16 research outputs found

    The effectiveness of a first-year module presented as an accelerated learning programme to repeating students for subsequent learning

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    The use of an accelerated learning programme as an intervention to allow failing students to repeat a module in an accelerated format instead of having to redo a module over a semester or academic year has various academic, economic, and social benefits. Accelerated learning programmes are, however, often criticised in the literature for surface learning that may influence subsequent learning. Using a quantitative approach, this study statistically analysed the grades achieved by three distinct groups of students for a first-year financial accounting module and their subsequent second-year financial accounting module. The study found no statistical difference between students who repeated a module over the traditional academic period and those who repeated the module in an accelerated format. This study contributes to the limited research on accelerated learning programmes for repeating a module. The results provide empirical evidence that supports the questioning of the notion that accelerated learning programmes only lead to surface learning, and results are presented that advocate for the implementation of accelerated learning programmes as an effective mode for repeating students to follow to achieve academic success, given the various benefits

    Buffering strategies and bandwidth renegotiation for MPEG video streams

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    This paper confirms the existence of short-term and long-term variation of the required bandwidth for MPEG videostreams. We show how the use of a small amount of buffering and GOP grouping can significantly reduce the effect of the short-term variation. By introducing a number of bandwidth renegotiation techniques, which can be applied to MPEG video streams in general, we are able to reduce the effect of long-term variation. These techniques include those that need the a priori knowledge of frame sizes as well as one that can renegotiate dynamically. A costing algorithm has also been introduced in order to compare various proposals against each other

    An examination into the role of a peer academic online mentoring programme during Emergency Remote Teaching at a South African residential university

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    For residential universities, the COVID-19 pandemic in the 2020 academic year necessitated the suspension of in-person lectures and a swift transition of classes and other in-person activities to emergency remote teaching (ERT). This included the academic module mentoring programme, cognisant of the potential challenges experienced by first-year students during a period of ERT. The role of an in-person module mentoring programme before ERT was only to provide academic support to first-year students within an introductory financial accounting module to promote student success. This study investigated the role of an academic online mentoring programme for students in an introductory financial accounting module during ERT. A web-based survey was conducted to source the perceptions of both mentors and mentees who participated in an introductory module academic mentoring programme both before and during ERT to analyse whether the role of the academic module mentoring programme had shifted beyond that of academic support in an ERT environment. While academic support remained at the forefront as the main perceived benefit of the online mentoring programme, with the transition to ERT, the findings of this study illustrate an altering role that is more inclusive of additional psychological and peer support and engagement perceived benefits for first-year students who participated in an academic mentoring programme for students in an introductory financial accounting module during a period of ERT. Understanding student perceptions of the value derived for first-year students from an academic online mentoring programme is important in understanding first-year student needs and to provide relevant and applicable training to first-year students to promote student success during ERT. The findings of this study provide insight to institutions and in considering the addition of academic interventions such as offering academic online mentoring programmes during ERT and highlight the perceived value-add from both a mentor and mentee perspective

    Towards a Generalised Theory of Orchestration Practice: a Grounded Theory Approach

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    Thesis (DPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2015.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A number of authors have attempted to devise a set of principles according to which symphonic orchestration practice takes place. However, these authors have routinely failed to acknowledge the differences between a personal outlook on orchestration and a generalised study of orchestration practice. In this dissertation, Grounded Theory methodology was adopted and adapted in order to study a large number of text fragments from the most commonly used and respected orchestration textbooks of the twentieth and twenty-first century. Analysis of 6672 text fragments in open coding led to the discovery of eight core principles, or perspectives, of symphonic orchestration practice. These eight perspectives do not describe the techniques of orchestration, but rather reveal the underlying mechanics that inform and shape contemporary orchestration practice. A number of South African orchestral scores by Van Wyk, Fagan, Klatzow, Zaidel-Rudolph, Roosenschoon, Temmingh, Grové and Hofmeyr were consulted to provide musical substantiation of a number of findings and to serve as referenced examples throughout the dissertation. Personal correspondence with a number of South African composers aided in further development and corroboration of findings. Three addenda that document A) the collective instrument ranges from a number of textbooks, B) a compiled list of music examples from eight textbooks, and C) a comparative chart of instrumental saliency in low, middle and high registers, aided in providing further description of a number of important concepts throughout the thesis. The findings provide a generalised view of orchestration practice that includes historical, aesthetic, pedagogical and music-AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: `n Aantal outeurs het reeds al gepoog om `n stel kernprinsiepe saam te stel wat die onderliggende werking van simfoniese orkestrasie beskryf. Hierdie outeurs het egter nagelaat om in ag te neem die verskille tussen `n persoonlike uitkyk oor orkestrasie en `n veralgemeende studie van orkestrasiepraktyk. In hierdie tesis is `n Gegronde Teoretiese benadering aangeneem en aangepas om `n groot aantal teksfragmente uit `n versameling belangrike en gerespekteerde orkestrasiehandboeke van die twintigste en een-en-twintigste eeu te analiseer. Analise van 6672 teksfragmente in oop-kodering het gelei tot die ontdekking van agt kernprinsiepe, oftewel perspektiewe, wat simfoniese orkestrasiepraktyk beskryf. Hierdie agt perspektiewe beskryf nie die tegnieke van orkestrasie nie, maar ontbloot eerder die onderliggende meganismes wat die vak vorm gee en verskeie aspekte daarvan beïnvloed. `n Aantal Suid-Afrikaanse orkeswerke van Van Wyk, Fagan, Klatzow, Zaidel-Rudolph, Roosenschoon, Temmingh, Grové en Hofmeyr is geraadpleeg om verdere substansiëring te ontwikkel oor die bevindinge wat gemaak is, en korrespondensie met `n aantal Suid-Afrikaanse komponiste het bydraes gelewer in terme van verdere konseptuele ontwikkeling en stawing van kernkonsepte in die tesis. Drie addenda wat bevat A) `n samevatting van instrumentomvange van verskeie handboeke, B) `n saamgestelde lys van musiekvoorbeelde uit agt handboeke, en C) `n vergelykende tabel van instrumentele hoorbaarheid in lae, middel en hoë registers, het deurlopend gehelp om verdere verduideliking van konsepte moontlik te maak. In geheel dra die bevindinge by tot `n meer veralgemeende verstaan van orkestrasiepraktyk vanuit historiese, estetiese, pedagogiese en musiekteoretiese oogpunte, binne die metodologiese raamwerk wat verskaf is deur Gegronde Teorie

