793 research outputs found

    Influence of nano-mechanical properties on single electron tunneling: A vibrating Single-Electron Transistor

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    We describe single electron tunneling through molecular structures under the influence of nano-mechanical excitations. We develop a full quantum mechanical model, which includes charging effects and dissipation, and apply it to the vibrating C60_{60} single electron transistor experiment by Park {\em et al.} {[Nature {\bf 407}, 57 (2000)].} We find good agreement and argue vibrations to be essential to molecular electronic systems. We propose a mechanism to realize negative differential conductance using local bosonic excitations.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Scaling of the Kondo zero bias peak in a hole quantum dot at finite temperatures

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    We have measured the zero bias peak in differential conductance in a hole quantum dot. We have scaled the experimental data with applied bias and compared to real time renormalization group calculations of the differential conductance as a function of source-drain bias in the limit of zero temperature and at finite temperatures. The experimental data show deviations from the T=0 calculations at low bias, but are in very good agreement with the finite T calculations. The Kondo temperature T_K extracted from the data using T=0 calculations, and from the peak width at 2/3 maximum, is significantly higher than that obtained from finite T calculations.Comment: Accepted to Phys. Rev. B (Rapid

    Cotunneling at resonance for the single-electron transistor

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    We study electron transport through a small metallic island in the perturbative regime. Using a recently developed diagrammatic technique, we calculate the occupation of the island as well as the conductance through the transistor in forth order in the tunneling matrix elements, a process referred to as cotunneling. Our formulation does not require the introduction of a cut-off. At resonance we find significant modifications of previous theories and good agreement with recent experiments.Comment: 5 pages, Revtex, 5 eps-figure

    Interference and interaction effects in multi-level quantum dots

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    Using renormalization group techniques, we study spectral and transport properties of a spinless interacting quantum dot consisting of two levels coupled to metallic reservoirs. For strong Coulomb repulsion UU and an applied Aharonov-Bohm phase ϕ\phi, we find a large direct tunnel splitting Δ(Γ/π)cos(ϕ/2)ln(U/ωc)|\Delta|\sim (\Gamma/\pi)|\cos(\phi/2)|\ln(U/\omega_c) between the levels of the order of the level broadening Γ\Gamma. As a consequence we discover a many-body resonance in the spectral density that can be measured via the absorption power. Furthermore, for ϕ=π\phi=\pi, we show that the system can be tuned into an effective Anderson model with spin-dependent tunneling.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures included, typos correcte

    Strong Charge Fluctuations in the Single-Electron Box: A Quantum Monte Carlo Analysis

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    We study strong electron tunneling in the single-electron box, a small metallic island coupled to an electrode by a tunnel junction, by means of quantum Monte Carlo simulations. We obtain results, at arbitrary tunneling strength, for the free energy of this system and the average charge on the island as a function of an external bias voltage. In much of the parameter range an extrapolation to the ground state is possible. Our results for the effective charging energy for strong tunneling are compared to earlier -- in part controversial -- theoretical predictions and Monte Carlo simulations

    Coherent photon assisted cotunneling in a Coulomb blockade device

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    We study cotunneling in a double junction Coulomb blockade device under the influence of time dependent potentials. It is shown that the ac-bias leads to photon assisted cotunneling which in some cases may dominate the transport. We derive a general non-perturbative expression for the tunneling current in the presence of oscillating potentials and give a perturbative expression for the photon assisted cotunneling current.Comment: Replaced with a longer paper which includes a non-perturbative calculation. 13 pages with 1 figure. To be published in Physical Review

    Resonant tunneling through a macroscopic charge state in a superconducting SET transistor

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    We predict theoretically and observe in experiment that the differential conductance of a superconducting SET transistor exhibits a peak which is a complete analogue in a macroscopic system of a standard resonant tunneling peak associated with tunneling through a single quantum state. In particular, in a symmetric transistor, the peak height is universal and equal to e2/2πe^2/2\pi \hbar. Away from the resonance we clearly observe the co-tunneling current which in contrast to the normal-metal transistor varies linearly with the bias voltage.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, Fig. 1 available upon request from the first autho

    Charge transport through single molecules, quantum dots, and quantum wires

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    We review recent progresses in the theoretical description of correlation and quantum fluctuation phenomena in charge transport through single molecules, quantum dots, and quantum wires. A variety of physical phenomena is addressed, relating to co-tunneling, pair-tunneling, adiabatic quantum pumping, charge and spin fluctuations, and inhomogeneous Luttinger liquids. We review theoretical many-body methods to treat correlation effects, quantum fluctuations, nonequilibrium physics, and the time evolution into the stationary state of complex nanoelectronic systems.Comment: 48 pages, 14 figures, Topical Review for Nanotechnolog

    A renormalization-group analysis of the interacting resonant level model at finite bias: Generic analytic study of static properties and quench dynamics

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    Using a real-time renormalization group method we study the minimal model of a quantum dot dominated by charge fluctuations, the two-lead interacting resonant level model, at finite bias voltage. We develop a set of RG equations to treat the case of weak and strong charge fluctuations, together with the determination of power-law exponents up to second order in the Coulomb interaction. We derive analytic expressions for the charge susceptibility, the steady-state current and the conductance in the situation of arbitrary system parameters, in particular away from the particle-hole symmetric point and for asymmetric Coulomb interactions. In the generic asymmetric situation we find that power laws can be observed for the current only as function of the level position (gate voltage) but not as function of the voltage. Furthermore, we study the quench dynamics after a sudden switch-on of the level-lead couplings. The time evolution of the dot occupation and current is governed by exponential relaxation accompanied by voltage-dependent oscillations and characteristic algebraic decay.Comment: 24 pages, 13 figures; revised versio