889 research outputs found

    Too Bad to Benefit?: Effect Heterogeneity of Public Training Programs

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    This study analyzes the treatment effects of public training programs for the unemployed in Germany. Based on propensity score matching methods we extend the picture that has been sketched in previous studies by estimating treatment effects of medium-term programs for different sub-groups with respect to vocational education and age. Our results indicate that program participation has a positive impact on employment probabilities for all sub-groups. Participants also seem to find more often higher paid jobs than non-participants. However, we find only little evidence for the presence of heterogeneous treatment effects, and the magnitude of the differences is quite small. Our results are thus - at least in part - conflicting with the strategy to increasingly provide training to individuals with better employment prospects.Program Evaluation, Active Labor Market Policy, Effect Heterogeneity, Public Training Programs, Matching

    Innovative Unternehmensgründungen

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    Closed-loop vagus nerve stimulation. Patient-tailored therapy or undirected treatment?

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    Background: In multi-drug-resistant epilepsy vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) is an efficacious additional treatment to reduce seizure frequency and severity. A recently developed cardiac-based seizure detection (CBSD) algorithm triggers automate stimulation (AutoStim) upon heart rate increases of at least 20%. Yet, long term sensitivity and specificity of the CBSD-algorithm remain unclear. We present a case series of 15 adult patients with epilepsy with AutoStim VNS therapy. Methods: We reviewed CBSD-settings, operating hours and battery status of the devices. Percentage of AutoStim was assessed in comparison to continuous but intermittent stimulation. If seizure diaries were available, we verified whether a high rate of AutoStim was present during the documented seizures. Results: We reviewed 15 patients with a mean age of 34 years (±11y). Mean duration since implantation was 47 months (±12 m). Of 1296 (±686) continuous intermittent stimulations per week, 4.8 (±3.9)% were AutoStim. Proportion of AutoStim varied substantially. While 9 patients had a mean of 1.5% (±1.4%), 6 patients had a significantly higher proportion of AutoStim 9.0% (±1.6%). Seizure-frequency was higher in patients with higher AutoStim frequency. Adverse events occurred in none of the patients. Conclusion: We provide long-term results for sensitivity and specificity of the CBSD algorithm. While sensitivity seems to be high, we presume specificity to be poor. An extremely high number of AutoStim is supposedly false-positive. Yet, treatment was well tolerated by the patients without any adverse events, despite the high number of AutoStim. CBSD is a promising development, yet the algorithm should be revised to provide a better specificity

    Research Design, Soil and Biodiversity Baseline for Long-term Farming Systems Comparison of Full Sun and Shaded Agroforestry Cocoa Production under Conventional and Organic Management in Alto Beni, Bolivia

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    Cocoa, mainly produced by 5 to 6 millions of smallholder farmers, is considered as one of the most sustainable production system in the humid tropics. Little is known about the sustainability of different cocoa production systems. A long-term experiment is set up in Alto Beni at 400m above sea level with a humid winter dry climate, 1’540 mm annual rainfall. The trial assesses the sustainability of five cocoa (Theobroma cacao) production systems with the parameters of yield and yield stability, input-output efficiency of nutrients and energy, soil fertility, biodiversity, economic result, climate change mitigation and adaptation. The two-factorial experiment is arranged in an completely randomised block design; the five cocoa treatments, based on local and international practices, are four times repeated. The production systems are differentiated by the diversity of shade canopy and by crops, from mono culture full sun cocoa to a agroforestry cocoa with leguminous species (Inga edulis, Erythrina poeppigiana) shade canopy, including fruits (e.g. Euterpe precatoria, Theobroma grandiflorum) and timber (e.g. Centrolobium ochroxylum, Swietenia macrophylla) species, and a higher diversified agroforestry system based on the natural successions of species. The management of the cocoa is conventional and organic. The five treatments are: mono culture full sun cocoa conventional, mono culture full sun organic, agroforestry conventional, agroforestry organic and successional agroforestry organic. Fallow plots and nearby forests plots are monitored for soil fertility and biodiversity. Field clearing started in 2007 followed by maize (Zea mays) crop and end of 2008 the cocoa plots (48m×48 m) were established. The results of the baseline studies concerning soil fertility show good nutrient level for cocoa production; the variance of soil parameters is documented in a soil map. According the FAO soil classification (2006) the soils are Lixisole and Luvisole with high base saturation

    Comparing Successful and Less Successful New Innovative Businesses

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    This contribution offers a conceptual framework for the analysis of innovative business start-ups. This framework mainly draws on transaction cost theory. On basis of a broad empirical study of 52 hightech business start-ups in Germany the fruitfulness of the transaction cost approach with respect to research on innovation is demonstrated. Transaction cost theory gives valuable hints for the interpretation of the personal role of the entrepreneur as well as for the economic evaluation of the entrepreneurial idea. Special importance refers to the results on the organization of market transactions as a decisive determinant of economic success of innovative business start-ups

    Scientific cruise report Elisabeth Mann-Borgese SUMMIX-MESO

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    Objectives: It was intended to investigate the meso-scale and sub-meso-scale dynamics of the upper layers (upper 80 m) in the central Baltic Sea, using towed instruments and acoustic profilers, to better understand the physical conditions for cyanobacteria blooms. Under optimal weather conditions, we intended to carry out 10 one-day quasi-synoptic surveys by cruising in large meandering patterns (see fig. 1) covering areas of 15 X 15 nautical miles or 8 X 8 nautical miles, depending on the survey mode, see below. This cruise was the meso-scale component of the two-ship SUMMIX experiment together with RV Meteor (Physical and biochemical exchange-, mixing- and transformation processes in the central Baltic Sea during summer stratification and their controls on the cyanobacterial summer bloom) which was intended to be located at a fixed position nearby RV Elisabeth Mann Borgese in order to survey the water column in high vertical, spatial and parameter resolution, including biogeochemical experiments on board. In addition to the physical parameters, also vertical and horizontal zooplankton net tows as well as water samples taken by CTD bottles were planned
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