10 research outputs found

    Practices of Borders and Belonging: Historical Perspectives

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    Harders L, Schnicke F. Practices of Borders and Belonging: Historical Perspectives. In: Harders L, Schnicke F, eds. Belonging across Borders: Transnational Practices in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2022: 1-29

    Review of: Dominik GroĂź (Hg.): Gender schafft Wissen. Wissenschaft Gender? Geschlechtsspezifische Unterscheidungen und Rollenzuschreibungen im Wandel der Zeit. Kassel: Kassel University Press 2009.

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    Die Autor/-innen dieses Sammelbandes gehen geschlechtergeschichtlichen Fragestellungen in einem komplexen Verständnis von Wissenschaftsgeschichte nach und thematisieren dabei mehrere ineinandergreifende Ebenen: u. a. Einzel- und Gruppenakteure, systemische Komponenten, Strukturmomente der Geschlechterdifferenz und wissenschaftliche Praxen. Dabei wird allerdings ein Verständnis von gender-Forschung privilegiert, das die Untersuchungen auf Frauen und Weiblichkeit konzentriert. Körper-, Sexualitäts- und Männlichkeitsdispositionen bleiben wie intergeschlechtliche Verhältnisse mithin Perspektiven der Wissenschaftsgeschichte, die sich auch nach diesem Band noch als erweiterungsfähig darstellen.The authors of this collected volume pursue answers to gender-historical questions as part of a complex comprehension of the history of the sciences and humanities. In so doing, they thematize several interconnected layers, including: individual and group protagonists, systemic components, structural moments of gender difference, and scientific practices. In this manner, however, they privilege an understanding of gender research that is concentrated on studies of women and femininity. Corporeal, sexual, and masculine features remain, along with inter-sex relations, merely perspectives of scientific history. After this volume, these aspects prove to be areas for expansion

    CfP: Contested Borders? Practising Empire, Nation and Region in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries

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    Harders L, Schnicke F. CfP: Contested Borders? Practising Empire, Nation and Region in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. Migration and Belonging. Geschichten von Fremdheit und Zugehörigkeit. Migration als Aushandlungsprozess in westeuropäischen Grenzregionen (1815-1871). 04.09.2017

    Ignorance and vulnerability in post-colonial diplomacy: global South-UK relations in the 1950s and 1960s

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    In the post-colonial era, both former colonising and former colonised powers found themselves engaged in a dramatic renegotiation of diplomatic relationships. Against this backdrop, the access to, or withholding of, information and understanding about other states became a key asset in any mobilisation of leverage and maintenance of agency. This article draws upon the case studies of the UK’s diplomatic relationships with African states and India in order to emphasises the virtue of combining New Diplomatic History (NDH) and history of knowledge approaches. Competing knowledges, and the denying of access to knowledge to others, could be mobilised in pursuit of competing agendas, both across and within national governments. The fragilities and contingencies behind the availability of information, coupled with enduring colonial-era prejudices which others could exploit, created areas of ignorance and rendered governmental knowledge processes vulnerable

    Belonging across Borders: Transnational Practices in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries

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    Harders L, Schnicke F, eds. Belonging across Borders: Transnational Practices in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2022

    The Region Matters: Governance and Border Practices in 1850s Alsace

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    Harders L. The Region Matters: Governance and Border Practices in 1850s Alsace. In: Harders L, Schnicke F, eds. Belonging across Borders: Transnational Practices in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. New York: Oxford University Press; In Press

    Geschlechtliche Arbeitsteilung und die Kernfamilie : Ă–konomie in Zeugung und Vererbung Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts

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    Bock von Wülfingen B. Geschlechtliche Arbeitsteilung und die Kernfamilie : Ökonomie in Zeugung und Vererbung Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts. In: González Athenas M, Schnicke F, eds. Popularisierungen von Geschlechterwissen seit der Vormoderne. Konzepte und Analysen. De Gruyter Oldenbourg; 2020: 183-214