91 research outputs found

    Approach range and velocity determination using laser sensors and retroreflector targets

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    Rockwell International is conducting an ongoing program to develop Laser Docking Sensors (LDS) that provide high performance and high intrinsic value while meeting all mission objectives. These LDS systems are now being required to aid future spacecraft docking, station keeping, and berthing/capture systems. Improved automated tracking, rendezvous, soft docking, and capture will be required in the construction and support of SSF and future orbiting platforms. The development of a practical LDS requires an easy-to-operate, low-cost, compact system. A wide range of options for laser range detection equipment, ranging from commercial technology to specialized military systems, was evaluated. This evaluation focused on both direct applicability of existing systems and usability of specific technologies contained in these systems. From these efforts it was determined that a new approach provided the greatest promise of fulfilling all mission requirements at the lowest life-cycle cost

    Crop Updates 2001 - Pulses

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    This session covers sixty six papers from different authors: 1. Pulse Industry Highlights 2. CONTRIBUTORS 3. BACKGROUND 4. SUMMARY OF PREVIOUS RESULTS 2000 REGIONAL ROUNDUP 5. Northern agricultural Region, M. Harries, W. O’Neill, Agriculture Western Australia 6. Central Agricultural Region, R. French, Agriculture Western Australia 7. Great Southern and Lakes,N. Brandon, N. Runciman and S. White,Agriculture Western Australia 8. Esperance, M. Seymour, Agriculture Western Australia PULSE PRODUCTION AGRONOMY AND GENETIC IMPROVEMENT Faba bean: 9. germplasm evaluation, 10. Variety evaluation, 11. Sowing rate and time of sowing, Variation in root morphology, P. White and T. Pope, Agriculture Western Australia Desi chickpea: 12. Breeding highlights, 13. Variety evaluation, 14. Seed discolouration, C. Veitch, Agriculture Western Australia, 15. Performance under drought stress, J. Berger, N.C. Turner, CLIMA and CSIRO Plant Industry , K.H.M. Siddique, Agriculture Western Australia & CLIMA, 16. Resistance to chilling at flowering and to budworm, H. Clarke, CLIMA, 17. Effect of row spacing, sowing rate and orientation on growth and seed yield, G. Riethmuller, W. MacLeod, Agriculture Western Australia Kabuli chickpea, 18. variety and germplasm evaluation, 19. Premium quality kabuli chickpea development in the ORIA, 20. International screening for ascochyta blight resistance, 21. Evaluation of ascochyta resistant germplasm in Australia Field pea 22. Breeding highlights, 23. Variety evaluation, 24. Agronomic and varietal effects on seed quality, R. French, J. Millar and T.N. Khan, Agriculture Western Australia, 25. Seed yield and quality in the Great Southern, N. Brandon, R. Beermier, N. Brown and S. White,Agriculture Western Australia, 26. Herbicide tolerance of new varieties and lines, Esperance region, M. Seymour,Agriculture Western Australia, 27. Mullewa, H. Dhammu and T. Piper, D. Nicholson, M. D\u27Antuono, Agriculture Western Australia 28. Herbicide tolerance of Cooke on marginal soil, H. Dhammu and T. Piper, D.Nicholson, M. D\u27Antuono, Agriculture Western Australia, 29. Post emergent weed control using Raptor® Lentil 30. Variety evaluation 31. Evaluation of advanced breeding lines from CIPAL 32. Elite germplasm from ICARDA and ACIAR project, K. Regan,Agriculture Western Australia, J. Clements and K.H.M. Siddique, Agriculture Western Australia and CLIMA, C. Francis CLIMA 33. Single