19 research outputs found

    The autophagy protein Ambra1 regulates gene expression by supporting novel transcriptional complexes

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    Ambra1 is considered an autophagy and trafficking protein with roles in neurogenesis and cancer cell invasion. Here, we report that Ambra1 also localizes to the nucleus of cancer cells, where it has a novel nuclear scaffolding function that controls gene expression. Using biochemical fractionation and proteomics, we found that Ambra1 binds to multiple classes of proteins in the nucleus, including nuclear pore proteins, adaptor proteins such as FAK and Akap8, chromatin-modifying proteins, and transcriptional regulators like Brg1 and Atf2. We identified biologically important genes, such as Angpt1, Tgfb2, Tgfb3, Itga8, and Itgb7, whose transcription is regulated by Ambra1-scaffolded complexes, likely by altering histone modifications and Atf2 activity. Therefore, in addition to its recognized roles in autophagy and trafficking, Ambra1 scaffolds protein complexes at chromatin, regulating transcriptional signaling in the nucleus. This novel function for Ambra1, and the specific genes impacted, may help to explain the wider role of Ambra1 in cancer cell biology

    Ambra1 spatially regulates Src activity and Src/FAK-mediated cancer cell invasion via trafficking networks

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    Here, using mouse squamous cell carcinoma cells, we report a completely new function for the autophagy protein Ambra1 as the first described ‘spatial rheostat’ controlling the Src/FAK pathway. Ambra1 regulates the targeting of active phospho-Src away from focal adhesions into autophagic structures that cancer cells use to survive adhesion stress. Ambra1 binds to both FAK and Src in cancer cells. When FAK is present, Ambra1 is recruited to focal adhesions, promoting FAK-regulated cancer cell direction-sensing and invasion. However, when Ambra1 cannot bind to FAK, abnormally high levels of phospho-Src and phospho-FAK accumulate at focal adhesions, positively regulating adhesion and invasive migration. Spatial control of active Src requires the trafficking proteins Dynactin one and IFITM3, which we identified as Ambra1 binding partners by interaction proteomics. We conclude that Ambra1 is a core component of an intracellular trafficking network linked to tight spatial control of active Src and FAK levels, and so crucially regulates their cancer-associated biological outputs

    Transcriptomic analysis of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma reveals a multi-gene prognostic signature associated with metastasis

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    Background: Metastasis of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC) is uncommon. Current staging methods are reported to have sub-optimal performances in metastasis prediction. Accurate identification of patients with tumours at high risk of metastasis would have a significant impact on management.Objective: To develop a robust and validated gene expression profile (GEP) signature for predicting primary cSCC metastatic risk using an unbiased whole transcriptome discovery-driven approach.Methods: Archival formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded primary cSCC with perilesional normal tissue from 237 immunocompetent patients (151 non-metastasising and 86 metastasising) were collected retrospectively from four centres. TempO-seq was used to probe the whole transcriptome and machine learning algorithms were applied to derive predictive signatures, with a 3:1 split for training and testing datasets.Results: A 20-gene prognostic model was developed and validated, with an accuracy of 86.0%, sensitivity of 85.7%, specificity of 86.1%, and positive predictive value of 78.3% in the testing set, providing more stable, accurate prediction than pathological staging systems. A linear predictor was also developed, significantly correlating with metastatic risk.Limitations: This was a retrospective 4-centre study and larger prospective multicentre studies are now required.Conclusion: The 20-gene signature prediction is accurate, with the potential to be incorporated into clinical workflows for cSCC

    p70S6K is regulated by Focal Adhesion Kinase and is required for Src-selective autophagy

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    AbstractHere we report that focal adhesion kinase (FAK) is required for optimal signalling to the Akt-p70S6K-S6 pathway in squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) cells. Specifically, in SCCs that are genetically deficient for FAK, there is reduced phosphorylation of Akt, p70S6K and S6, and signalling to Akt-p70S6K-S6 is more sensitive to inhibition by multiple agents that suppress the pathway. By contrast, mTOR is unaffected. Indeed, pharmacological agents that inhibit the Akt-p70S6K-S6 pathway, and PDK1 that lies upstream of Akt, also impair the autophagic targeting of activated c-Src (p-Src) in FAK deficient cells. This is associated with loss of a complex between p-Src and the autophagy protein LC3, a biochemical surrogate of impaired Src-selective autophagy. In keeping with a vital role for p70S6K, inhibition by a selective inhibitor and specific siRNA also impaired Src-selective autophagy. Finally, components of the PDK1-Akt-p70S6K signalling pathway were co-located with p-Src at autophagosomes, and Src and p70S6K co-exist in the same biochemical complex. We therefore deduce that the FAK-regulated signalling module PDK1-Akt-p70S6K that controls Src's intracellular trafficking operates at Src-containing autophagosomes

