26 research outputs found

    Under-utilization of evidence-based drug treatment in patients with heart failure is only partially explained by dissimilarity to patients enrolled in landmark trials: a report from the Euro Heart Survey on Heart Failure

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    Aims Surveys on heart failure management suggest under-utilization of life-saving evidence-based treatment. Evidence-based medicine and clinical guidelines are based on the results of randomized controlled trials. Therefore, we investigated how patients who fulfilled the enrolment criteria of randomized trials were treated in real life. Methods and results We selected three large placebo-controlled trials of patients with chronic heart failure, in which ACE-inhibitors (ACE-Is), β-blockers, and spironolactone proved to be safe and effective. The major enrolment criteria of trials were identified and applied to patients enrolled in the Euro Heart Survey on Heart Failure to identify the proportion of patients eligible for treatment and also treated appropriately. Of the 10 701 patients who were enrolled in the Euro Heart Survey on Heart Failure, only a small percentage (13%) would have qualified for participation in at least one of the selected trials. Patients who fulfilled enrolment criteria of the identified trials were more likely to be treated with ACE-Is (83% of SOLVD-eligible patients), β-blockers (54% of MERIT-HF-eligible patients), and aldosterone antagonists (43% of RALES-eligible patients) than trial-ineligible patients. Almost half of SOLVD-eligible patients who were treated with ACE-Is received the target dose as recommended in the guidelines, but only <10% of MERIT-HF eligible patients who were treated with β-blockers received the target dose. Conclusion ACE-Is are widely utilized but given in lower doses than proven effective in clinical trials. β-Blockers are underused and given in lower doses to patients who fulfil the enrolment criteria of relevant landmark trial

    Effect of a nurse-coordinated prevention programme on cardiovascular risk after an acute coronary syndrome: main results of the RESPONSE randomised trial

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    Objective To quantify the impact of a practical, hospital-based nurse-coordinated prevention programme on cardiovascular risk, integrated into the routine clinical care of patients discharged after an acute coronary syndrome, as compared with usual care only. Design RESPONSE (Randomised Evaluation of Secondary Prevention by Outpatient Nurse SpEcialists) was a randomised clinical trial. Setting Multicentre trial in secondary and tertiary healthcare settings. Participants 754 patients admitted for acute coronary syndrome. Intervention A nurse-coordinated prevention programme, consisting of four outpatient nurse clinic visits, focusing on healthy lifestyles, biometric risk factors and medication adherence, in addition to usual care. Main outcome measures The main outcome was 10-year cardiovascular mortality risk as estimated by Systematic Coronary Risk Evaluation at 12 months follow-up. Secondary outcomes included Framingham Coronary Risk Score at 12 months, in addition to changes in individual risk factors. Risk factor control was classified as ‘poor’ if 0 to 3 factors were on target, ‘fair’ if 4 to 6 factors were on target, and ‘good’ if 7 to 9 were on target. Results The mean Systematic Coronary Risk Evaluation at 12 months was 4.4 per cent (SD 4.5) in the intervention group and 5.4 per cent (SD 6.2) in the control group (p=0.021), representing a 17.4% relative risk reduction. At 12 months, risk factor control classified as ‘good’ was achieved in 35% of patients in the intervention group compared with 25% in the control group (p=0.003). Attendance to the nurse-coordinated prevention programme was 92%. In the intervention group, 86 rehospitalisations were observed against 132 in the control group (relative risk reduction 34.8%, p=0.023). Conclusions The nurse-coordinated hospital-based prevention programme in addition to usual care is a practical, yet effective method for reduction of cardiovascular risk in patients with coronary disease. Our data suggest that the counselling component of the programme may lead to a reduction in hospital readmissions

    Evidence Based Nursing: ‘van kijken naar zien’ en ‘van weten naar doen’