row evaluation of F3/F4 breeding lines, K. Regan,Agriculture Western Australia, J. Clements, Agriculture Western Australia and CLIMA Vetch 34. Germplasm evaluation 35. Time of sowing x fungicide, M. Seymour, Agriculture Western Australia 36. Tolerance to post emergent application of Sniper® M. Seymour, Agriculture Western Australia 37. Herbicide tolerance Narbon bean 38. Germplasm evaluation, M. Seymour, Agriculture Western Australia 39. Herbicide tolerance, M. Seymour, Agriculture Western Australia 40. Post emergent use of knockdown herbicides, M. Seymour, Agriculture Western Australia Albus lupin 41. Time of sowing, N. Brandon and R. Beermier, Agriculture Western Australia Lathyrus development 42. Field evaluation, C. Hanbury and K.H.M. Siddique, CLIMA and Agriculture Western Australia 43. Animal feeding trials, C. Hanbury and K.H.M. Siddique, Agriculture Western Australia, C. White, CSIRO, B. Mullan, Agriculture Western Australia, B. Hughes, SARDI, South Australia Species comparison 44. Time of sowing 45. Seed moisture of pulse species at harvest, G.P. Riethmuller and R.J. French Agriculture Western Australia 46.Rotational benefits of pulses on grey clay soils, N. Brandon, R. Beermier, R. Bowie, J. Warburton, Agriculture Western Australia P. Fisher, NRE, Victoria, M. Braimbridge, UWA Centre for Land Rehabilitation , F. Hoyle and W. Bowden, Agriculture Western Australia 47. Pulse species response to phosphorus and zinc, S. Lawrence, Z. Rengel, UWA, S.P. Loss, CSBP futurefarm M.D.A. Bolland, K.H.M. Siddique, W. Bowden, R. Brennan, Agriculture Western Australia 48. The effect of soil applied lime and lime pelleting on pulses, M. Seymour, Agriculture Western Australia 49. Antitranspirants 50. Mapping soils for pulses in the Great Southern, N. Brandon, P. Tille, N. Schoknecht, Agriculture Western Australia DEMONSTRATION OF PULSES IN THE FARMING SYSTEM 51. New field pea and faba bean varieties in the Great Southern 52. Harvesting methods for field pea in the Great Southern, N. Brandon, R. Beermier, M. Seymour, Agriculture Western Australia DISEASE AND PEST MANAGEMENT 53.Ascochyta blight of chickpea 54. Seed dressing and sowing depth 55. Foliar fungicide sprays 56. The ascochyta management package for 2001 57. Initiation ascochyta disease from infected stubble, J. Galloway and W. MacLeod, Agriculture Western Australia 58. Black spot of field pea 59. Ascochyta blight of chickpea 60. Ascochyta blight of faba bean 61. Pulse disease diagnostics, D. Wright and N. Burges Agriculture Western Australia Viruses in pulses 62. Virus infection causes seed discolouration and poor seed quality R. Jones and L. Latham, Agriculture Western Australia Insect pests 63. Aphid ecology in pulses, O. Edwards, J. Ridsdill-Smith and R. Horbury, CSIRO Entomology 64. Evaluation of transgenic field pea against pea weevils (Bruchus pisorum), Ms M.J. de Sousa Majer, Curtin University of Technology; N.C. Turner, CSIRO Plant Industry and D. Hardie, Agriculture Western Australia 65. Searching for markers for resistance to pea weevil, O. Byrne, CLIMA and Plant Sciences, UWA, N. Galwey, Plant Sciences, UWA, D. Hardie,Agriculture Western Australia and P. Smith, Botany, UWA 66. Improved stored grain fumigation on-farm with Phoscard®, R. Emery and E. Kostas, Agriculture Western Australia ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS PUBLICATIONS BY PULSE PRODUCTIVITY PROJECT STAFF VARIETIES PRODUCED AND COMMERCIALLY RELEASE

    Abstracts from the 20th International Symposium on Signal Transduction at the Blood-Brain Barriers

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    Assessing land suitability for crop diversification in Cambodia

