18 research outputs found

    NMR and circular dichroism studies of synthetic peptides derived from the third intracellular loop of the β-adrenoceptor

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    AbstractThe C-terminal part of the third intracellular loop of the β-adrenoceptor is capable of stimulating adenylate cyclase in the presence of phospholipid vesicles via the stimulatory guanine nucleotide binding protein (Gs) [Palm et al. (1989) FEBS Lett. 254, 89–93]. We have investigated the structure of synthetic peptides corresponding to residues 284–295 of the turkey erythrocyte adrenoceptor in micelles, trifluoroethanol and aqueous solution, by using 2D 1H NMR and CD. In the presence of phospholipid micelles the peptides display a C-terminal α-helical region, whereas the N-terminal part was found to be highly flexible

    Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance ® , 3(4), 349–360 (2001) Mechanisms of the Effects of Nicorandil in the Isolated Rat Heart During Ischemia and Reperfusion: A 31 P-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Study

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    Nicorandil (SG75) is a potent K �-channel activator with an additional nitro moiety. In the present study we investigated the potential mechanisms (K �-channel activation and nitric oxide [NO] release) for the effects of nicorandil on isolated perfused rat hearts during total global ischemia using 31 P-nuclear magnetic resonance. After a 10-min control perfusion, hearts were subjected to treatment with nicorandilcontaining (100, 300, or 1000 µM) buffer for 10 min, 15 min of total global ischemia, and 30 min of reperfusion. At high dose (10 �3 M), nicorandil reduced ATP depletion during ischemia by 26 % compared with untreated hearts. Blockade of K � channels by glibenclamide prevented this protective effect. At all doses (10 �4 to 10 �3 M), nicorandil reduced the accumulation of protons during ischemia compared with untreated hearts (pH 6.22 � 0.03 vs. 6.02 � 0.05 in untreated hearts at the end of ischemia). This effect was preserved after blockade of K � channels by glibenclamide. Hearts treated with nitroglycerine before ischemia also showed reduced proton accumulation. Therefore, NO release accompanied by increased coronary flow before ischemia, which is caused by the nitro moiety of nicorandil and nitroglycerine treatment, results in reduced proton accumulation. During reperfusion, a pro-arrhythmic effect was observed in hearts treated with the nonpharmacologically high dose of nicorandil (1000 µM). Thus, we conclude that the effects of nicorandil are caused Address correspondence and reprint requests to Michael Horn

    Global expression analysis of the yeast Lachancea (saccharomyces) kluyveri reveals new URC genes involved in pyrimidine catabolism

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    Pyrimidines are important nucleic acid precursors which are constantly synthesized, degraded, and rebuilt in the cell. Four degradation pathways, two of which are found in eukaryotes, have been described. One of them, the URC pathway, has been initially discovered in our laboratory in the yeast Lachancea kluyveri. Here, we present the global changes in gene expression in L. kluyveri in response to different nitrogen sources, including uracil, uridine, dihydrouracil, and ammonia. The expression pattern of the known URC genes, URC1-6, helped to identify nine putative novel URC genes with a similar expression pattern. The microarray analysis provided evidence that both the URC and PYD genes are under nitrogen catabolite repression in L. kluyveri and are induced by uracil or dihydrouracil, respectively. We determined the function of URC8, which was found to catalyze the reduction of malonate semialdehyde to 3-hydroxypropionate, the final degradation product of the pathway. The other eight genes studied were all putative permeases. Our analysis of double deletion strains showed that the L. kluyveri Fui1p protein transported uridine, just like its homolog in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, but we demonstrated that is was not the only uridine transporter in L. kluyveri. We also showed that the L. kluyveri homologs of DUR3 and FUR4 do not have the same function that they have in S. cerevisiae, where they transport urea and uracil, respectively. In L. kluyveri, both of these deletion strains grew normally on uracil and urea

    Acid-Base Chemical Mechanism of Aspartase From Hafnia alvei

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    An acid-base chemical mechanism is proposed for Hafnia alvei aspartase in which a proton is abstracted from C-3 of the monoanionic form of L-aspartate by an enzyme general base with a pK of 6.3-6.6 in the absence and presence of Mg2+. The resulting carbanion is presumably stabilized by delocalization of electrons into the β-carboxyl with the assistance of a protonated enzyme group in the vicinity of the β-carboxyl. Ammonia is then expelled with the assistance of a general acid group that traps an initially expelled NH3 as the final NH+4 product. In agreement with the function of the general acid group, potassium, an analog of NH+4, binds optimally when the group is unprotonated. The pK for the general acid is about 7 in the absence of Mg2+, but is increased by about a pH unit in the presence of Mg2+. Since the same pK values are observed in the pKisuccinate and V/K pH profile, both enzyme groups must be in their optimum protonation state for efficient binding of reactant in the presence of Mg2+. At the end of a catalytic cycle, both the general base and general acid groups are in a protonation state opposite that in which they started when aspartate was bound. The presence of Mg2+ causes a pH-dependent activation of aspartase exhibited as a partial change in the V and V/Kasp pH profiles. When the aspartase reaction is run in D2O to greater than 50% completion no deuterium is found in the remaining aspartate, indicating that the site is inaccessible to solvent during the catalytic cycle

    Crystal structure of dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase, a major determinant of the pharmacokinetics of the anti-cancer drug 5-fluorouracil

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    Dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase catalyzes the first step in pyrimidine degradation: the NADPH-dependent reduction of uracil and thymine to the corresponding 5,6-dihydropyrimidines. Its controlled inhibition has become an adjunct target for cancer therapy, since the enzyme is also responsible for the rapid breakdown of the chemotherapeutic drug 5-fluorouracil. The crystal structure of the homodimeric pig liver enzyme (2× 111 kDa) determined at 1.9 Å resolution reveals a highly modular subunit organization, consisting of five domains with different folds. Dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase contains two FAD, two FMN and eight [4Fe–4S] clusters, arranged in two electron transfer chains that pass the dimer interface twice. Two of the Fe–S clusters show a hitherto unobserved coordination involving a glutamine residue. The ternary complex of an inactive mutant of the enzyme with bound NADPH and 5-fluorouracil reveals the architecture of the substrate-binding sites and residues responsible for recognition and binding of the drug

    Dihydropyrimidine amidohydrolases and dihydroorotases share the same origin and several enzymatic properties

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    Slime mold, plant and insect dihydropyrimidine amidohydrolases (DHPases, EC, which catalyze the second step of pyrimidine and several anti-cancer drug degradations, were cloned and shown to functionally replace a defective DHPase enzyme in the yeast Saccharomyces kluyveri. The yeast and slime mold DHPases were over-expressed, shown to contain two zinc ions, characterized for their properties and compared to those of the calf liver enzyme. In general, the kinetic parameters varied widely among the enzymes, the mammalian DHPase having the highest catalytic efficiency. The ring opening was catalyzed most efficiently at pH 8.0 and competitively inhibited by the reaction product, N-carbamyl-β-alanine. At lower pH values DHPases catalyzed the reverse reaction, the closing of the ring. Apparently, eukaryote DHPases are enzymatically as well as phylogenetically related to the de novo biosynthetic dihydroorotase (DHOase) enzymes. Modeling studies showed that the position of the catalytically critical amino acid residues of bacterial DHOases and eukaryote DHPases overlap. Therefore, only a few modifications might have been necessary during evolution to convert the unspecialized enzyme into anabolic and catabolic ones