19,743 research outputs found

    Complex Scalar DM in a B-L Model

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    In this work, we implement a complex scalar Dark Matter (DM) candidate in a U(1)BLU(1)_{B-L} gauge extension of the Standard Model. The model contains three right handed neutrinos with different quantum numbers and a rich scalar sector, with extra doublets and singlets. In principle, these extra scalars can have VEVs (VΦV_{\Phi} and VϕV_{\phi} for the extra doublets and singlets, respectively) belonging to different energy scales. In the context of ζVΦVϕ1\zeta\equiv\frac{V_{\Phi}}{V_{\phi}}\ll1, which allows to obtain naturally light active neutrino masses and mixing compatible with neutrino experiments, the DM candidate arises by imposing a Z2Z_{2} symmetry on a given complex singlet, ϕ2\phi_{2}, in order to make it stable. After doing a study of the scalar potential and the gauge sector, we obtain all the DM dominant processes concerning the relic abundance and direct detection. Then, for a representative set of parameters, we found that a complex DM with mass around 200200 GeV, for example, is compatible with the current experimental constraints without resorting to resonances. However, additional compatible solutions with heavier masses can be found in vicinities of resonances. Finally, we address the issue of having a light CP-odd scalar in the model showing that it is safe concerning the Higgs and the ZμZ_{\mu} boson invisible decay widths, and also the energy loss in stars astrophysical constraints.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figure

    The Impact of Deuterated CMOS processing on Gate Oxide Reliability

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    In recent literature, a controversy has arisen over the question whether deuterium improves the stability of the MOS gate dielectric. In particular, the influence of deuterium incorporation on the bulk oxide quality is not clear. In this letter, deuterium or hydrogen is introduced during either the gate oxidation, postoxidation anneal, and/or the postmetal anneal (PMA). The oxide bulk degradation was evaluated using charge-to-breakdown and stress-induced leakage current; and the oxide interface degradation using hot-carrier degradation and low-frequency noise. The obtained results show that the oxide bulk does not benefit from the presence of deuterium, regardless of the stage of deuterium introduction, or the gate oxide thickness. The oxide interface is more stable only when deuterium is introduced in the PMA

    Modeling of RTS noise in MOSFETs under steady-state and large-signal excitation

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    The behavior of RTS noise in MOSFETs under large-signal excitation is experimentally studied. Our measurements show a significant transient effect, in line with earlier reports. We present a new physical model to describe this transient behavior and to predict RTS noise in MOSFETs under large-signal excitation. With only three model parameters the behavior is well described, contrary to existing models

    Self-normalizing phase measurement in multimode terahertz spectroscopy based on photomixing of three lasers

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    Photomixing of two near-infrared lasers is well established for continuous-wave terahertz spectroscopy. Photomixing of three lasers allows us to measure at three terahertz frequencies simultaneously. Similar to Fourier spectroscopy, the spectral information is contained in an nterferogram, which is equivalent to the waveform in time-domain spectroscopy. We use one fixed terahertz frequency \nu_ref to monitor temporal drifts of the setup, i.e., of the optical path-length difference. The other two frequencies are scanned for broadband high-resolution spectroscopy. The frequency dependence of the phase is obtained with high accuracy by normalizing it to the data obtained at \nu_ref, which eliminates drifts of the optical path-length difference. We achieve an accuracy of about 1-2 microns or 10^{-8} of the optical path length. This method is particularly suitable for applications in nonideal environmental conditions outside of an air-conditioned laboratory.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Mott-Hubbard exciton in the optical conductivity of YTiO3 and SmTiO3

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    In the Mott-Hubbard insulators YTiO3 and SmTiO3 we study optical excitations from the lower to the upper Hubbard band, d^1d^1 -> d^0d^2. The multi-peak structure observed in the optical conductivity reflects the multiplet structure of the upper Hubbard band in a multi-orbital system. Absorption bands at 2.55 and 4.15 eV in the ferromagnet YTiO3 correspond to final states with a triplet d^2 configuration, whereas a peak at 3.7 eV in the antiferromagnet SmTiO3 is attributed to a singlet d^2 final state. A strongly temperature-dependent peak at 1.95 eV in YTiO3 and 1.8 eV in SmTiO3 is interpreted in terms of a Hubbard exciton, i.e., a charge-neutral (quasi-)bound state of a hole in the lower Hubbard band and a double occupancy in the upper one. The binding to such a Hubbard exciton may arise both due to Coulomb attraction between nearest-neighbor sites and due to a lowering of the kinetic energy in a system with magnetic and/or orbital correlations. Furthermore, we observe anomalies of the spectral weight in the vicinity of the magnetic ordering transitions, both in YTiO3 and SmTiO3. In the G-type antiferromagnet SmTiO3, the sign of the change of the spectral weight at T_N depends on the polarization. This demonstrates that the temperature dependence of the spectral weight is not dominated by the spin-spin correlations, but rather reflects small changes of the orbital occupation.Comment: Strongly extended version; new data of SmTiO3 included; detailed discussion of temperature dependence include

    Phase Separation in Charge-Stabilized Colloidal Suspensions: Influence of Nonlinear Screening

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    The phase behavior of charge-stabilized colloidal suspensions is modeled by a combination of response theory for electrostatic interparticle interactions and variational theory for free energies. Integrating out degrees of freedom of the microions (counterions, salt ions), the macroion-microion mixture is mapped onto a one-component system governed by effective macroion interactions. Linear response of microions to the electrostatic potential of the macroions results in a screened-Coulomb (Yukawa) effective pair potential and a one-body volume energy, while nonlinear response modifies the effective interactions [A. R. Denton, \PR E {\bf 70}, 031404 (2004)]. The volume energy and effective pair potential are taken as input to a variational free energy, based on thermodynamic perturbation theory. For both linear and first-order nonlinear effective interactions, a coexistence analysis applied to aqueous suspensions of highly charged macroions and monovalent microions yields bulk separation of macroion-rich and macroion-poor phases below a critical salt concentration, in qualitative agreement with predictions of related linearized theories [R. van Roij, M. Dijkstra, and J.-P. Hansen, \PR E {\bf 59}, 2010 (1999); P. B. Warren, \JCP {\bf 112}, 4683 (2000)]. It is concluded that nonlinear screening can modify phase behavior but does not necessarily suppress bulk phase separation of deionized suspensions.Comment: 14 pages of text + 9 figure