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    Opportunities for poverty alleviation in Cambodian agriculture are emerging in diversification from traditional wet season lowland rice (Oryza sativa) production to double-cropped, rice-based production systems and to upland cropping. The potential for double-cropping rice-based production will depend on understanding land capability for a range of non-rice crops in the lowlands of Cambodia. In addition, there are relatively large areas of land available for the expansion of upland cropping especially since the establishment of improved security and roads in rural Cambodia. The process of crop diversification in Cambodia could be facilitated by assessment ofland suitability for field crops in lowlands and in uplands. Land capability needs to be assessed for a range of field crops with realistic prospects for specific agro-ecosystems in Cambodia. Maize, soybean, mung bean, sesame and peanut appear to be the food crops of most interest initially, together with cassava and sugar cane. Usually soil constraints are assessed for land capability classification from published land resource studies. Such information is generally unavailable for uplands in Cambodia at an appropriate scale. Hence further land resource assessment in the upland areas is needed to undertake a more comprehensive land suitability assessment. Whilst a soil map for lowland rice has been published, soil constraints for non-rice crops have not been assessed for these soils. Land suitability is currently being determined for selected field crops that are relevant to landscapes in the study areas in Takeo, Kampong Cham and Battambang provinces. Toposequences in these provinces will be surveyed to characterise soils based on a variety of parent materials. In the lowlands, the focus will be on the identification of land suitability for double cropping (e.g. legume-rice, rice-legume) in rice-based systems. In the uplands, the focus will be on rainfed field crops that can be introduced into or expanded in Cambodia. The highest priority will be assigned to those crops that are already well established in Cambodia, including maize, soybean, and mung bean. Socio-economic input to land suitability assessment will be in the form of a GIS approach that will adjust land capability values spatially according to three key drivers of crop diversification: market access factors, population pressure, and poverty indicators

    Soil and landscapes of Basaltic Terrain in Ou Reang Ov District, Kampong Cham Province, Kingdom of Cambodia

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    Cambodia has an old national soil map and a more recent map of rice soils, but little is known about soil distribution and properties in the uplands. Such soil information is needed to support moves towards crop diversification in Cambodia in particular for the production of crops other than rice. This investigation was to identify the range and distribution of soil types in the Ou Reang Ov district, Kampong Cham province and to determine the limiting factors of these soils. The study area was on uplands of mid Pleistocene basaltic flows and associated lowland paddy soils of old and recent alluvium/colluvium. Soil classification was completed by detailed profile descriptions using FAO descriptors. These were combined with digital air photos, a digital elevation model, Landsat TM satellite images and expert knowledge to create 10 soil-landscape map units. Chemical and mineralogical properties of the detailed soil profiles were analysed. Soils on the basaltic terrain follow a toposequence from the Labansiek Soil group on the undulating surfaces of the plateau to the Kompong Siem Soil group on the lower slopes with an intermediate gravel-rich, brown clayey soil on the mid-slopes. The Ou Reang Ov Soil group is a newly proposed group for the midslope soils of the basaltic terrain. The abundance of gravel in the profile limits soil water storage which can be a constraint for crops under the erratic rainfall regimes of Cambodia. Although the soil occurs on hilly and sloping land, due to high permeability it is not prone to waterlogging or water erosion. The surface is prone to be hard when dry, but the sub-soil is generally friable and root penetration to 60 cm or deeper was observed. The Labansiek non-petroferric phase is a well-structured, acid red soil, with potentially deep root penetration and high soil water storage except where Al toxicity inhibits sub-soil root growth. A significant proportion of these soils are already used for rubber plantations in Ou Reang Ov. Kompong Siem is a deep black soil with no significant impeding layers. Slopes are low, and fields are often bunded so erosion risk is negligible. The soil has self-mulching properties so soil structure re-forms after tillage through wetting and drying cycles. Nutrient availability is not limiting as levels of most nutrients are satisfactory and pH is only moderately to slightly acid. Despite the high clay content, the Kompong Siem soil in the upland areas appears to drain well in the early wet season. However, its location on relatively flat, low-lying landforms results in shallow watertables (10-60 cm) during the main wet season. In conclusion, the clayey soils of the hills and slopes of Ou Reang Ov district have high potential for non-rice cropping. Their relative proximity to markets and good-quality all-weather roads adds to the potential for crop diversification

