161 research outputs found

    Combining cellular automata and local binary patterns for copy-move forgery detection

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    Detection of duplicated regions in digital images has been a highly investigated field in recent years since the editing of digital images has been notably simplified by the development of advanced image processing tools. In this paper, we present a new method that combines Cellular Automata (CA) and Local Binary Patterns (LBP) to extract feature vectors for the purpose of detection of duplicated regions. The combination of CA and LBP allows a simple and reduced description of texture in the form of CA rules that represents local changes in pixel luminance values. The importance of CA lies in the fact that a very simple set of rules can be used to describe complex textures, while LBP, applied locally, allows efficient binary representation. CA rules are formed on a circular neighborhood, resulting in insensitivity to rotation of duplicated regions. Additionally, a new search method is applied to select the nearest neighbors and determine duplicated blocks. In comparison with similar methods, the proposed method showed good performance in the case of plain/multiple copy-move forgeries and rotation/scaling of duplicated regions, as well as robustness to post-processing methods such as blurring, addition of noise and JPEG compression. An important advantage of the proposed method is its low computational complexity and simplicity of its feature vector representation

    Manual and automatic labels for version 1.0 of UXTD, UXSSD, and UPX core data -- version 1.0

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    UltraSuite is a repository of ultrasound and acoustic data from child speech therapy sessions. The current release includes three data collections, one from typically developing children (UXTD) and two from children with speech sound disorders (UXSSD and UPX). This dataset contains additional materials for version 1.0 of Ultrax Typically Developing Children (UXTD), Ultrax Speech Sound Disorders (UXSSD), and UltraPhonix (UPX). It includes transcriptions, labels provided by speech therapists, reference labels with word boundaries, and automatically-derived speaker labels (therapist or child), phone boundary labels, and word boundary labels.Eshky, Aciel; Ribeiro, Manuel Sam; Cleland, Joanne; Renals, Steve; Richmond, Korin; Roxburgh, Zoe; Scobbie, James; Wrench, Alan. (2018). Manual and automatic labels for version 1.0 of UXTD, UXSSD, and UPX core data -- version 1.0, [dataset]. University of Edinburgh. School of Informatics. https://doi.org/10.7488/ds/2429

    Mathematical Proof of Genomic Amino Acid Composition Homogeneity Based on Putative Small Units

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    The amino acid composition calculated from a gene assembly coding more than 3,000-7,000 amino acid residues represents the species specific amino acid composition based on the complete genome. In the present mathematical study, the 17 amino acid composition based on the sample size, 3,000-7,000, represents an amino acid composition with 95% level simultaneous confidence intervals for all amino acid probabilities in the sample. A genomic structure is constructed homogeneously with putative small units coding similar amino acid compositions under a mathematical rule

    Similarity of Amino Acid Composition Based on Gene Assembly and Different Gene - size Distributions among the 11 Chromosomes in Encephalitozoon cuniculi

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    The amino acid composition and the gene-size distribution based on the complete genome of Encephalitozoon cuniculi were analyzed. The amino acid compositions based on the 11 chromosomes of Encephalitozoon cuniculi were almost identical, whereas the distribution patterns of gene-size among the chromosomes slightly differed. Thus, the genome is constructed with gene assemblies which show similar amino acid compositions, and which do not have the restricted boundaries

    リモートセンシング ト GIS ニ ヨル トチ リヨウ トチ ヒフク ノ ヘンカ ノ スイテイ ニ ツイテ :ガボン コク デ ラ モンダ ホゴ リン ノ バアイ

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    Foret Classee de la Mondah(FCM)ラ・モンダ保護林の土地利用・土地被覆(LULC)の変化について、定性的及び定量的に説明し、主な変動因子を求めた。このため、2000年4月7日にETM+、及び、2014年4月6日にOLIによる2時期の観測データについて、最尤法により分類後にLULCの変化を求めた。この結果、周辺地域の人口増加にともない宅地面積が20倍に急増し、不可逆的な人為的変化が見いだされた。これに加え、森林地域の面積が9.77%減少した。現地調査におけるGPSにより特定した位置情報、Google Earthによる高解像度データをサンプル領域の抽出あるいは分類結果の検証に利用した。LULCの持続的な管理を可能とするための保全政策を検討する段階で、政策立案者に対して、参照データとなる関連情報を見出すことができた。The Land Use / Land Cover (LUCL) changes in Foret Classee de la Mondah (FCM) in Gabon was studied to account for changes occurred in the past as a categorical and numerical changes and to explain their main driving causes. For this purpose, the LULC changes were analyzed using post-classification comparison technique, following to the maximum likelihood supervised classification, between two multi-temporal Landsat images of ETM+ and OLI, which were acquired on April 7th 2000 and April 6th 2014, respectively. Results highlighted irreversible human-induced changes, where the rapid growth of built-up areas exhibited 20 times from its initial area, because of the anthropogenic pressure of surrounding population. In addition, major changes occurred mainly in forested area with the loss of 9.77% of its initial area. During the classification process, the use of collateral data, such as GPS coordinates and high resolution images retrieved from ground survey and Google Earth, were extremely relevant to enhancement of sample selection of ROSs and for the validation of classification map as well. However, this study provided relevant findings which could be used as a reference for decision makers while developing conservation policies in order to generate sustainable LULC management practices

