), required to produce the physiologically active hormone calcitriol (1,25-OH-D3) is conserved in fish. The composition of modern aquafeeds, growth in seawater and production challenges, such as disease, may result in the suboptimal biochemical activation of vitamin D hormone in fish. A 91-day experimental feeding trial was used to test the safety and efficacy of calcifediol for the supply of vitamin D to rainbow trout with an initial body weight of 57.6 g. A practical diet containing cholecalciferol within recommended levels (5240 IU) was supplemented with either 69.8, 687 or 6854 μg/kg calcifediol. The efficacy of calcifediol was determined by the assessment of zootechnical performance and the appearance of vitamin D metabolites in the blood. The safety of the dietary interventions was assessed from generic health indices, examination of gross pathologies, hematology, and blood chemistry. Test fish increased body weight at least 5.6-fold to 323.5 g over the experimental feeding period. The supplementation of 687 or 6854 μg/kg calcifediol resulted in significant improvements in growth rate and feed conversion (FCR). Whilst not detectable in control fish, calcifediol increased linearly according to dietary levels in the blood and to a lesser extent in the white muscle. The increases of calcifediol in the blood were accompanied by saturable increases of circulating active vitamin D. At the end of the 91-day feeding period, survival was 100%, no gross pathologies relating to the diets were observed, and health indices, hematology, and blood chemistry, including calcium and phosphorus, were not significantly altered. The supplementation of calcifediol to practical diets containing recommended levels of cholecalciferol improves zootechnical performance and ensures that maximal levels of active vitamin D are present in the blood to meet physiological demands. With a lack of significant effects on health indices, hematology, and blood chemistry, including calcium and phosphorus, the tested high doses of calcifediol are concluded to be safe for salmonids

    Li₀.₆[Li₀.₂Sn₀.₈S₂] – a layered lithium superionic conductor

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    One of the key challenges of energy research is finding solid electrolytes with high lithium conductivities comparable to those of liquid electrolytes. In this context, developing new structural families of potential Li+ ion conductors and identifying structural descriptors for fast Li+ ion conduction to occur is key to expand the scope of viable Li+ ion conductors. Here, we report that the layered material Li0.6[Li0.2Sn0.8S2] shows a Li+ ion conductivity comparable to the currently best lithium superionic conductors (LISICONs). Li0.6[Li0.2Sn0.8S2] is composed of layers comprising edge-sharing Li/SnS6 octahedra, interleaved with both tetrahedrally and octahedrally coordinated Li+ ions. Pulsed field gradient (PFG) NMR studies on powder samples show intragrain (bulk) diffusion coefficients DNMR on the order of 10−11 m2 s−1 at room temperature, which corresponds to a conductivity σNMR of 9.3 × 10−3 S cm−1 assuming the Nernst–Einstein equation, thus putting Li0.6[Li0.2Sn0.8S2] en par with the best Li solid electrolytes reported to date. This is in agreement with impedance spectroscopy on powder pellets, showing a conductivity of 1.5 × 10−2 S cm−1. Direct current galvanostatic polarization/depolarization measurements on such samples show negligible electronic contributions (less than 10−9 S cm−1) but indicate significant contact resistance (d.c. conductivity in a reversible cell is 1.2 × 10−4 S cm−1 at 298 K). Our results suggest that the partial occupation of interlayer Li+ positions in this layered material is beneficial for its transport properties, which together with tetrahedrally coordinated Li sites provides facile Li+ ion diffusion pathways in the intergallery space between the covalent Sn(Li)S2 layers. This work therefore points to a generic design principle for new layered Li+ ion conductors based on the controlled depletion of Li+ ions in the interlayer space

    Non symmorphic band degeneracy at the Fermi level in ZrSiTe

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    Non-symmorphic materials have recently been predicted to exhibit many different exotic features in their electronic structures. These originate from forced band degeneracies caused by the non-symmorphic symmetry, which not only creates the possibility to realize Dirac semimetals, but also recently resulted in the prediction of novel quasiparticles beyond the usual Dirac, Weyl or Majorana fermions, which can only exist in the solid state. Experimental realization of non-symmorphic materials that have the Fermi level located at the degenerate point is difficult, however, due to the requirement of an odd band filling. In order to investigate the effect of forced band degeneracies on the transport behavior, a material that has such a degeneracy at or close to the Fermi level is desired. Here, we show with angular resolved photoemission experiments supported by density functional calculations, that ZrSiTe hosts several fourfold degenerate Dirac crossings at the X point, resulting from non-symmorphic symmetry. These crossings form a Dirac line node along XR, which is located almost directly at the Fermi level and shows almost no dispersion in energy. ZrSiTe is thus the first real material that allows for transport measurements investigating Dirac fermions that originate from non-symmorphic symmetry.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in New Journal of Physic
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