    Soil and landscapes of Banan District, Battambang Province, Kingdom of Cambodia

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    Rapid expansion of cropping is occurring in Cambodia outside of the areas traditionally used for lowland rice. Soils and landscapes in these areas are poorly described at present, hampering efforts to develop sustainable soils management and crop production systems. In the present project, soils and landscapes in Banan district Battambag province were investigated by a semi-detailed soil survey. A soil-landscape map was developed for the district in which 14 units were recognised. The main soil-landscape units in order of their capability for non-rice cropping were: Kein Svay an alluvial loam along the Sangke River, the brown phase of Toul Samroung Soil group on gently undulating plains and a calcareous phase of the Kompong Siem Soil group that develops on sloping land surrounding limestone hills. All soils are prone to waterlogging during periods of heavy rain. Otherwise the Kein Svay has few chemical or physical limitations for non-rice crops. Toul Samroung soil may be strongly acid, and contains high extractable manganese levels. The Kompong Siem calcareous phase is a shallow to moderately deep clay soil that forms deep cracks when dry. It is prone to stickiness when wet and hardness when dry. Severe iron chlorosis on this alkaline soil is a serious limitation for many crops. Crop performance on Kompong Siem calcareous phase was poor compared to elsewhere in Cambodia on Kompong Siem soil on basalt, and compared to Kein Svay and Toul Samroung soils in the same district. Properties of additional soils in the south of Banan district were not determined due to access limitations

    Soil and landscapes of sandy terrain in Tram Kak District, Takeo Province, Kingdom of Cambodia

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    Rapid expansion of cropping is occurring in Cambodia outside of the areas traditionally used for lowland rice. Soils and landscapes in these areas are poorly described at present, hampering efforts to develop sustainable soils management and crop production systems. In the present project, soils and landscapes in Tram Kak district Takeo province were investigated by a semi-detailed soil survey. A soil-landscape map was developed for the district in which 9 units were recognised. The main soil-landscape units in order of their likely capability for non-rice crops were: Prey Khmer, Prateah Lang, and Bakan Soil groups. Most of the occurrence of the deep sands of the Prey Khmer Soil group was in close proximity to the quartzite ridge on the western border of Tramkak with smaller occurrences in the southeast of the district overlying a sandstone rise, and in the north of the district as reworked alluvial sediments from a small river. Deep sandy soils belonging to Prey Khmer Soil group, which occupied about 34 % of the district, were low in most plant available nutrients and acidic with Al saturation up to 80 %. However, not all the profiles had excessive levels of exchangeable Al. In total, the Prateah Lang Soil group occupies about 60 % of Tram Kak district including both clay and loamy sub-soil phases, although the distribution of each phase was not defined. The clay sub-soil phase was strongly acid in the sub-soil whereas two out of three profiles of the loamy sub-soil phase were strongly alkaline in the sub-soil. However, all Prateah Lang soils had extremely low exchangeable K, and low levels of N, P, S and micronutrients Cu, Zn and B. By contrast extractable Mn levels were high in the surface layers of most Prateah Lang profiles. For the production of crops such as maize, mung bean, soybean and peanut, both farmers’ assessment and the yield of field trials showed lower productivity on the Prateah Lang soils, presumably due to waterlogging and low water storage constraints compared to Prey Khmer soils

    Ou Reang Ov: A new soil group for the Cambodian agronomic soil classification

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    Only the rice soils of Cambodia have been described in detail (White et al. 1997). The naming and identification of the Rice Soil groups has become familiar to agronomists, extension officers and farmers in Cambodia due to their common usage and the many training programmes conducted on their identification and properties (Heer et al. 1999). However, the Rice Soil Manual does not describe all the soils of Cambodia (White et al. 1997). The key for identification of rice soils allows for undefined and unclassified soils. Most of the non-rice soils of Cambodia are likely to fall into this category. Increased emphasis on crop diversification and upland farming has created a need for more detailed information on the soils in these upland areas. This is one of a series of Notes describing new Soil groups on upland soils that are proposed for inclusion into the Cambodian Agronomic Soil Classification (CASC). The Ou Reang Ov Soil group has been recognised and described by the CARDI Soil and Water Research program under ACIAR Project, “Assessing land suitability for crop diversification in Cambodia and Australia”. The purpose of this note is to assist agronomists, extension officers and farmers to recognise the Ou Reang Ov Soil group, to outline its main limiting factors, soil management requirements, and potential for land use