    Authorship and ownership of UShaka KaSenzangakhona

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    Thesis (MMus)--Stellenbosch University, 2013.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: UShaka KaSenzangakhona is a work of about sixty minutes for choir, soloists and orchestra, composed by Mzilikazi Khumalo, orchestrated in 1994 by Christopher James and revised in 1996 by Robert Maxym. The composition is a setting of a Zulu text by Themba Msimang. The racial and cultural differences between UShaka’s three authors bring binaries into play that define certain aspects of the composition. UShaka’s main developmental trajectory (1982-1996) places it within a volatile political space and time in South Africa‟s recent history. Somewhere, hanging in an unstable balance between these diverse factors, exists a musical work that is struggling to find a voice. This thesis highlights these factors by critically evaluating two aspects of UShaka’s existence, namely its authorship and ownership under Khumalo, James and Maxym. This is achieved through thorough quantitative score analyses of the original composition and its two orchestrations. Results of the analyses are used to draw conclusions about the contributions of each of its three authors to the final musical product. By implication of the findings produced by the analyses, broader themes within South African musicology are touched on and highlighted in new and meaningful ways.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: UShaka KaSenzangakhona is `n komposisie van sowat sestig minute geskryf deur Mzilikazi Khumalo vir koor, soliste en orkes. Die werk is in 1994 georkestreer deur Christopher James en in 1996 hersien deur Robert Maxym. Die skrywer van die werk se teks is Themba Msimang. Die rasse- en kultuurverskille wat Ushaka se outeurs kenmerk bring binêre binne spel wat sekere eienskappe van die werk se bestaan definieer. Die komposisie se hoof ontwikkelingstrajek (1982-1996) plaas dit binne 'n ongestadige politieke ruimte in Suid-Afrika se onlangse geskiedenis. Ushaka sukkel om binne hierdie diverse faktore 'n stem van sy eie te ontdek. Die tesis vestig aandag op hierdie faktore deur 'n kritiese verkenning te onderneem van twee aspekte van Ushaka se bestaan, naamlik outeurskap en eienaarskap. Dit word behartig met deeglike kwantitatiewe analise van die bladmusiek van die oorspronklike komposisie asook beide orkestrasies. Resultate wat verkry word vanuit die analise word gebruik om gevolgtrekkings te maak gaande die bydraes van elke outeur tot die uiteindelike komposisie. By implikasie kan die bevindinge gebruik word om op nuwe en betekenisvolle wyses aan breër onderwerpe te raak binne die Suid-Afrikaanse veld musikologie

    n Morfologiese en taksonomiese studie van die seksie Glaucophyllum van Pelargonium

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    Opsomming in Engels.Proefskrif (M.Sc.) -- Universiteit van Stellenbosch, 1980.Full text to be digitised and attached to bibliographic record

    Modelling and mitigation of specular multipath interference in a dual-frequency phase comparison FMCW radar system