    キョウユウ カイハツ カンキョウ ト シテノ OpenSimulator ト Unity ニ ツイテ

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    今回我々は OpenSimulator のアーカイブデータであるOARファイルをUnityに読み込ませるための変換システムの開発を行った.これにより,OpenSimulator を共有開発環境とし,Unityを通して容易に3次元空間の可視化データの作成が可能になった.We developed a conversion system to load OpenSimulator Archive (.oar) files into Unity. This system allows the user to load world data jointly created in OpenSimulator into Unity on a region-by-region basis, and to ultimately output the data from Unity in a variety of formats. These features allow us to treat the pairing of OpenSimulator and Unity as a shared development environment, which simplifies the low-cost creation of 3D spatial visualization data

    カオ ノ ジョウホウ オ モチイタ ビョウタイ ハアク ニ ムケタ ブンセキ シュホウ ニ カカワル ブンケンチョウサ:エンカクイリョウ・エンカクカンゴ エ ノ カツヨウ ニ ムケテ

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    医療技術や在宅医療の拡充により住み慣れた場で医療を受けられる環境が整備されている。このような状況では、自宅療養者への遠隔医療・遠隔看護の活用は急務である。そこで、本研究は、遠隔から情報通信を介して、患者の病態を簡便に観察する手段として注目されている「顔」からの情報が、文献上でどのように位置づけられているかを明らかにすることを目的とした。使用した文献は、2013~2017年に「医中誌」、「PubMed」、「Google Scholar」に掲載された論文である。その結果、「顔」の情報と病態に関わる文献は256件であった。抽出された研究対象は、精神疾患や神経疾患を対象としたものが大半であった。分析手法では、表情や感情の変化を対象とする文献が多かった。とくに表情の分析では、顔の特徴点を設定し、その特徴点の定量化から時系列変化を捉えるものが多かった。この特徴点をもとに、顔を病態予測に使用したものは少なかったため、これらの特徴点を発展させて観察することで、今後、遠隔医療・看護に使用可能な観察情報として活用できる可能性が示唆された。Advancements in medical technology and improved home medical care today help us to receive medical care in the familiar environment of our homes. These circumstances make the use of telemedicine and telenursing crucial for home care patients. A patient’s“ face” has always been an indication of his or her condition, and observing the face can be especially useful when information communication is from a distance. In this survey, we aimed to clarify how the information obtained from observing the“ face” is positioned in the literature. The search was conducted on“ Ichushi-web,”“ Pub Med,” and“ Google Scholar” between 2013 and 2017. The literature searches on the information and pathology of the“ face” yielded 256 results. The extracted research subjects were mostly for mental and neurological diseases. In the analytical method, there were many studies targeting changes in facial expressions and emotions. Especially in the analysis of facial expressions, many studies set the feature points of faces and quantified these points to capture time-series changes. Based on these feature points, a few studies used the“ face” for disease condition estimation. In the future, the feature points could serve as information for use in telemedicine/telenursing by developing on that point

    エイセイ リモートセンシング ニ ヨル オゼ ショクセイ ズ サクセイ シュホウ ノ ケントウ

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    温暖化などによる植生への影響が懸念されてきていることを背景として,第4次尾瀬総合学術調査が開始された.学術調査では,長期かつ広域を対象としたモニタリングシステムの構築が研究課題の一つとしてあげられたが,尾瀬は年間を通して積雪や雲に覆われることが多いため,植生の広域的把握には課題が残る.そこで本稿では,尾瀬ヶ原湿原と周辺山地の植生分布の現状を明らかにするために,衛星リモートセンシングを用いた相観植生図作成手法を検討した.Landsat/OLIにより観測された2014年(88シーン),2015年(86シーン),2016年(94シーン)の計268シーンの衛星画像を収集した.撮影年度ごとにモザイク処理することで,雲と雪氷を除去した年度ごとの画像を整備した.現地調査と環境省植生図にもとづく情報からグランドトゥルースデータを整備し,機械学習の一つであるランダムフォレストにより解析することで,全体精度0.9以上と非常に高精度な相観植生図を作成できた.The Fourth Oze Scientific Research Project was initiated due to concern over the impact of global warming on vegetation in the Oze Region. One aim of the project is to develop a system for efficient monitoring of wide scale vegetation changes. The Oze Region, however, is often covered with snow and clouds throughout the year, making monitoring of wide scale changes challenging. This research examined a method for using satellite remote sensing data to create a physiognomic vegetation map for Ozegahara Moor and the surrounding mountains. A total of 268 Landsa