56 research outputs found

    Hemodynamic variables and mortality in cardiogenic shock: a retrospective cohort study

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    INTRODUCTION: Despite the key role of hemodynamic goals, there are few data addressing the question as to which hemodynamic variables are associated with outcome or should be targeted in cardiogenic shock patients. The aim of this study was to investigate the association between hemodynamic variables and cardiogenic shock mortality. METHODS: Medical records and the patient data management system of a multidisciplinary intensive care unit (ICU) were reviewed for patients admitted because of cardiogenic shock. In all patients, the hourly variable time integral of hemodynamic variables during the first 24 hours after ICU admission was calculated. If hemodynamic variables were associated with 28-day mortality, the hourly variable time integral of drops below clinically relevant threshold levels was computed. Regression models and receiver operator characteristic analyses were calculated. All statistical models were adjusted for age, admission year, mean catecholamine doses and the Simplified Acute Physiology Score II (excluding hemodynamic counts) in order to account for the influence of age, changes in therapies during the observation period, the severity of cardiovascular failure and the severity of the underlying disease on 28-day mortality. RESULTS: One-hundred and nineteen patients were included. Cardiac index (CI) (P = 0.01) and cardiac power index (CPI) (P = 0.03) were the only hemodynamic variables separately associated with mortality. The hourly time integral of CI drops 0.05). The hourly time integral of CPI drops 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: During the first 24 hours after intensive care unit admission, CI and CPI are the most important hemodynamic variables separately associated with 28-day mortality in patients with cardiogenic shock. A CI of 3 L/min/m2 and a CPI of 0.8 W/m2 were most predictive of 28-day mortality. Since our results must be considered hypothesis-generating, randomized controlled trials are required to evaluate whether targeting these levels as early resuscitation endpoints can improve mortality in cardiogenic shock

    Association of arterial blood pressure and vasopressor load with septic shock mortality: a post hoc analysis of a multicenter trial

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    INTRODUCTION: It is unclear to which level mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) should be increased during septic shock in order to improve outcome. In this study we investigated the association between MAP values of 70 mmHg or higher, vasopressor load, 28-day mortality and disease-related events in septic shock. METHODS: This is a post hoc analysis of data of the control group of a multicenter trial and includes 290 septic shock patients in whom a mean MAP > or = 70 mmHg could be maintained during shock. Demographic and clinical data, MAP, vasopressor requirements during the shock period, disease-related events and 28-day mortality were documented. Logistic regression models adjusted for the geographic region of the study center, age, presence of chronic arterial hypertension, simplified acute physiology score (SAPS) II and the mean vasopressor load during the shock period was calculated to investigate the association between MAP or MAP quartiles > or = 70 mmHg and mortality or the frequency and occurrence of disease-related events. RESULTS: There was no association between MAP or MAP quartiles and mortality or the occurrence of disease-related events. These associations were not influenced by age or pre-existent arterial hypertension (all P > 0.05). The mean vasopressor load was associated with mortality (relative risk (RR), 1.83; confidence interval (CI) 95%, 1.4-2.38; P 70 mmHg by augmenting vasopressor dosages may increase mortality. Future trials are needed to identify the lowest acceptable MAP level to ensure tissue perfusion and avoid unnecessary high catecholamine infusions

    The association between body-mass index and patient outcome in septic shock: a retrospective cohort study

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    Zusammenfassung: HINTERGRUND: Es bestehen keine Daten über die Assoziation zwischen dem Body Mass Index (BMI) bzw. BMI Kategorien und der Mortalität von septischen Schock-patienten. METHODEN: Die Datenbank einer interdisziplinären Intensivstation wurde retrospektiv nach erwachsenen Patienten mit septischem Schock durchsucht. Von allen Patienten wurde der BMI, demographische, klinische und laborchemische Parameter gemeinsam mit Outcomevariabeln dokumentiert. Die Studienpatienten wurden wie folgt anhand des BMI kategorisiert: BMI 30 kg/m2, Fettleibigkeit. Bivariate und multivariate logistische Regressionsmodelle wurden verwendet, um den Zusammenhang zwischen dem BMI und Outcome-variabeln zu untersuchen. RESULTATE: 301 septische Schockpatienten wurden identifiziert. Der BMI war bivariat mit der Mortalität auf der Intensivstation assoziiert (OR, 0,91; 95% CI, 0,86-0,98; p = 0,007). Es gab keine signifikante Assoziation zwischen dem BMI und der Mortalität auf der Intensivstation. Allerdings waren höhere BMI Werte trendmässig mit einer niedrigeren Intensivstations-mortalität assoziiert (OR, 0,93; 95% CI, 0,86-1,01; p = 0,09). Während übergewichtige (OR, 0,43; 95% CI, 0,19-0,98; p = 0,04) und fettleibige (OR, 0,28; 95% CI, 0,08-0,93; p = 0,04) Patienten ein unabhängig niedrigeres Risiko auf der Intensivstation zu versterben hatten als normalgewichtige Patienten, gab es keinen Unterschied im Sterberisiko zwischen normal- und untergewichtigen Patienten (p = 0,22). Ein hoher BMI war unabhängig mit einer geringen Häufigkeit eines akutem Deliriums (p = 0,04) und einer geringeren Intensivwieder-aufnahmerate (p = 0,001), aber mit mehr Harnwegsinfektionen (p = 0,02) assoziiert. SCHLUSSFOLGERUNG: Bis zu einem BMI von 50 kg/m2 scheint keine Assoziation zwischen BMI und schlechterem Überleben auf der Intensivstation oder im Krankenhaus bei septischen Schockpatienten zu bestehen. Im Gegenteil, hohe BMI Werte könnten sogar das Risiko am septischen Schock zu versterben reduziere

