15 research outputs found

    Climate-scale chlorophyll patterns in the tropical Pacific from a 51 year statistical reconstruction

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    Understanding large, slow biological changes in the oceans has been hindered by a lack of spatial coverage by direct measurements and a lack of temporal coverage by satellite remote-sensing observations. Global ocean surface chlorophyll, a proxy for phytoplankton standing stock, has been derived from satellites for over a decade. With these measurements, the strong connection between ocean physics and biology has become clear and provided new insights about what drives seasonal and interannual biological processes. At longer time scales, however, there are many unanswered questions about the variability of phytoplankton in the ocean that plays a critical role in the carbon cycle as well as the marine food web. Statistical reconstructions have been used by others to extend physical climate variables in space and time. Taking advantage of the fact that physical forcing has been found to be the primary driver of biological primary production in the tropical Pacific, especially during El Niño, the most closely correlated physical variables are used as predictors in a statistical reconstruction to extend monthly chlorophyll anomalies from just over a decade to just over five decades between 1958-2008. The reconstructed chlorophyll is evaluated through leave-one-out-cross-validation, compared to several independent data sets: in situ samples, another ocean color satellite data set, model output from a dynamic, fully-coupled ocean circulation-biogeochemistry model. Highest skill in the tropical Pacific reconstruction is away from the coast and within 10o of the equator, including areas known as Niño 3/3.4/4. Over the half-century of chlorophyll anomalies, the most dominant climate pattern apparent in the reconstruction is associated with the interannual El Niño followed by the Pacific Decadal Oscillation. Biological distinctions emerged between the east Pacific El Niño events and those that only extend to the central Pacific. Chlorophyll anomalies were compared between regimes to ascribe physical forcing mechanisms. While the overall patterns were consistent with what is known about the impact of ENSO on biology, with the PDO primarily serving to amplify or damp ENSO, a narrow equatorial band consistently displayed an inverse response to the rest of the equatorial cold tongue: lower values during the PDO cool phase between 1958-1976, higher values during the PDO warm phase between 1977-1995. A likely explanation for this anomaly is linked to variability in the depth of the Equatorial Undercurrent that transports iron to the high-nutrient, low-chlorophyll east Pacific. These and other ideas are explored to demonstrate the feasibility and utility of reconstructing ocean color chlorophyll to address open questions about large-scale, low frequency primary production that forms the base of the marine food web and plays an important role in Earth’s climate system

    Searching for Hyperspectral Optical Proxies to Aid Chesapeake Bay Resource Managers in the Detection of Poor Water Quality

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    Shellfish aquaculture is a growing industry in the Chesapeake Bay. As population grows near the coast, extreme weather events cause a greater volume of pollutant runoff from impervious surfaces and agricultural lands. Resource managers who monitor shellfish beds need reliable information on a variety of water quality indicators at higher frequency than is possible through field monitoring programs and at a higher level of detail than current satellite products can provide. Although many factors causing degraded water quality that can impact human health are not currently discernable by traditional multispectral techniques, hyperspectral imagery offers a new opportunity to detect phytoplankton communities associated with harmful algal blooms and biotoxin production. Together with resource managers in their routine monitoring of sites around the bay from small boats, we have been exploring remotely sensed optical proxies for the detection of harmful algal blooms and sewage. Early warning by remote sensing could guide sampling and improve the efficiency of shellfish bed closures, ultimately improving health outcomes for humans and animals. An extensive network of routine sampling by Chesapeake Bay Program managers makes this is an ideal location to develop and test future satellite data products to support management decisions. Next generation hyperspectral measurements from the future Plankton Aerosol Cloud ocean Ecosystem (PACE) mission at nearly daily frequency, combined with the potential of higher spatial resolution from the Surface Biology and Geology (SBG) observing system recommended in the recent Decadal Survey, along with high frequency observations from the newly selected Geostationary Littoral Imaging and Monitoring Radiometer (GLIMR) Earth Venture Instrument make this a critical time for defining the needs of the aquaculture and resource management community to save lives, time, and money

    Developing a Community of Practice for Applied Uses of Future PACE Data to Address Marine Food Security Challenges

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    External interaction:The Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, ocean Ecosystem (PACE) mission will include a hyperspectral imaging radiometer to advance ecosystem monitoring beyond heritage retrievals of the concentration of surface chlorophyll and other traditional ocean color variables, offering potential for novel science and applications. PACE is the first NASA ocean color mission to occur under the agency's new and evolving effort to directly engage practical end users prior to satellite launch to increase adoption of this freely available data toward societal challenges. Here we describe early efforts to engage a community of practice around marine food-related resource management, business decisions, and policy analysis. Obviously one satellite cannot meet diverse end user needs at all scales and locations, but understanding downstream needs helps in the assessment of information gaps and planning how to optimize the unique strengths of PACE data in combination with the strengths of other satellite retrievals, in situ measurements, and models. Higher spectral resolution data from PACE can be fused with information from satellites with higher spatial or temporal resolution, plus other information, to enable identification and tracking of new marine biological indicators to guide sustainable management. Accounting for the needs of applied researchers as well as non-traditional users of satellite data early in the PACE mission process will ultimately serve to broaden the base of informed users and facilitate faster adoption of the most advanced science and technology toward the challenge of mitigating food insecurity

