255 research outputs found

    On the stress dependence of the earthquake b value

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    Laboratory experiments have shown that the b value in the size distribution of acoustic emission events decreases linearly with differential stress. There have been a number of observations that indicate that this relation may also hold for earthquakes. Here using a simple frictional strength model for stresses in the continental lithosphere combined with earthquake b values measured as a function of depth in a wide variety of tectonic regions, we verify and calibrate that relation, finding b = 1.23 ± 0.06 − (0.0012 ± 0.0003)(σ1 − σ3), where the stress difference (σ1 − σ3) is in megapascal. For subduction zones, we find that b value correlates linearly with the slab pull force and with the net reduction of plate interface normal force, both of which also indicate a negative linear relation between b value and differential stress

    Slip-length scaling in large earthquakes' Observations and theory and implications for earthquake physics

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    For twenty years there has been a dilemma in earthquake physics, because the observed scaling law for large earthquakes did not appear to be consistent with the stress-drop invariance of small earthquake scaling. Surprisingly, slip was seen to continue to increase with rupture length L even for events with lengths much longer than the event widths W (the brittle crust down-dip depth), whereas it might have been expected to saturate for lengths much beyond the width. If this implies that the physics of great earthquakes is somehow different from that of their smaller counterparts, this casts serious doubts on predicting the effects of the rare and damaging great events from observations of the more common smaller events. Here we bring together recently compiled observations of very large aspect ratio earthquakes with results of a 3 dimensional dynamic earthquake model to show that slip-length scaling observations are, in fact, consistent with a scale-invariant physics. Further, we discuss the origin of the large earthquake scaling in the model

    Microfractures: A review

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    Microfractures are small, high-aspect-ratio cracks in rock that result from application of differential stresses. Although the term has been used to refer to larger features in the petroleum engineering and geophysics literature, in geologic parlance the term refers to fractures visible only under magnification, having lengths of millimeters or less and widths generally less than 0.1 mm. Nevertheless, populations of these structures typically encompass a wide size range and in some cases they form the small-size fraction of fracture arrays that include much larger factures. In geologic settings, microfractures commonly form as Mode I (opening) fractures where the minimum principal stress exceeds the elastic tensile strength creating a narrow opening displacement; in isotropic rocks such fractures mark the plane perpendicular to the least compressive principal stress during fracture growth. These planar or curviplanar openings provide an opportunity for fluids and/or gases to enter the created cavity. Cement deposits or crack closure may trap fluids or gases, leaving mineral precipitates and a track of enclosed fluids and gases. In transmitted light these precipitates frequently manifest as fluid-inclusion planes (FIPs). Cathodoluminescence (CL) images show that many are cement-filled microveins. Microfractures can be used to assess the paleostress history or fluid movement history of a rock body. Also, because sudden opening produces acoustic emissions, microfractures created in the laboratory can be used to assess the rock-failure process. Here we review recent discoveries made using microfractures, including fracture patterns, strain, fracture growth and size-scaling, evolution of stresses around propagating faults (process zones), far-field tectonic stresses, and insights into the state of stress leading to earthquakes

    Microfracturing of rock in compression.

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Geology and Geophysics, 1967.Vita.Bibliography: leaves 156-164.Ph.D