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    Dat goed opgeleide verpleegkundigen nu en in de toekomst hard nodig zijn is niet nieuw. Zeker in academische ziekenhuizen, top-klinische centra en teaching hospitals is deze behoefte uitgesproken. Goed opgeleide verpleegkundigen op hbo-niveau zijn jonge professionals, die in de ogen van het werkveld en de maatschappij de juiste bagage hebben meegekregen voor een goede start en verdere groei. Wilma Scholte op Reimer legt in deze openbare les, aan de hand van een verhaal van een verpleegkundige in opleiding, uit hoe zij als lector de komende jaren hieraan een steentje wil bijdragen. Het illustreert het belang van Evidence Based Nursing en vervolgens de toepassing ervan op observeren (van kijken naar zien) en implementeren van kennis (van weten naar doen)

    Implementatie van opleidingsprofiel Bachelor of Nursing 2020: Wijkverpleegkundige thema’s in de opleidingen hbo-verpleegkunde

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    De verpleegkundige zorgverlening verschuift steeds meer naar zorg in de gemeenschap aan oudere patiënten met complexe gezondheidsproblemen, die tot op hoge leeftijd thuis blijven wonen. Door kwalitatief goede zorg te bieden, moeten huidige en toekomstige wijkverpleegkundigen bevorderen dat patiënten zich langduriger in hun eigen omgeving kunnen handhaven [1]. Hbo-opgeleide wijkverpleegkundigen vervullen een spilfunctie door de autonome positie die hen door de overheid wordt toegekend, onder meer met de bevoegdheid tot het zelfstandig indiceren van zorg [2]. De Vereniging Verpleegkundigen & Verzorgenden Nederland (V&VN), en met haar de overheid, stelt echter dat er een landelijk tekort is aan goed opgeleide wijkverpleegkundigen. Hoewel de Tweede Kamer eind 2008 in de motie Hamer al verzocht geld beschikbaar te stellen voor uitbreiding van het aantal hbo-wijkverpleegkundigen, is de verwachting dat het tekort al in 2019 zal oplopen tot minimaal 2.200 wijkverpleegkundigen [3]...

    Perceptions of community care and placement preferences in baccalaureate nursing students: a multicenter, cross-sectional study

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    Perceptions of community care and placement preferences in first-year nursing students: A multicentre, cross-sectional study Margriet VAN IERSEL MSc1, Corine H.M. LATOUR PhD1, Rien DE VOS PhD2, Paul A. KIRSCHNER PhD3,5, Wilma J.M. SCHOLTE OP REIMER PhD1,4. 1 ACHIEVE - Centre of Applied Research, Faculty of Health, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands 2 Centre of Evidence Based Education, Academic Medical Centre, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 3 Open University of the Netherlands, Heerlen, The Netherlands 4 Department of Cardiology, Academic Medical Centre, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 5 University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland Background: Despite increasing shortages of well-educated community nurses, far too few nursing students choose community care for their future profession; a strong societal problem that urgently needs resolution. This study provides a solid understanding of causes for the fields’ low popularity by exploring first-year baccalaureate nursing students' perceptions of community care, and their placement preferences along with their underlying assumptions. Insights from this study can be used by educators to positively influence students’ perceptions with targeted curriculum redesign strategies. Summary of work: A cross-sectional multicentre survey study was performed. First-year nursing students from six universities of applied sciences in the Netherlands (n = 1058) participated in the study from September-December 2014. The students completed the ‘Scale on Community Care Perceptions’ (SCOPE), consisting of demographic data, current placement preferences, and three subscales measuring the affective component of community care perception, perceptions of a placement, and a profession in community care. Descriptive statistics were used. Summary of results: For placement, 71.2% of the students prefer the general hospital, 23.4% another area, and only 5.4% choose community care. Students consider opportunities for advancement and enjoyable relationships with patients as most important for their placement. Community care is perceived as a ‘low-status-field’ with many elderly patients, where students expect to find little care variety and few opportunities for advancement. Discussion and conclusions: This study shows why few students show an interest for a career in community care. Students’ perceptions of the field are at odds with aspects they regard as important for their placement. They also underestimate the complexity of community care, where specific traits are required to ensure appropriate nursing care in patients’ homes. Take-home messages: The results of this study allow for three recommendations. First, students and educators should be aware of misconceptions about career opportunities in the field of community care. Second, educators should provide students with experiences that foster an optimistic and realistic career outlook on community care. Third, growing shortages in the community care sector urgently require representatives from the field and educators to collaborate to make community nursing an attractive career alternative. Keywords: Career choice; Student

