2,761 research outputs found

    Fully quantum mechanical moment of inertia of a mesoscopic ideal Bose gas

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    The superfluid fraction of an atomic cloud can be defined using the cloud's response to a rotation of the external potential, i.e. the moment of inertia. In this paper we derive analytical results for the moment of inertia of a small number of non-interacting Bosons using the canonical ensemble. The required symmetrized averages are obtained via a representation of the partition function by permutation cycles. Our results are useful to discriminate purely quantum statistical effects from interaction effects in studies of superfluidity and phase transitions in finite samples.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figures, latest version has an new title and some small textual change

    Output from an atom laser: theory vs. experiment

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    Atom lasers based on rf-outcoupling can be described by a set of coupled generalized Gross-Pitaevskii equations (GPE). We compare the theoretical predictions obtained by numerically integrating the time-dependent GPE of an effective one-dimensional model with recently measured experimental data for the F=2 and F=1 states of Rb-87. We conclude that the output of a rf-atom laser can be well described by this model.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, submitted to App. Phys.

    Every simple compact semiring is finite

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    A Hausdorff topological semiring is called simple if every non-zero continuous homomorphism into another Hausdorff topological semiring is injective. Classical work by Anzai and Kaplansky implies that any simple compact ring is finite. We generalize this result by proving that every simple compact semiring is finite, i.e., every infinite compact semiring admits a proper non-trivial quotient.Comment: 6 page

    Extrapolation-Based Super-Convergent Implicit-Explicit Peer Methods with A-stable Implicit Part

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    In this paper, we extend the implicit-explicit (IMEX) methods of Peer type recently developed in [Lang, Hundsdorfer, J. Comp. Phys., 337:203--215, 2017] to a broader class of two-step methods that allow the construction of super-convergent IMEX-Peer methods with A-stable implicit part. IMEX schemes combine the necessary stability of implicit and low computational costs of explicit methods to efficiently solve systems of ordinary differential equations with both stiff and non-stiff parts included in the source term. To construct super-convergent IMEX-Peer methods with favourable stability properties, we derive necessary and sufficient conditions on the coefficient matrices and apply an extrapolation approach based on already computed stage values. Optimised super-convergent IMEX-Peer methods of order s+1 for s=2,3,4 stages are given as result of a search algorithm carefully designed to balance the size of the stability regions and the extrapolation errors. Numerical experiments and a comparison to other IMEX-Peer methods are included.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1610.0051
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