8 research outputs found

    Plagiarismus in der Medizin? : Globale Probleme, internationale Erfahrungen und lokale Strategien zur Plagiatsprävention in der Humanmedizin

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    Plagiarismus in der Medizin wird im Ausland im letzten Jahrzehnt zunehmend erforscht, nicht so in Deutschland. Prominente Plagiatsfälle auch außerhalb der Medizin stellen darüber hinaus grundlegende Fragen an die Qualität von Wissenschaft. Plagiarismus und unethisches Verhalten in der Wissenschaft werden in diesem Arbeitspapier im Kontext des grundlegenden institutionell-organisatorischen Wandels des Wissenschafts- und Hochschulsystems durch die Übertragung von Konzepten des New Public Management (NPM) auf die Governance des Hochschul- und Wissenschaftssystems diskutiert. Möglichkeiten und Grenzen verschiedener Strategien zum Umgang mit Plagiarismus werden vorgestellt. Dabei wird insbesondere auf die Verwendung von Plagiats-Software eingegangen. Die Verwendung einer Software-Lösung im Fachbereich Humanmedizin wird aus verschiedenen Gründen kritisch eingeschätzt. Erste Ergebnisse aus einer empirischen Studie zum Plagiarismus von Studierenden zeigen ebenfalls, dass der Prävention von Plagiaten durch Aufklärung und Ausbildung mehr Beachtung geschenkt werden muss. Auf Grundlage der theoretischen Überlegungen, Recherchen und der eigenen empirischen Erhebungen werden Bausteine für einen systematischen Umgang mit Plagiarismus für die Hochschulmedizin entwickelt.In the last decade, plagiarism in medicine has been increasingly explored internationally, but not in Germany. Moreover, prominent plagiarism cases even outside of medicine question the quality of science fundamentally. Plagiarism and unethical behavior in science are discussed in this paper in the context of the fundamental institutional and organizational change of science and universities being triggered by applying New Public Management concepts to the governance of higher education. Possibilities and limitations of various strategies for dealing with plagiarism are presented. The use of plagiarism detection software is particularly investigated. Software solutions in medical faculties are critically assessed. First results of an empirical study on plagiarism of medical students show that plagiarism prevention through information and education needs to be given more attention. Based on theoretical considerations, research and our own empirical survey, we develop modules for a systematic approach on plagiarism in university medicine

    German ambulatory care physicians' perspectives on clinical guidelines – a national survey

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    BACKGROUND: There has been little systematic research about the extent to which German physicians accept or reject the concept and practice of a) clinical practice guidelines (CPG) and b) evidence based medicine (EBM) The aim of this study was to investigate German office-based physicians' perspective on CPGs and EBM and their application in medical practice. METHODS: Structured national telephone survey of ambulatory care physicians, four thematic blocks with 21 questions (5 point Likert scale). 511 office-based general practitioners and specialists. Main outcome measures were the application of Clinical Practice Guidelines in daily practice, preference for sources of guidelines and degree of knowledge and acceptance of EBM. In the data analysis Pearson's correlation coefficient was used for explorative analysis of correlations. The comparison of groups was performed by Student's t-test. Chi(2 )test was used to investigate distribution of two or more categorical variables. RESULTS: Of the total study population 55.3% of physicians reported already using guidelines in the treatment of patients. Physicians in group practices (GrP) as well as general practitioners (GP) agreed significantly more with the usefulness of guidelines as a basis for patient care than doctors in single practices (SP) or specialists (S) (Student's t-test mean GP 2.57, S 2.84, p < 0.01; mean GrP 2.55, SP 2.80, p < 0.05). 33.1% of the participants demonstrated a strong rejection to the application of guidelines in patient care. Acceptance of guidelines from a governmental institution was substantially lower than from physician networks or medical societies (36.2% vs. 53.4% vs. 62.0%). 73.8% of doctors interpret EBM as a combination of scientific research and individual medical knowledge; 80% regard EBM as the best basis for patient care. CONCLUSION: Despite a majority of physicians accepting and applying CPGs a large group remains that is critical and opposed to the utilization of CPGs in daily practice and to the concept of EBM in general. Doctors in single practice and specialists appear to be more critical than physicians in group practices and GPs. Future research is needed to evaluate the willingness to acquire necessary knowledge and skills for the promotion and routine application of CPGs

    Auf der Suche nach der Zielgruppe – Das Informationsverhalten über Gesundheit und Krankheit als Grundlage erfolgreicher Gesundheitskommunikation

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    Baumann E. Auf der Suche nach der Zielgruppe – Das Informationsverhalten über Gesundheit und Krankheit als Grundlage erfolgreicher Gesundheitskommunikation. In: Böcken J, Braun B, Amhof R, Schnee M, eds. Gesundheitsmonitor 2006. Gesundheitsversorgung und Gestaltungsoptionen aus der Perspektive von Bevölkerung und Ärzten. Gütersloh: Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung; 2006: 117-153

    Public trust in health care: A comparison of Germany, The Netherlands, and England and Wales

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    This article describes public trust in health care in three European countries. Public trust is a generalised attitude, influenced by people’s experiences in contacts with representatives of institutions, in its turn influencing how people enter these contacts. In general, people in Germany have less trust in health care, while people in England and Wales have the highest trust levels. Cultural differences between the three countries could be an important source of differences. That makes public trust a less straightforward candidate for use as indicator of the future oriented dimension of user views in an international, comparative performance framework.