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    Thesis (DEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2017.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Digital signal processing technology has improved greatly over the last two decades. Increased processing power, cheaper memory and higher sampling rates have enabled the application of Frequency-Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) radar to a myriad of new areas. FMCW offers a number of advantages, such as continuous coverage and low peak output power, making it an attractive technology for industrial and automotive applications. Expansion into new application environments and the use of new signal processing algorithms have created a need for new multipath interference models. This study aims to fulfil that need through rigorous mathematical modelling of both the physical multipath environment and the two-dimensional Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) signal processing method, in the context of a Dual-Frequency Phase- Comparison FMCW radar sensor. It will be shown that specular reflections can have a profound effect on the amplitude and the phase of an FMCW radar’s base-band received signals. The multipath phase error interacts with the signal processing method, resulting in new and interesting effects. Furthermore, new mitigation methods will be proposed and critically evaluated by means of simulated and real-world measurements.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Digitale seinverwerkingstegnologie het baie verbeter oor die laaste twee dekades. Toenames in verwerkerkapasiteit, goedkoper geheue en hoër monstertempo’s maak dit moontlik om Frekwensie- Gemoduleerde Kontinuegolf (FGKG) radar in verskeie nuwe toepassings te gebruik. FGKG bied ´n aantal voordele, soos ononderbroke dekking en lae piek-uittreedrywing, wat dit ´n aanloklike tegnologie maak vir industriële en motorvoertuig-toepassings. Die uitbreiding van FGKG na nuwe toepassingsareas, asook die gebruik van nuwe seinverwerkingsalgoritmes, skep ´n behoefte aan nuwe multipad-steuringsmodelle. Die doel van hierdie studie is om aan daardie behoefte te voldoen deur middel van deeglike wiskundige modellering van beide die fisiese omgewing, asook die twee-dimensionele Vinnige Fourier Transform (VFT) seinverwerkingsmetode, binne die konteks van ´n Dubbelfrekwensie-Fasevergelykende FGKGradarsensor. Daar sal gewys word dat spekulêre weerkaatsings ´n diepgaande uitwerking kan hê op die amplitude en fase van ´n FGKG-radar se basisband-ontvangde seine. Daar is ´n wisselwerking tussen die multipad-fasefout en die seinverwerkingsmetode, wat nuwe en interessante nagevolge het. Verder sal daar ook nuwe foutverminderingsmaatreëls voorgestel word, wat krities geëvalueer sal word aan die hand van simulasiedata en regtewêreld-meetings

    Francois, Schonken W.P.

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    The development and implementation of a localised position location strategy

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    Thesis (MScEng (Electrical and Electronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Location and tracking of personnel and assets is a lucrative enterprise that has seen much expansion in the last decade or two. This expansion is coupled with the rise in popularity of GPS-based technologies. It has become common practice for businesses to track and manage vehicle fleets with GPS enabled devices. We use GPS to navigate while driving our cars, to keep track of our loved ones and we even have GPS receivers in our cell phones. Unfortunately, GPS technology has a few limitations. It can only be used in areas with a clear view of the sky, as line-of-sight must be maintained with at least four satellites at all times. This precludes the use of GPS indoors or in heavily built-up areas. GPS receivers are also still quite expensive. This thesis developed and implemented a strategy for Localised Position Location. Several possible solutions were investigated. Spread Spectrum was selected as the best method to develop into a working example. The characteristics of Spread Spectrum signals and Pseudo-Noise Codes were investigated in some detail, which led to the proposal of several simulation models. These simulations suggested that a simple configuration consisting of a transmitter, sliding correlator, bandpass filter and RF power detector can effectively track a stationary target. A transmitter was designed and implemented and was then used in a simplified measurement to corroborate the predictions made by earlier simulations. With results looking positive it was decided to continue with the design and implementation of a receiver. A complete transmitter/receiver system allowed for extensive measurements to be made. The physical measurements agreed with simulated predictions, confirming that the proposed position location strategy is effective.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die toenemende gewildheid en toeganklikheid van GPS-gebaseerde opsporingstegnologie het gelei tot ‘n geweldige toename in die verkope van toerusting om die beweging van besigheidsbates te monitor en bestuur. Selfs op die persoonlike ontspanningsmark vind GPS-tegnologie toenemend aanklank met vervaardigers van selfone en voertuignavigasietoerusting. GPS-gebaseerde opsporingstegnologie het egter beperkinge, omdat dit te alle tye direkte oogkontak moet behou met minstens vier satelliete. Gevolglik kan GPS-gebaseerde opsporingstegnologie nie binnenshuis of in erg beboude gebiede gebruik word nie. GPS ontvangers is ook redelik duur. Hierdie thesis het `n strategie vir Gelokaliseerde Posisie Bepaling ontwikkel en geïmplementeer. Ondersoek is ingestel na `n verskeidenheid van moontlike oplossings. Strek Spektrum is gekies as die beste metode om verder in `n werkende voorbeeld te ontwikkel. Die eienskappe van Strek Spektrum seine en Pseudo-Ruis Kodes is in detail bestudeer, wat gelei het na die opstelling van `n aantal simulasie modelle. Hierdie modelle dui aan dat `n eenvoudige opstelling, bestaande uit `n sender, glykorellator, banddeurlaat filter en `n RF drywingsmeter doeltreffend aangewend kan word om `n stilstaande teiken te monitor. `n Sender, wat in `n vereenvoudigde meetopstelling gebruik kon word om van die voorspellings wat vroeër gemaak is te staaf, is hierna ontwerp en gebou. Met positiewe resultate is daar besluit om voort te gaan met die ontwerp en bou van `n ontvanger. Met `n volledige sender/onvanger stelsel was dit moontlik om uitgebreide meetings te neem. Die fisiese meetings stem ooreen met die simulasies se voorspellings, wat dien as bevestiging dat die voorgestelde strategie vir posisie bepaling doeltreffend aangewend kan word