    A Conformation Selective Mode of Inhibiting SRC Improves Drug Efficacy and Tolerability

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    43 p.-5 fig.Despite the approval of several multikinase inhibitors that target SRC and the overwhelming evidence of the role of SRC in the progression and resistance mechanisms of many solid malignancies, inhibition of its kinase activity has thus far failed to improve patient outcomes. Here we report the small molecule eCF506 locks SRC in its native inactive conformation, thereby inhibiting both enzymatic and scaffolding functions that prevent phosphorylation and complex formation with its partner FAK. This unprecedented mechanism of action resulted in highly potent and selective pathway inhibition, in culture and in vivo. Treatment with eCF506 resulted in increased antitumor efficacy and tolerability in syngeneic murine cancer models, demonstrating significant therapeutic advantages over existing SRC/ABL inhibitors. Therefore, this novel mode of inhibiting SRC could lead to improved treatment of SRC-associated disorders.C.T. thanks the CMVM of the University of Edinburgh (Principal's scholarship). D.L. acknowledges support from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities for the Spanish State Research Agency Retos Grant RTI2018-099318-B-I00, cofunded by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER). E.R.W., J.C.D. and K.G.M. are funded by CRUK. J.R.L.O. acknowledges support from the Molecular Interactions Facility funds at the CIB-CSIC. T.V. is funded by H2020-MSCA-IF-2016-749299. RCM thanks the support from the Vice Rectorate for Research of the University of Granada. X.-F.L. and B.-Z.Q. are funded by a CRUK Career Development Fellowship (C49791/A17367). B.-Z.Q. also acknowledges support from an ERC Starting Grant (716379). C.S, M.C.F. and V.G.B are funded by CRUK Programme Grant C157/A15703. N.O.C. and A.U.B are grateful to the CMVM of the University of Edinburgh and Wellcome Trust for financial support (ISSF3).Peer reviewe

    Structural basis of Focal Adhesion Kinase activation on lipid membranes.

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    Focal adhesion kinase (FAK) is a key component of the membrane proximal signaling layer in focal adhesion complexes, regulating important cellular processes, including cell migration, proliferation, and survival. In the cytosol, FAK adopts an autoinhibited state but is activated upon recruitment into focal adhesions, yet how this occurs or what induces structural changes is unknown. Here, we employ cryo‐electron microscopy to reveal how FAK associates with lipid membranes and how membrane interactions unlock FAK autoinhibition to promote activation. Intriguingly, initial binding of FAK to the membrane causes steric clashes that release the kinase domain from autoinhibition, allowing it to undergo a large conformational change and interact itself with the membrane in an orientation that places the active site toward the membrane. In this conformation, the autophosphorylation site is exposed and multiple interfaces align to promote FAK oligomerization on the membrane. We show that interfaces responsible for initial dimerization and membrane attachment are essential for FAK autophosphorylation and resulting cellular activity including cancer cell invasion, while stable FAK oligomerization appears to be needed for optimal cancer cell proliferation in an anchorage‐independent manner. Together, our data provide structural details of a key membrane bound state of FAK that is primed for efficient autophosphorylation and activation, hence revealing the critical event in integrin mediated FAK activation and signaling at focal adhesions

    Transcriptomic analysis of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma reveals a multi-gene prognostic signature associated with metastasis

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    Background: metastasis of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC) is uncommon. Current staging methods are reported to have sub-optimal performances in metastasis prediction. Accurate identification of patients with tumours at high risk of metastasis would have a significant impact on management. Objective: to develop a robust and validated gene expression profile (GEP) signature for predicting primary cSCC metastatic risk using an unbiased whole transcriptome discovery-driven approach.Methods: archival formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded primary cSCC with perilesional normal tissue from 237 immunocompetent patients (151 non-metastasising and 86 metastasising) were collected retrospectively from four centres. TempO-seq was used to probe the whole transcriptome and machine learning algorithms were applied to derive predictive signatures, with a 3:1 split for training and testing datasets. Results: a 20-gene prognostic model was developed and validated, with an accuracy of 86.0%, sensitivity of 85.7%, specificity of 86.1%, and positive predictive value of 78.3% in the testing set, providing more stable, accurate prediction than pathological staging systems. A linear predictor was also developed, significantly correlating with metastatic risk.Limitations: this was a retrospective 4-centre study and larger prospective multicentre studies are now required.Conclusion: the 20-gene signature prediction is accurate, with the potential to be incorporated into clinical workflows for cSCC.<br/