165 research outputs found

    Vorurteil und soziale Identität: Einstellungen zu homosexueller Partner- und Elternschaft

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    Die Eheöffnung für Homosexuelle und ein gemeinsames Adoptionsrecht für diese Paare sind in Deutschland emotional diskutierte Themen. Obwohl die Befürwortung der Eheöffnung gestiegen ist, wird dem Thema homosexueller Elternschaft weiterhin eher ablehnend begegnet. So liegt ein Missverhältnis zwischen liberalen Einstellung gegenüber homosexuellen Partnerschaften einerseits und Vorurteilen gegenüber homosexueller Elternschaft andererseits vor. Das Forschungsziel dieser Dissertation ist es, diese Diskrepanzen zu erklären: Ist die ablehnende Haltung gegenüber der gemeinsamen Adoption durch die Theorie der sozialen Identität (SIT) zu erklären? Oder ergibt sich ein konzeptionelles Problem durch sozial erwünschte Antworten? Theoretische Hintergründe bilden neben der SIT und dem Konzept Gruppenbezogener Menschenfeindlichkeit v.a. die Vorurteilsforschung. Über den Rassismus und Sexismus hin zur Homonegativität werden moderne Formen homonegativer Einstellungen untersucht. Datengrundlage bildet eine eigene Online-Erhebung aus dem Jahr 2014 (N=488). Die Ergebnisse legen nahe, dass die Diskrepanz zwischen der Zustimmung zur Eheöffnung, dem Adoptionsrecht und weitere Abstufungen in den Einstellungen zu Homosexualität durch die SIT erklärt und begründet werden können. Die Gleichstellung Homosexueller im Adoptionsrecht wird als eine Bedrohung des eigenen Gruppenstatus aufgefasst und zeigt sich empirisch in einer ablehnenden Haltung gegenüber der Adoption bei gleichzeitiger Befürwortung der Eheöffnung. Offenkundige Vorurteile werden von den Befragten nicht unterstützt, dafür aber moderate subtile Vorurteile. Die hohe Zustimmung zur Eheöffnung ist kein Effekt sozial erwünschter Antworten. Sobald es um homosexuelle Elternschaft geht, werden Bedenken um das Kindeswohl und die Entwicklung der Kinder geäußert, die mit der Ablehnung der Elternschaft und einer Möglichkeit, seine eigene heterosexuelle Identität gegenüber Homosexuellen abzugrenzen, verknüpft sind

    Direct and dynamic detection of HIV-1 in living cells.

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    In basic and applied HIV research, reliable detection of viral components is crucial to monitor progression of infection. While it is routine to detect structural viral proteins in vitro for diagnostic purposes, it previously remained impossible to directly and dynamically visualize HIV in living cells without genetic modification of the virus. Here, we describe a novel fluorescent biosensor to dynamically trace HIV-1 morphogenesis in living cells. We generated a camelid single domain antibody that specifically binds the HIV-1 capsid protein (CA) at subnanomolar affinity and fused it to fluorescent proteins. The resulting fluorescent chromobody specifically recognizes the CA-harbouring HIV-1 Gag precursor protein in living cells and is applicable in various advanced light microscopy systems. Confocal live cell microscopy and super-resolution microscopy allowed detection and dynamic tracing of individual virion assemblies at the plasma membrane. The analysis of subcellular binding kinetics showed cytoplasmic antigen recognition and incorporation into virion assembly sites. Finally, we demonstrate the use of this new reporter in automated image analysis, providing a robust tool for cell-based HIV research

    Bunker Cave stalagmites: an archive for central European Holocene climate variability

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    Holocene climate was characterised by variability on multi-centennial to multi-decadal time scales. In central Europe, these fluctuations were most pronounced during winter. Here we present a record of past winter climate variability for the last 10.8 ka based on four speleothems from Bunker Cave, western Germany. Due to its central European location, the cave site is particularly well suited to record changes in precipitation and temperature in response to changes in the North Atlantic realm. We present high-resolution records of δ18O, δ13C values and Mg/Ca ratios. Changes in the Mg/Ca ratio are attributed to past meteoric precipitation variability. The stable C isotope composition of the speleothems most likely reflects changes in vegetation and precipitation, and variations in the δ18O signal are interpreted as variations in meteoric precipitation and temperature. We found cold and dry periods between 8 and 7 ka, 6.5 and 5.5 ka, 4 and 3 ka as well as between 0.7 and 0.2 ka. The proxy signals in the Bunker Cave stalagmites compare well with other isotope records and, thus, seem representative for central European Holocene climate variability. The prominent 8.2 ka event and the Little Ice Age cold events are both recorded in the Bunker Cave record. However, these events show a contrasting relationship between climate and δ18O, which is explained by different causes underlying the two climate anomalies. Whereas the Little Ice Age is attributed to a pronounced negative phase of the North Atlantic Oscillation, the 8.2 ka event was triggered by cooler conditions in the North Atlantic due to a slowdown of the thermohaline circulation

