43 research outputs found

    Influence of large offshore wind farms on North German climate

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    Wind farms impact the local meteorology by taking up kinetic energy from the wind field and by creating a large wake. The wake influences mean flow, turbulent fluxes and vertical mixing. In the present study, the influences of large offshore wind farms on the local summer climate are investigated by employing the mesoscale numerical model METRAS with and without wind farm scenarios. For this purpose, a parametrisation for wind turbines is implemented in METRAS. Simulations are done for a domain covering the northern part of Germany with focus on the urban summer climate of Hamburg. A statistical-dynamical downscaling is applied using a skill score to determine the required number of days to simulate the climate and the influence of large wind farms situated in the German Bight, about 100 km away from Hamburg.Depending on the weather situation, the impact of large offshore wind farms varies from nearly no influence up to cloud cover changes over land. The decrease in the wind speed is most pronounced in the local areas in and around the wind farms. Inside the wind farms, the sensible heat flux is reduced. This results in cooling of the climate summer mean for a large area in the northern part of Germany. Due to smaller momentum fluxes the latent heat flux is also reduced. Therefore, the specific humidity is lower but because of the cooling, the relative humidity has no clear signal. The changes in temperature and relative humidity are more wide spread than the decrease of wind speed. Hamburg is located in the margins of the influenced region. Even if the influences are small, the urban effects of Hamburg become more relevant than in the present and the off-shore wind farms slightly intensify the summer urban heat island

    How many days are required to represent the urban climate statistics?

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    Evaluating the effect of adaptation and mitigation measures is important for urban development strategies. This can be achieved using high resolution numerical models. However, they are computationally expensive, thus simulating a 30-year climate period is challenging. An approach can be to simulate only a subset of days from the 30 years. Identifying the number of days which are sufficient to represent the urban climate is the aim of this presentation. The presented statistical dynamical downscaling method is applied to simulate the urban climate of Hamburg. It utilises 30-year time series from 27 weather stations in Northern Germany and The Netherlands. For some meteorological quantities measured at these stations, the frequency distributions have been analysed. These are compared with artificial frequency distributions built with bootstrapping and a lower number of days. For comparing these distributions, a skill score following Perkins et al. (2007) is further developed, now taking into account the relationship between the quantities. The results of this statistical dynamical downscaling method indicate that the statistics of the urban climate of Hamburg can be simulated with a much lower number of days than the 30-year time series. Perkins, S. A., A. J. Pitman, N. J. Holbrook, J. McAneney (2007): Evaluation of the AR4 climate models simulated daily maximum temperature, minimum temperature and precipitation over Australia using probability density functions, Journal of climate, 20, 4356-437