12 research outputs found

    SECONIC : towards multi-compartmental models for ultrasonic brain stimulation by intramembrane cavitation

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    Objective. To design a computationally efficient model for ultrasonic neuromodulation (UNMOD) of morphologically realistic multi-compartmental neurons based on intramembrane cavitation.Approach. A Spatially Extended Neuronal Intramembrane Cavitation model that accurately predicts observed fast Charge Oscillations (SECONIC) is designed. A regular spiking cortical Hodgkin-Huxley type nanoscale neuron model of the bilayer sonophore and surrounding proteins is used. The accuracy and computational efficiency of SECONIC is compared with the Neuronal Intramembrane Cavitation Excitation (NICE) and multiScale Optimized model of Neuronal Intramembrane Cavitation (SONIC).Main results. Membrane charge redistribution between different compartments should be taken into account via fourier series analysis in an accurate multi-compartmental UNMOD-model. Approximating charge and voltage traces with the harmonic term and first two overtones results in reasonable goodness-of-fit, except for high ultrasonic pressure (adjusted R-squared >= 0.61). Taking into account the first eight overtones results in a very good fourier series fit (adjusted R-squared >= 0.96) up to 600 kPa. Next, the dependency of effective voltage and rate parameters on charge oscillations is investigated. The two-tone SECONIC-model is one to two orders of magnitude faster than the NICE-model and demonstrates accurate results for ultrasonic pressure up to 100 kPa.Significance. Up to now, the underlying mechanism of UNMOD is not well understood. Here, the extension of the bilayer sonophore model to spatially extended neurons via the design of a multi-compartmental UNMOD-model, will result in more detailed predictions that can be used to validate or falsify this tentative mechanism. Furthermore, a multi-compartmental model for UNMOD is required for neural engineering studies that couple finite difference time domain simulations with neuronal models. Here, we propose the SECONIC-model, extending the SONIC-model by taking into account charge redistribution between compartments

    Quantitative analysis of the optogenetic excitability of CA1 neurons

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    IntroductionOptogenetics has emerged as a promising technique for modulating neuronal activity and holds potential for the treatment of neurological disorders such as temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). However, clinical translation still faces many challenges. This in-silico study aims to enhance the understanding of optogenetic excitability in CA1 cells and to identify strategies for improving stimulation protocols.MethodsEmploying state-of-the-art computational models coupled with Monte Carlo simulated light propagation, the optogenetic excitability of four CA1 cells, two pyramidal and two interneurons, expressing ChR2(H134R) is investigated.Results and discussionThe results demonstrate that confining the opsin to specific neuronal membrane compartments significantly improves excitability. An improvement is also achieved by focusing the light beam on the most excitable cell region. Moreover, the perpendicular orientation of the optical fiber relative to the somato-dendritic axis yields superior results. Inter-cell variability is observed, highlighting the importance of considering neuron degeneracy when designing optogenetic tools. Opsin confinement to the basal dendrites of the pyramidal cells renders the neuron the most excitable. A global sensitivity analysis identified opsin location and expression level as having the greatest impact on simulation outcomes. The error reduction of simulation outcome due to coupling of neuron modeling with light propagation is shown. The results promote spatial confinement and increased opsin expression levels as important improvement strategies. On the other hand, uncertainties in these parameters limit precise determination of the irradiance thresholds. This study provides valuable insights on optogenetic excitability of CA1 cells useful for the development of improved optogenetic stimulation protocols for, for instance, TLE treatment

    Comparison between direct electrical and optogenetic subthalamic nucleus stimulation

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    Subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation is a treatment for Parkinson’s disease. In this study, a computational model of a plateau-potential generating subthalamic nucleus neuron (Otsuka-model) and a four-state ChR2(H134R) model (Williams-model) are combined, in order to compare electrical and optogenetic neuromodulation capabilities. The impact of the stimulation modality (optogenetic or electric) on firing rates, strength-duration curves and action potential shape is investigated. First, in contrast to electrical stimulation, mean instantaneous firing rates saturate for optical stimulation at intensities higher than 0.1 W/cm2. Second, rheobase and chronaxie are 175% and 9.6% larger in optogenetic stimulation compared to electrical stimulation, respectively. Third, action potential shape is not significantly impacted by the neurostimulation modality

    Membrane charge oscillations during ultrasonic neuromodulation by intramembrane cavitation

