5,534 research outputs found

    Numerical study of substrate assimilation by a microorganism exposed to fluctuating concentration

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    In most modelling works on bioreactors, the substrate assimilation is computed from the volume average concentration. The possible occurrence of a competition between the transport of substrate towards the cell and the assimilation at the cell level is generally overlooked. In order to examine the consequences of such a competition, a diffusion equation for the substrate is coupled with a specific boundary condition defining the up take rate at the cell liquid interface. Two assimilation laws are investigated, whereas the concentration far from the cell is varied in order to mimic concentration fluctuations. Both steady and unsteady conditions are investigated. The actual uptake rate computed from the interfacial concentration is compared to the time-averaged uptake rate based on the mean far-field concentration. Whatever the assimilation law, it is found that the uptake rate can be correlated to the mean far-field concentration, but the actual values of the parameters are affected in case of transport limitation. Moreover, the structure of the far-field signal influences the substrate assimilation by the microorganism, and the mean interfacial uptake rate depends on the ratio between the characteristic time of the signal and the diffusional time scale, as well as on the amplitude of the fluctuations around the mean far-field concentration in substrate. The present work enlightens some experimental results and helps in understanding the differences between the concentration measured and that present in the microenvironment of the cells

    Children can rate perceived effort but do not follow intensity instructions during soccer training

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    The perception of effort is elementary for the self-regulation of exercise intensity in sports. The competence for rating perceived effort (RPE) seems to be related to physical and cognitive development. Children accurately rate perceived effort during incremental exercise tests when loads progressively increase, but it remains unclear how children perform when they participate in sports games, which are characterized by complex tasks with varying intensity profiles. The present study investigates children's competencies for rating perceived effort and producing predetermined intensities during soccer training. Twenty-five children aged 11–13 years performed two similar training sessions. In the first session, the children trained without intensity instructions and continuously rated their effort. In the second session, the children were instructed to produce predefined intensities. Before the first training session, executive functions were assessed by cognitive performance tests and a self-report measure. RPE correlated significantly with heart rate measures (R2 = 0.27, p < 0.001). As confirmed by factor analysis, individual differences in these correlations were related to the outcomes of the cognitive tests and the self-report measure. RPE in training session 2 differed from RPE in training session 1 (d = 1.22, p < 0.001), although the heart rate data did not differ significantly between training sessions (d = −0.19, p = 0.780). Thirteen-year-old children performed significantly better than eleven-year-old children (d = 1.69, p = 0.027). The results suggest that children are able to rate perceived effort during soccer training and that this ability is related to executive functions. Conversely, children may not be able to alter their intensities in response to instructions, although their ratings suggest that they have largely succeeded in doing so

    Solutions for IPv6-based mobility in the EU project MobyDick

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    Proceedings of the WTC 2002, 18th World Telecommunications Congress, Paris, France, 22 -27 September, 2002.Mobile Internet technology is moving towards a packet-based or, more precisely, IPv6-based network. Current solutions on Mobile IPv6 and other related QoS and AAA matters do not offer the security and quality users have come to take for granted. The EU IST project Moby Dick has taken on the challenge of providing a solution that integrates QoS, mobility and AAA in a heterogeneous access environment. This paper focuses on the mobility part of the project, describes and justifies the handover approach taken, shows how QoS-aware and secure handover is achieved, and introduces the project's paging concept. It shows that a transition to a fully integrated IP-RAN and IP-Backbone has become a distinct option for the future.Publicad

    Procedure For Hybrid Process Analysis And Design

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    Performing business processes are a critical asset for manufacturing companies operating on highly competitive markets. Conventional approaches to business process improvement, however, are vulnerable to subjectivity and high manual efforts in their execution. These challenges can be overcome with recent databased approaches that semi-automate process analysis and design. Those approaches formalize methodical knowledge on weakness detection, measure derivation and performance evaluation for business processes into a performance-related decision support. By enabling the databased automation of these tasks this formalization helps to reduce efforts and subjectivity in process analysis and design. However, practice lacks a procedure for applying this decision support in operative business process improvement. Moreover, this decision support only formalises methodological knowledge. Operative business process improvement in practice additionally requires the consideration of experts' contextual knowledge about the company and the business process itself. This paper presents a hybrid approach for the analysis and design of business processes using a databased decision support. First, existing phase models for business process improvement are consolidated into a reference model. Second, an expert-based assessment is conducted on how decision support extends, modifies or eliminates the conventional tasks of process analysis and design. In the third step, a hybrid phase model for process analysis and design is developed that integrates the formalised methodological knowledge of the decision support and contextual knowledge of experts

    Testing Replicability and Generalizability of the Time on Task Effect

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    The time on task (ToT) effect describes the relationship of the time spent on a cognitive task and the probability of successful task completion. The effect has been shown to vary in size and direction across tests and even within tests, depending on the test taker and item characteristics. Specifically, investing more time has a positive effect on response accuracy for difficult items and low ability test-takers, but a negative effect for easy items and high ability test-takers. The present study sought to test the replicability of this result pattern of the ToT effect across samples independently drawn from the same populations of persons and items. Furthermore, its generalizability was tested in terms of differential correlations across ability tests. To this end, ToT effects were estimated for three different reasoning tests and one test measuring natural sciences knowledge in 10 comparable subsamples with a total N = 2640. Results for the subsamples were highly similar, demonstrating that ToT effects are estimated with sufficient reliability. Generally, faster answers tended to be more accurate, suggesting a relatively effortless processing style. However, with increasing item difficulty and decreasing person ability, the effect flipped to the opposite direction, i.e., higher accuracy with longer processing times. The within-task moderation of the ToT effect can be reconciled with an account on effortful processing or cognitive load. By contrast, the generalizability of the ToT effect across different tests was only moderate. Cross-test relations were stronger in relative terms if performance in the respective tasks was more strongly related. This suggests that individual differences in the ToT effect depend on test characteristics such as their reliabilities but also similarities and differences of their processing requirements

