157 research outputs found

    The fully kinetic Biermann battery and associated generation of pressure anisotropy

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    The dynamical evolution of a fully kinetic, collisionless system with imposed background density and temperature gradients is investigated analytically. The temperature gradient leads to the generation of temperature anisotropy, with the temperature along the gradient becoming larger than that in the direction perpendicular to it. This causes the system to become unstable to pressure anisotropy driven instabilities, dominantly to electron Weibel. When both density and temperature gradients are present and non-parallel to each other, we obtain a Biermann-like linear in time magnetic field growth. Accompanying particle in cell numerical simulations are shown to confirm our analytical results.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, + Supplementary materials (4 pages, 2 figures

    The effects of collisions on the generation and suppression of temperature anisotropies and the Weibel instability

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    The expansion of plasma with non-parallel temperature and density gradients, and the generation of magnetic field via the Biermann battery is modeled using particle-in-cell simulations that include collisional effects via Monte Carlo methods. A scaling of the degree of collisionality shows that an anisotropy can be produced, and drive the Weibel instability, for gradient scales shorter than the mean free path. For larger collision rates, the Biermann battery dominates as the cause of magnetic field generation. When the most energetic particles remain collisionless, the Nernst effect causes the Biermann field to be dragged with the heat flux, piled up, and enhanced.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    The effects of plasma beta and anisotropy instabilities on the dynamics of reconnecting magnetic fields in the heliosheath

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    The plasma {\beta} (the ratio of the plasma pressure to the magnetic pressure) of a system can have a large effect on its dynamics as high {\beta} enhances the effects of pressure anisotropies. We investigate the effects of {\beta} in a system of stacked current sheets that break up into magnetic islands due to magnetic reconnection. We find significant differences between {\beta} 1. At low {\beta} growing magnetic islands are modestly elongated and become round as contraction releases magnetic stress and reduces magnetic energy. At high {\beta} the increase of the parallel pressure in contracting islands causes saturation of modestly elongated islands as island cores approach the marginal firehose condition. Only highly elongated islands reach finite size. The kinking associated with the Weibel and firehose instabilities prevents full contraction of these islands, leading to a final state of highly elongated islands in which further reconnection is suppressed. The results are directly relevant to reconnection in the sectored region of the heliosheath and possibly to saturation mechanisms of the magnetorotational instability in accretion flows

    High-energy synchrotron flares powered by strongly radiative relativistic magnetic reconnection: 2D and 3D PIC simulations

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    The time evolution of high-energy synchrotron radiation generated in a relativistic pair plasma energized by reconnection of strong magnetic fields is investigated with two- and three-dimensional (2D and 3D) particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations. The simulations in this 2D/3D comparison study are conducted with the radiative PIC code OSIRIS, which self-consistently accounts for the synchrotron radiation reaction on the emitting particles, and enables us to explore the effects of synchrotron cooling. Magnetic reconnection causes compression of the plasma and magnetic field deep inside magnetic islands (plasmoids), leading to an enhancement of the flaring emission, which may help explain some astrophysical gamma-ray flare observations. Although radiative cooling weakens the emission from plasmoid cores, it facilitates additional compression there, further amplifying the magnetic field BB and plasma density~nn, and thus partially mitigating this effect. Novel simulation diagnostics utilizing 2D histograms in the n\mbox{-}B space are developed and used to visualize and quantify the effects of compression. The n\mbox{-}B histograms are observed to be bounded by relatively sharp power-law boundaries marking clear limits on compression. Theoretical explanations for some of these compression limits are developed, rooted in radiative resistivity or 3D kinking instabilities. Systematic parameter-space studies with respect to guide magnetic field, system size, and upstream magnetization are conducted and suggest that stronger compression, brighter high-energy radiation, and perhaps significant quantum electrodynamic (QED) effects such as pair production, may occur in environments with larger reconnection-region sizes and higher magnetization, particularly when magnetic field strengths approach the critical (Schwinger) field, as found in magnetar magnetospheres.Comment: 31 pages, 23 figure

    The generation of magnetic fields by the Biermann battery and the interplay with the Weibel instability

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    An investigation of magnetic fields generated in an expanding bubble of plasma with misaligned temperature and density gradients (driving the Biermann battery mechanism) is performed. With gradient scales L, large-scale magnetic fields are generated by the Biermann battery mechanism with plasma 1, as long as L is comparable to the ion inertial length di. For larger system sizes, L/de 100 (where deis the electron inertial length), the Weibel instability generates magnetic fields of similar magnitude but with wavenumber kde0.2. In both cases, the growth and saturation of these fields have a weak dependence on mass ratio mi/me, indicating electron mediated physics. A scan in system size is performed at mi/me= 2000, showing agreement with previous results with mi/me= 25. In addition, the instability found at large system sizes is quantitatively demonstrated to be the Weibel instability. Furthermore, magnetic and electric energy spectra at scales below the electron Larmor radius are found to exhibit power law behavior with spectral indices -16/3 and -4/3, respectively

    Magnetic-field generation and amplification in an expanding plasma

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    WOS:000335816700013Particle-cell simulations are used to investigate the formation of magnetic fields B in plasmas with perpendicular electron density and temperature gradients. For system sizes L comparable to the ion skin depth d(i), it is shown that B similar to i/L, consistent with the Biermann battery effect. However, for large L/d(i), it is found that the Weibel instability (due to electron temperature anisotropy) supersedes the Biermann battery as the main producer of B. The Weibel-produced fields saturate at a finite amplitude (plasma beta approximate to 100), independent of L. The magnetic energy spectra below the electron Larmor radius scale are well fitted by the power law with slope -16/3, as predicted by Schekochihin et al

    Bright gamma-ray flares powered by magnetic reconnection in QED-strength magnetic fields

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    Strong magnetic fields in magnetospheres of neutron stars (especially magnetars) and other astrophysical objects may release their energy in violent, intense episodes of magnetic reconnection. While reconnection has been studied extensively, the extreme field strength near neutron stars introduces new effects: synchrotron cooling and electron-positron pair production. Using massively parallel particle-in-cell simulations that self-consistently incorporate these new quantum-electrodynamic effects, we investigate relativistic magnetic reconnection in the strong-field regime. We show that reconnection in this regime can efficiently convert magnetic energy to X-ray and gamma-ray radiation and thus power bright high-energy astrophysical flares. Rapid radiative cooling causes strong plasma and magnetic field compression in compact plasmoids. In the most extreme cases, the field can approach the critical quantum limit, leading to copious pair production
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