227 research outputs found

    Policy analysis of invasive species regulations in Sydney Harbour and San Francisco Bay

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    The demand for the mass transportation of goods throughout the world is threatening the biodiversity and native habitats of local scale aquatic assemblages. Efforts to preserve and protect marine communities are hampered by the danger of invasive species coming into native harbor community assemblages. In order to manage and conserve these ecosystems, it is necessary that we research and compiled the species in order to gain a better understanding of how legislation and regulations can be used in order to create systems that are sustainable for all species. The goal of this capstone is to examine current and past legislation and regulations as well as look at the species assemblages in San Francisco Bay and Sydney Harbour. We conducted an analysis and evaluation on the current policies of the harbors. To do this, previous data and research were examined; policies and laws were ascertained; and the ongoing impacts of invasive species were determined. Through a literature search we identified all the recorded known species present in each harbor and conducted biodiversity comparisons on the taxa. This paper analyzes and compares a range of factors that may influence policy implementation and legislation in the United States and Australia. Based on reviews of policy and literature, the cross country comparative analysis reveals the challenges and opportunities of the policies in each setting, and the relative strengths and weaknesses of the difference implementation approaches. The paper concludes with recommendations for the United States and Australia in terms of legislative approaches and a do nothing approach

    Understanding the Relationship Between Nutritional Status, Obesity, and Academic Achievement

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    Learning styles affecting student learning in online based education systems

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    In the last few decades various learning theories emerged characterizing the strengths and preferences people have in the ways they assimilate and process new ideas and concepts. In this capstone we introduce the results of an exploratory pilot study which examines how learning styles or multiple intelligences influence performance in students who used an online homework system in their pre-service teacher math content courses at CSUMB. There is literature concerning whether it is important for educators to be able to adapt their teaching to adjust to their students\u27 multiple learning styles. This study will be able to provide guidance towards the future research in the use of on-line homework in California State University Monterey Bay\u27s MATH 308 - Elementary Math from an Advanced Viewpoint A (Math for Elementary School Teachers), and MATH 309 - Elementary Math from an Advanced Viewpoint B classes (n=18). Information regarding students\u27 multiple intelligence/learning styles and their performance in online homework and course grades was gathered and analyzed. Preliminary analysis indicates that further study should focus on analyzing trends among students who exhibit the following multiple intelligences: visual, musical, kinesthetic, intrapersonal, naturalist, and linguistic. Also further study should focus on active vs. reflective learners, and sensing vs. intuitive learning styles

    Initial Determination of Low Earth Orbits Using Commercial Telescopes

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    Within the last decade, many new technologies have significantly changed the face of private astronomy. Developments such as inexpensive but high-quality sensors, rapid personal computing, and easy networking inspire a reexamination of an old problem: how practical is it to develop initial orbit estimates for Low Earth Orbiting (LEO) satellites using optical tracking? This paper documents the design and implementation of a commercial telescope system used to answer precisely that question. This analysis deter- mined there are some challenging barriers to successful single-site orbit determination, but it is possible given the right conditions. Considering the low cost and small sup- port footprint of such systems, they could provide excellent support to Space Situational Awareness (SSA) missions or satellite tracking operations in general

    Die deutschen Provincial Reconstruction Teams: ein neues Instrument zum Nation-Building

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    'Die erstmals Anfang 2003 von den USA in Afghanistan eingesetzten 'Provincial Reconstruction Teams' (PRTs) sind ein neues Instrument der Internationalen Gemeinschaft zur Unterstützung des Peace-, Nation- und State-Building in Post-Konflikt-Gesellschaften. Eine deutsche Variante ist seit Ende 2003 in Kunduz und Feyzabad im Einsatz. Die Wiedererrichtung und Stabilisierung von Gesellschaften und Staaten nach der Beendigung gewaltsamer Konflikte ist zu einer prioritären Aufgabe der deutschen Außen-, Sicherheits- und Entwicklungspolitik und zu einer zentralen Strategie globaler Sicherheitskooperation geworden. Deutschland und seine Partner sehen sich beim Nation-Building vor allem zwei Problemen gegenüber: der Knappheit an personellen, finanziellen und politisch-legitimatorischen Ressourcen und dem Mangel an Konzepten und Instrumenten, die zivile und militärische Aufgaben so effizient wie möglich bewältigen helfen. PRTs sollen dazu beitragen, die nur begrenzt zur Verfügung stehenden Soldaten, Diplomaten, zivilen Experten und finanziellen Mittel möglichst optimal zur Stabilisierung und zum Wiederaufbau des gescheiterten Staates einzusetzen. Die Studie untersucht Struktur, Aufgaben und Arbeitsweise der deutschen PRTs, setzt sich mit den Hauptkritikpunkten an Konzept und Praxis auseinander und bietet einen Ausblick auf die Leistungsfähigkeit der PRT-Strategie und ihre Übertragbarkeit auf künftige Nation-Building-Operationen und Hilfsaktionen zur Bewältigung großer Naturkatastrophen. PRTs eröffnen der Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik mit ihrer einzigartigen Integration ziviler und militärischer Handlungsformen neue Möglichkeiten. Sie werden dann ihre Synergien voll entfalten können, wenn die zivilen und militärischen Akteure bereits in der politischen Einsatzplanung und in der schulenden Einsatzvorbereitung zusammenwirken. Die Einsatzergebnisse der PRTs sollten in einer zentralen Nation-Building-Datenbank erfasst und durch Praktiker wie Wissenschaftler gemeinsam aufbereitet werden.' (Autorenreferat

    Assessing the accuracy of Marine Corps Reserve active duty days within the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System

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    The Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC) is charged with collecting, maintaining, and reporting information on over 42 million people who are currently or previously connected to Defense. Personnel information is provided by each of the United States Uniformed Services to be passed to the Personnel Data Repository (PDR) to update members' records in the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS). Records are used to support benefits provided to the members and their families including medical, dental, educational, and life insurance while they are fulfilling their service and after retirement. This research identifies issues with overlaying active duty periods in the PDR; uses statistical data analysis techniques to determine the accuracy of the data fields within the PDR; and provides guidelines for the application of active duty periods to a member's record. This research: (1) maps all active duty date source submissions that modify PDR records for Marine Reservists; (2) determines the business rules for applying changes to active duty date fields and recommends changes; (3) assesses and quantifies data quality of Marine Reservist active duty dates; and (4) makes recommendations for a continuous improvement methodology that the DMDC can implement for the other guard and reserve component data.http://archive.org/details/assessingccuracy109455658Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Bericht zu den Digitalen Workshops am 25. September und 2. Oktober 2020

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.Peer Reviewe