    Impact of Record-Linkage Errors in Covid-19 Vaccine-Safety Analyses using German Health-Care Data: A Simulation Study

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    With unprecedented speed, 192,248,678 doses of Covid-19 vaccines were administered in Germany by July 11, 2023 to combat the pandemic. Limitations of clinical trials imply that the safety profile of these vaccines is not fully known before marketing. However, routine health-care data can help address these issues. Despite the high proportion of insured people, the analysis of vaccination-related data is challenging in Germany. Generally, the Covid-19 vaccination status and other health-care data are stored in separate databases, without persistent and database-independent person identifiers. Error-prone record-linkage techniques must be used to merge these databases. Our aim was to quantify the impact of record-linkage errors on the power and bias of different analysis methods designed to assess Covid-19 vaccine safety when using German health-care data with a Monte-Carlo simulation study. We used a discrete-time simulation and empirical data to generate realistic data with varying amounts of record-linkage errors. Afterwards, we analysed this data using a Cox model and the self-controlled case series (SCCS) method. Realistic proportions of random linkage errors only had little effect on the power of either method. The SCCS method produced unbiased results even with a high percentage of linkage errors, while the Cox model underestimated the true effect

    Genetic Regulation of Cytokine Response in Patients with Acute Community-Acquired Pneumonia

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    Background: Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) is an acute disease condition with a high risk of rapid deteriorations. We analysed the influence of genetics on cytokine regulation to obtain a better understanding of patient’s heterogeneity. Methods: For up to N = 389 genotyped participants of the PROGRESS study of hospitalised CAP patients, we performed a genome-wide association study of ten cytokines IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-12, MCP-1 (MCAF), MIP-1α (CCL3), VEGF, VCAM-1, and ICAM-1. Consecutive secondary analyses were performed to identify independent hits and corresponding causal variants. Results: 102 SNPs from 14 loci showed genome-wide significant associations with five of the cytokines. The most interesting associations were found at 6p21.1 for VEGF (p = 1.58 × 10−20), at 17q21.32 (p = 1.51 × 10−9) and at 10p12.1 (p = 2.76 × 10−9) for IL-1β, at 10p13 for MIP-1α (CCL3) (p = 2.28 × 10−9), and at 9q34.12 for IL-10 (p = 4.52 × 10−8). Functionally plausible genes could be assigned to the majority of loci including genes involved in cytokine secretion, granulocyte function, and cilial kinetics. Conclusion: This is the first context-specific genetic association study of blood cytokine concentrations in CAP patients revealing numerous biologically plausible candidate genes. Two of the loci were also associated with atherosclerosis with probable common or consecutive pathomechanisms

    Sex-Specific Causal Relations between Steroid Hormones and Obesity—A Mendelian Randomization Study

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    Steroid hormones act as important regulators of physiological processes including gene expression. They provide possible mechanistic explanations of observed sex-dimorphisms in obesity and coronary artery disease (CAD). Here, we aim to unravel causal relationships between steroid hormones, obesity, and CAD in a sex-specific manner. In genome-wide meta-analyses of four steroid hormone levels and one hormone ratio, we identified 17 genome-wide significant loci of which 11 were novel. Among loci, seven were female-specific, four male-specific, and one was sex-related (stronger effects in females). As one of the loci was the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) region, we analyzed HLA allele counts and found four HLA subtypes linked to 17-OH-progesterone (17-OHP), including HLA-B*14*02. Using Mendelian randomization approaches with four additional hormones as exposure, we detected causal effects of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-S) and 17-OHP on body mass index (BMI) and waist-to-hip ratio (WHR). The DHEA-S effect was stronger in males. Additionally, we observed the causal effects of testosterone, estradiol, and their ratio on WHR. By mediation analysis, we found a direct sex-unspecific effect of 17-OHP on CAD while the other four hormone effects on CAD were mediated by BMI or WHR. In conclusion, we identified the sex-specific causal networks of steroid hormones, obesity-related traits, and CAD
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