    Concept For Databased Sales And Resource Planning For Re-Assembly In The Automotive Industry

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    In linear economy, the growing wealth in the world is linked to a growing resource consumption and greenhouse gas emission. This results in a shortage of primary resources, environmental destruction through resource extraction, and global warming. A high productivity of the manufacturing industry, overcapacities and a decrease in the value of existing products intensify this situation. Circular economy offers resource-efficient value addition by multiple utilization of resources. One challenge in this form of value creation is the duration of reconditioning processes and the lack of product innovation in reconditioned products. To bring products back to the market as quickly as possible, the method of Re-Assembly is introduced and focused in this paper. Re-Assembly can be defined as reconditioning old products into new or higher-valued products, by assembling new or remanufactured parts and components after disassembly. However, manufacturing companies face difficulties in industrialization of such methods. In practice, one of the biggest challenges is the mid- and long term planning of the reconditioning process. Due to uncertainties in the quality and quantity of the returning end-of-life products the resulting reconditioning process is challenging to predict in terms of process time and production costs. To encounter this, this paper presents a concept for sales and resource planning in the context of Re-Assembly. In the first step the uncertainties for the long term production planning and the resulting data requirements are identified. Based on this, a concept for sales and resource planning is presented. The approach is based on the Internet of Production reference framework and includes data from the whole product lifecycle. As the area of application, the automotive industry is chosen as it is the largest manufacturing industry in Germany and already leading in the recording of usage data of their products

    Multi-stakeholder decision training games with ARLearn

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    Klemke, R., Ternier, S., Kalz, M., Schmitz, B., & Specht, M. (2013, 26-27 September). Multi-stakeholder decision training games with ARLearn. In D. Milosevic (Ed.), Proceedings of the fourth international conference on eLearning (eLearning 2013) (pp. 1-9). Belgrade Metropolitan University, Belgrade, Serbia. http://econference.metropolitan.ac.rs/Serious gaming approaches so far focus mainly on skill development, motivational aspects or providing immersive learning situations. Little work has been reported to foster awareness and decision competencies in complex decision situations involving incomplete information and multiple stakeholders. We address this issue exploring the technical requirements and possibilities to design games for such situations in three case studies: a hostage taking situation, a multi-stakeholder logistics case, and a health-care related emergency case. To implement the games, we use a multi-user enabled mobile game development platform (ARLearn). We describe the underlying real world situations and educational challenges and analyse how these are reflected in the ARLearn games realized.SALOMO, EMURGENCY, UNHC

    The MobyDick Project: A Mobile Heterogeneous All-IP Architecture

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    Proceedings of Advanced Technologies, Applications and Market Strategies for 3G (ATAMS 2001). Cracow, Poland: 17-20 June, 2001.This paper presents the current stage of an IP-based architecture for heterogeneous environments, covering UMTS-like W-CDMA wireless access technology, wireless and wired LANs, that is being developed under the aegis of the IST Moby Dick project. This architecture treats all transmission capabilities as basic physical and data-link layers, and attempts to replace all higher-level tasks by IP-based strategies. The proposed architecture incorporates aspects of mobile-IPv6, fast handover, AAA-control, and Quality of Service. The architecture allows for an optimised control on the radio link layer resources. The Moby dick architecture is currently under refinement for implementation on field trials. The services planned for trials are data transfer and voice-over-IP.Publicad

    Axion inflation in the strong-backreaction regime: decay of the Anber-Sorbo solution

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    Axion inflation coupled to Abelian gauge fields via a Chern-Simons-like term of the form ϕFF~\phi F\tilde{F} represents an attractive inflationary model with a rich phenomenology, including the production of magnetic fields, black holes, gravitational waves, and the matter-antimatter asymmetry. In this work, we focus on a particular regime of axion inflation, the so-called Anber-Sorbo (AS) solution, in which the energy loss in the gauge-field production provides the dominant source of friction for the inflaton motion. We revisit the AS solution and confirm that it is unstable. Contrary to earlier numerical works that attempted to reach the AS solution starting from a regime of weak backreaction, we perform, for the first time, a numerical evolution starting directly from the regime of strong backreaction. Our analysis shows that, at least as long as one neglects spatial inhomogeneities in the inflaton field, the AS solution has no basin of attraction, not even a very small one that might have been missed in previous numerical studies. Our analysis employs an arsenal of analytical and numerical techniques, some established and some newly introduced, including (1) linear perturbation theory along the lines of arXiv:2209.08131, (2) the gradient expansion formalism (GEF) developed in arXiv:2109.01651, (3) a new linearized version of the GEF, and (4) the standard mode-by-mode approach in momentum space in combination with input from the GEF. All these methods yield consistent results confirming the instability of the AS solution, which renders the dynamics of axion inflation in the strong-backreaction regime even more interesting than previously believed.Comment: 40 pages, 11 figure