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    Objective: To investigate the importance of membrane charge oscillations and redistribution in multi-compartmental ultrasonic neuromodulation (UNMOD) intramembrane cavitation models. Methods: The Neuronal Intramembrane Cavitation Excitation (NICE) model and multiScale Optimized model of Neuronal Intramembrane Cavitation (SONIC) of UNMOD are compared for a nanoscale multi-compartmental and point neuron approximation of the bilayer sonophore and surrounding proteins. The temporal dynamics of charge oscillations and their effect on the resulting voltage oscillations are investigated by fourier series analysis. Results: Comparison of excitation thresholds and neuronal response between nanoscale multi-compartmental and point models, implemented in the SONIC and NICE framework, demonstrates that the explicit modeling of fast spatial charge redistribution is critical for an accurate multi-compartmental UNMOD-model. Furthermore, the importance of modeling partial protein coverage is quantified by the excitability thresholds. Subsequently, we establish by fourier analysis that these charge oscillations are slowly changing in time. Conclusion: Fast charge redistribution significantly alters neuronal excitability in a multi-compartmental nanoscale UNMOD-model. Also the mutual exclusivity between protein and sonophore coverage should be taken into account, when simulating the dependency of neuronal excitability on coverage fractions. Charge oscillations are periodic and their fourier components change on a slow timescale. Furthermore, the resulting voltage oscillations decrease in energy with overtone number, implying that an extension of the existing multiscale model (SONIC) to multi-compartmental neurons is possible by taking into account a limited number of fourier components. Significance: First steps are taken towards a morphologically realistic and computationally efficient UNMOD-model, improving our understanding of the underlying ultrasonic neuromodulation mechanisms

    Improved alpha-beta power reduction via combined electrical and ultrasonic stimulation in a parkinsonian cortex-basal ganglia-thalamus computational model

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    Objective. To investigate computationally the interaction of combined electrical and ultrasonic modulation of isolated neurons and of the parkinsonian cortex-basal ganglia-thalamus loop. Approach. Continuous-wave or pulsed electrical and ultrasonic neuromodulation is applied to isolated Otsuka plateau-potential generating subthalamic nucleus (STN) and Pospischil regular, fast and low-threshold spiking cortical cells in a temporally alternating or simultaneous manner. Similar combinations of electrical/ultrasonic waveforms are applied to a parkinsonian biophysical cortex-basal ganglia-thalamus neuronal network. Ultrasound-neuron interaction is modelled respectively for isolated neurons and the neuronal network with the NICE and SONIC implementations of the bilayer sonophore underlying mechanism. Reduction in alpha - beta Main results. Simultaneous electro-acoustic stimulation achieves a given level of neuronal activity at lower intensities compared to the separate stimulation modalities. Conversely, temporally alternating stimulation with 50 Hz 100 Hz STN firing rates. Furthermore, combination of ultrasound with hyperpolarizing currents can alter cortical cell relative spiking regimes. In the parkinsonian neuronal network, continuous-wave and pulsed ultrasound reduce pathological oscillations by different mechanisms. High-frequency pulsed separated electrical and ultrasonic deep brain stimulation (DBS) reduce pathological alpha - beta power by entraining STN-neurons. In contrast, continuous-wave ultrasound reduces pathological oscillations by silencing the STN. Compared to the separated stimulation modalities, temporally simultaneous or alternating electro-acoustic stimulation can achieve higher reductions in alpha - beta Significance. Focused ultrasound has the potential of becoming a non-invasive alternative of conventional DBS for the treatment of Parkinson's disease. Here, we elaborate on proposed benefits of combined electro-acoustic stimulation in terms of improved dynamic range, efficiency, spatial resolution, and neuronal selectivity

    Double two-state opsin model with autonomous parameter inference

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    Optogenetics has a lot of potential to become an effective neuromodulative therapy for clinical applications. Selecting the correct opsin is crucial to have an optimal optogenetic tool. With computational modeling, the neuronal response to the current dynamics of an opsin can be extensively and systematically tested. Unlike electrical stimulation where the effect is directly defined by the applied field, the stimulation in optogenetics is indirect, depending on the selected opsin's non-linear kinetics. With the continuous expansion of opsin possibilities, computational studies are difficult due to the need for an accurate model of the selected opsin first. To this end, we propose a double two-state opsin model as alternative to the conventional three and four state Markov models used for opsin modeling. Furthermore, we provide a fitting procedure, which allows for autonomous model fitting starting from a vast parameter space. With this procedure, we successfully fitted two distinctive opsins (ChR2(H134R) and MerMAID). Both models are able to represent the experimental data with great accuracy and were obtained within an acceptable time frame. This is due to the absence of differential equations in the fitting procedure, with an enormous reduction in computational cost as result. The performance of the proposed model with a fit to ChR2(H134R) was tested, by comparing the neural response in a regular spiking neuron to the response obtained with the non-instantaneous, four state Markov model (4SB), derived by Williams et al. (2013). Finally, a computational speed gain was observed with the proposed model in a regular spiking and sparse Pyramidal-Interneuron-Network-Gamma (sPING) network simulation with respect to the 4SB-model, due to the former having two differential equations less. Consequently, the proposed model allows for computationally efficient optogenetic neurostimulation and with the proposed fitting procedure will be valuable for further research in the field of optogenetics

    Influence of temporal interference stimulation parameters on point neuron excitability

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    Temporal interference (TI) stimulation is a technique in which two high frequency sinusoidal electric fields, oscillating at a slightly different frequency are sent into the brain. The goal is to achieve stimulation at the place where both fields interfere. This study uses a simplified version of the Hodgkin - Huxley model to analyse the different parameters of the TI-waveform and how the neuron reacts to this waveform. In this manner, the underlying mechanism of the reaction of the neuron to a TI -signal is investigated. Clinical relevance- This study shows the importance of the parameter choice of the temporal interference waveform and provides insights into the underlying mechanism of the neuronal response to a beating sine for the application of temporal interference stimulatio