    Secundaire preventie van coronaire hartziekte: resultaten van EUROSPIRE IV

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    OBJECTIVE: Secondary prevention is an important part of cardiovascular risk management. Since 1996, an inventory of cardiovascular risk factors and their treatment has been carried out periodically among patients with coronary heart disease within the framework of the European Action on Secondary Prevention by Intervention to Reduce Events (Euroaspire) project. DESIGN: Retrospective investigation of consecutively hospitalised patients with coronary heart disease. METHOD: Major cardiovascular risk factors and their treatment were investigated using standardised methods in patients who were hospitalised following a first heart infarction or with coronary revascularisation in the Amsterdam and Rijnmond regions of the Netherlands from 2012 to 2013. The investigations were carried out at an average of 18 months after admission. In addition, an oral glucose-tolerance test was carried out in patients without known diabetes. RESULTS: We studied 498 patients. The average BMI was 28 kg/m2, almost 75% had a BMI ≥ 25 kg/m2and 29% had a BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2. The mean cholesterol level was 4.4 mmol/l. Among those included, 16% smoked and 20% had diabetes mellitus; the oral glucose-tolerance test led to a new diabetes-mellitus diagnosis in 1% of the patients without known diabetes. A large majority of those included used antihypertensive agents, and slightly more than half used two or more medications. Despite this, half of the patients were hypertensive. CONCLUSION: As far as cardiovascular risk factors are concerned, smoking has almost halved in the past 20 years. Secondary preventative medication has increased to a stable high level. Blood pressure and overweight continue to be serious points for attention. Treatment of hypertension, in particular, should be improved, for instance by dose increases or combination of hypertensive medications. Routine oral glucose-tolerance tests are not useful in cardiac patients

    Nursing students' perceptions of community care and other areas of nursing practice: a review of the literature

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    OBJECTIVES: To review recent literature on student nurses' perceptions of different areas of nursing practice, in particular community care. Healthcare is changing from care delivery in institutional settings to care to patients in their own homes. Problematic is that nursing students do not see community care as an attractive line of work, and their perceptions of community care do not reflect the realities of the profession. Understanding the factors influencing the perception of the professional field is important to positively influence students' willingness to see community nursing as a future profession. DESIGN: Literature search with accompanying narrative synthesis of primary research. DATA SOURCES: ERIC(®), PsycInfo(®), Pubmed(®), and CINAHL(®) (2004-2014) databases using the search terms: 'nursing student', 'student nurse', 'community care', 'community nurse', 'image', 'attitude', and 'perception'. REVIEW METHODS: After screening 522 retrieved article titles with abstracts, the number of articles was reduced based upon specified inclusion/exclusion criteria leading to inclusion of 34. Evaluation of the references in those articles yielded an additional 5 articles. A narrative synthesis of those articles was created to uncover students' perception of community care, other areas of professional practice, and the factors influencing those perceptions. RESULTS: 39 articles were selected. Results show that many nursing students begin their education with a lay person's conception of the profession, shaped by media representations. Work placements in different settings offer clinical experience that helps students orient themselves towards a future profession. Students prefer hospitals as a place of work, because of the acute nature and technologically advanced level of care offered there. Few students perceive mental health and elderly care as appealing. Perceptions of community care can vary widely, the most prevalent view being that it is unattractive because of its chronic care profile, with little technical skill, untrained workers, and a high workload. However, another view is that it offers challenging and meaningful work because of the variety of caregiving roles and the opportunity to work independently. CONCLUSIONS: Few nursing students choose community nursing as a future profession. They have a limited and often mistaken view of community care, and they underestimate the field's complexity because it is less visible than in the environment of acute care. Providing students with specific curricular content and employing a structured approach to preparation for work placement could help build a more positive perception of community care, leading to more students seeing/choosing community care as a desirable field of work