182 research outputs found

    Training Programs for Veterinarians in Laboratory Animal Medicine

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    For over a hundred years animal shave been used for research in America. Until the 1920\u27s little attention was given to the maintenance, husbandry, nutrition and diseases of experimental animals. Biological research workers have always realized the importance of maintaining high standards of quality in their research and in recent years these high standards have been extended to their experimental animals

    Krefelderski test - novi eksperimentalni postupak za proučavanje toksičnosti kemikalija

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    During the last years, skin compatibility of textiles has gained importance for consumers. Therefore, the development of suitable test methods for the evaluation of skin compatibility is a vital challenge. The fundamental requirements for these test methods are low experimental complexity combined with minor costs. The Cilitatetest has been developed for the cosmetic and pharmaceutics industry. Due to the optical measurement of the number of living microorganisms, this method is not suitable for colored or heterogeneous samples. However, using a calorimetric detection, these problems are resolved. This method allows very sensitive detection of the metabolism of the microorganism. The presence of any toxic substance results in a reduction of the heat of metabolism.Kompatibilnost tekstila prema koži postajala je tijekom posljednjih godina sve važnija potrošačima. Zato je razvoj prikladnih postupaka ispitivanja za prosudbu kompatibilnosti s kožom primjeran izazov. Osnovni zahtjev postavljen za ove postupke ispitivanja jest eksperimentalna jednostavnost povezana s nižim troškovima. Ispitivanje trepetljikašima razvijeno je za kozmetičku i farmaceutsku industriju. Zbog optičkog mjerenja broja živih mikroorganizama taj postupak nije prikladan za obojene ili heterogene uzorke. Međutim, ti problemi su riješeni primjenom kalorimetijskog otkrivanja. Taj postupak otkrivanja omogućuje vrlo osjetljivo prepoznavanje metabolizma mikroorganizama. Postojanje bilo koje otrovne tvari znači smanjenje topline metabolizm


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    The 4-meth­oxy­phenyl residue in the title compound, C21H19NO2, is oriented at a dihedral angle of 54.6 (5)° with respect to the phenyl ring and at a dihedral angle of 52.5 (8)° with respect to the pyrrole ring of the pyrrolizine system. The phenyl ring is oriented at a dihedral angle of 36.2 (5)° with respect to the pyrrole ring. The meth­oxy group makes a C—C—O—C torsion angle of 3.8 (9)° with the attached benzene ring


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    The 4-chloro­phenyl residue in the title compound, C20H16ClNO, is oriented at a dihedral angle of 53.6 (3)° towards the phenyl ring and 42.0 (9)° towards the pyrrole ring of the pyrrolizine template. The phenyl ring is oriented at a dihedral angle of 45.4 (4)° towards the pyrrole ring

    Nonlinear vertical oscillations of a particle in a sheath of a rf discharge

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    A new simple method to measure the spatial distribution of the electric field in the plasma sheath is proposed. The method is based on the experimental investigation of vertical oscillations of a single particle in the sheath of a low-pressure radio-frequency discharge. It is shown that the oscillations become strongly nonlinear and secondary harmonics are generated as the amplitude increases. The theory of anharmonic oscillations provides a good qualitative description of the data and gives estimates for the first two anharmonic terms in an expansion of the sheath potential around the particle equilibrium.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Towards a reliable categorical regression analysis for non-randomly coarsened observations: An analysis with German labour market data

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    In most surveys, one is confronted with missing or, more generally, coarse data. Many methods dealing with these data make strong, untestable assumptions, e.g. coarsening at random. But due to the potentially resulting severe bias, interest increases in approaches that only include tenable knowledge about the coarsening process, leading to imprecise, but credible results. We elaborate such cautious methods for regression analysis with a coarse categorical dependent variable and precisely observed categorical covariates. Our cautious results from the German panel study "Labour market and social security'' illustrate that traditional methods may even pretend specific signs of the regression estimates

    Virtual Valcamonica: collaborative exploration of prehistoric petroglyphs and their surrounding environment in multi-user virtual reality

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    In this paper, we present a novel, multi-user, virtual reality environment for the interactive, collaborative 3D analysis of large 3D scans and the technical advancements that were necessary to build it: a multi-view rendering system for large 3D point clouds, a suitable display infrastructure and a suite of collaborative 3D interaction techniques. The cultural heritage site of Valcamonica in Italy with its large collection of prehistoric rock-art served as an exemplary use case for evaluation. The results show that our output-sensitive level-of-detail rendering system is capable of visualizing a 3D dataset with an aggregate size of more than 14 billion points at interactive frame rates. The system design in this exemplar application results from close exchange with a small group of potential users: archaeologists with expertise in rock-art and allows them to explore the prehistoric art and its spatial context with highly realistic appearance. A set of dedicated interaction techniques was developed to facilitate collaborative visual analysis. A multi-display workspace supports the immediate comparison of geographically distributed artifacts. An expert review of the final demonstrator confirmed the potential for added value in rock-art research and the usability of our collaborative interaction techniques