    Influence of Averaging Method on the Evaluation of a Coastal Ocean Color Event on the U.S. Northeast Coast

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    Application of appropriate spatial averaging techniques is crucial to correct evaluation of ocean color radiometric data, due to the common log-normal or mixed log-normal distribution of these data. Averaging method is particularly crucial for data acquired in coastal regions. The effect of averaging method was markedly demonstrated for a precipitation-driven event on the U.S. Northeast coast in October-November 2005, which resulted in export of high concentrations of riverine colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) to New York and New Jersey coastal waters over a period of several days. Use of the arithmetic mean averaging method created an inaccurate representation of the magnitude of this event in SeaWiFS global mapped chl a data, causing it to be visualized as a very large chl a anomaly. The apparent chl a anomaly was enhanced by the known incomplete discrimination of CDOM and phytoplankton chlorophyll in SeaWiFS data; other data sources enable an improved characterization. Analysis using the geometric mean averaging method did not indicate this event to be statistically anomalous. Our results predicate the necessity of providing the geometric mean averaging method for ocean color radiometric data in the Goddard Earth Sciences DISC Interactive Online Visualization ANd aNalysis Infrastructure (Giovanni)

    Prioritizing Aquatic Science and Applications Needs in the Chesapeake Bay for a Space-Borne Hyperspectral Mission

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    The Chesapeake Bay is the largest estuary in North America, benefiting a growing population through its ecosystem services, fishing, recreations, and transportation routes. Studies indicate the health of the Bay as seen some improvement in recent years, yet threats to its health persist (e.g. warming, pollution nutrient run-off). Increasing human activities in coastal regions requires constant vigilance by agencies managing water quality, to ensure the safety of the population. Since April 2018, an interagency working group has been meeting monthly and a daylong workshop was convened with science and applications stakeholders around the overall theme of monitoring water quality from space. Current ocean color images indicate bloom locations used to guide in situ sampling efforts, despite limited spatial, spectral and temporal resolution. High resolution hyperspectral remote sensing provides a potential opportunity to measure additional indicators of ecological health and water quality. Assessing the needs of the aquatic user community around the Chesapeake Bay will inform science and applications recommendations during the current architecture study for a Surface Biology and Geology (SBG) Mission, as well as future scoping studies of other coastal and inland water bodies

    Developing a Community of Practice for Applied Uses of Future PACE Data to Address Food Security Challenges

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    Ocean color satellite measurements have yielded valuable information about the base of the marine food web for over 20 years. The Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, ocean Ecosystem (PACE) mission is building an advanced spectrometer to further refine ecosystem monitoring. Higher spectral resolution data from PACE will enable identification of additional marine biological indicators and their response to multiple stressors to guide sustainable management. Seafood is an important source of protein for a significant number of people. Wild catches cannot match increasing demand and their sustainability is in question. Aquaculture is an ever more important industry to feed the world's population. We share early efforts to engage a community of practice around food security to increase satellite data product use in support of resource management, business decisions, and policy analysis. Understanding the needs of applied scientists as well as non-traditional users of satellite data early in the PACE mission process will improve planning and preparation for a broader user base and hopefully help to mitigate food insecurity

    Hydrologic and Agricultural Earth Observations and Modeling for the Water-Food Nexus

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    In a globalizing and rapidly-developing world, reliable, sustainable access to water and food are inextricably linked to each other and basic human rights. Achieving security and sustainability in both requires recognition of these linkages, as well as continued innovations in both science and policy. We present case studies of how Earth observations are being used in applications at the nexus of water and food security: crop monitoring in support of G20 global market assessments, water stress early warning for USAID, soil moisture monitoring for USDA's Foreign Agricultural Service, and identifying food security vulnerabilities for climate change assessments for the UN and the UK international development agency. These case studies demonstrate that Earth observations are essential for providing the data and scalability to monitor relevant indicators across space and time, as well as understanding agriculture, the hydrological cycle, and the water-food nexus. The described projects follow the guidelines for co-developing useable knowledge for sustainable development policy. We show how working closely with stakeholders is essential for transforming NASA Earth observations into accurate, timely, and relevant information for water-food nexus decision support. We conclude with recommendations for continued efforts in using Earth observations for addressing the water-food nexus and the need to incorporate the role of energy for improved food and water security assessment