    Stress-related cardiomyopathies

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    Stress-related cardiomyopathies can be observed in the four following situations: Takotsubo cardiomyopathy or apical ballooning syndrome; acute left ventricular dysfunction associated with subarachnoid hemorrhage; acute left ventricular dysfunction associated with pheochromocytoma and exogenous catecholamine administration; acute left ventricular dysfunction in the critically ill. Cardiac toxicity was mediated more by catecholamines released directly into the heart via neural connection than by those reaching the heart via the bloodstream. The mechanisms underlying the association between this generalized autonomic storm secondary to a life-threatening stress and myocardial toxicity are widely discussed. Takotsubo cardiomyopathy has been reported all over the world and has been acknowledged by the American Heart Association as a form of reversible cardiomyopathy. Four "Mayo Clinic" diagnostic criteria are required for the diagnosis of Takotsubo cardiomyopathy: 1) transient left ventricular wall motion abnormalities involving the apical and/or midventricular myocardial segments with wall motion abnormalities extending beyond a single epicardial coronary artery distribution; 2) absence of obstructive epicardial coronary artery disease that could be responsible for the observed wall motion abnormality; 3) ECG abnormalities, such as transient ST-segment elevation and/or diffuse T wave inversion associated with a slight troponin elevation; and 4) the lack of proven pheochromocytoma and myocarditis. ECG changes and LV dysfunction occur frequently following subarachnoid hemorrhage and ischemic stroke. This entity, referred as neurocardiogenic stunning, was called neurogenic stress-related cardiomyopathy. Stress-related cardiomyopathy has been reported in patients with pheochromocytoma and in patients receiving intravenous exogenous catecholamine administration. The role of a huge increase in endogenous and/or exogenous catecholamine level in critically ill patients (severe sepsis, post cardiac resuscitation, post tachycardia) to explain the onset of myocardial dysfunction was discussed. Further research is needed to understand this complex interaction between heart and brain and to identify risk factors and therapeutic and preventive strategies

    Pregled znanstvenih napredaka u učinskoj elektronici usmjerenih ka osiguravanju efikasnog rada i dužeg životnog vijeka PEMgorivih ćelija

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    This article focuses on the main issues that affect the lifetime and performance of proton-exchange membrane fuel cells. The short lifespans of these fuel cells represent a barrier to their massive commercialization and usage in mobile and stationary applications. As fuel cell is a very complex system, a lot of knowledge of different areas is required, such as chemistry, electricity and mechanics, in order to completely understand its operation and all the problems that can occur during it. It is for this reason that an interdisciplinary approach needs to be taken when designing fuel-cell energy systems. This paper focuses on identifying and solving those issues that negatively affect the lifetime and performance of fuel cells. It is hoped that this article would be a valuable aid for power electronics’ researchers and engineers for better understanding the presented issues and a useful guide for solving them with the use of proper power electronic-devices. Initially, the basic operation and structure of a proton-exchange membrane fuel cell is explained. Three main issues that can occur during operation of a mobile or stationary fuel cell energy system are pointed out and discussed in details, on the basis of the state-of-the-art on fuel cell technology. These issues are poor water management, reactant gas starvation and fuel cell current ripple. This article provides answers as to why they occur, how they affect the fuel cell, how they can be mitigated, and what are the future trends within this research field.Članak se osvrće na ključna pitanja koja utječu na vrijeme rada i performanse gorivih ćelija s polimernom membranom kao elektrolitom. Kratak životni vijek gorivih ćelija takve vrste prepreka je njihovoj komercijalizaciji i masovnoj upotrebi u mobilnim i stacionarnim stanicama. Budući da su gorive ćelije komplicirani sustavi potrebno je znanje iz raznih područja kemije, elektrotehnike i mehanike da bi se u potpunosti mogao razumjeti njihov način rada i problemi koji se događaju. Upravo je zbog toga multidisciplinarni pristup nužnost pri razvoju sustava koji koriste gorive ćelije. Ovaj je članak usmjeren prema identifikaciji i rješavanju onih problema koji negativno utječu na životni vijek i performanse gorivih ćelija. Autori se nadaju da će se članak pokazati kao korisna pomoć i vodič istraživačima i inženjerima u domeni učinske elektronike pri susretu s navedenim problemima. Objašnjen je način rada i struktura gorive ćelije s polimernom membranom kao elektrolitom. Izložena su, i diskutirana do u detalje, tri glavna problema sa stajališta trenutačnih spoznaja u području učinske elektronike. Ti problemi su: loše upravljanje vodom, nestanak reaktantnog plina i strujni trzaji u gorivim ćelijama. Objašnjeno je zašto se ovi problemi događaju, kako utječu na gorivu ćeliju, kako ih se može spriječiti i koje su buduće perspektive istraživanja

    Management of potentially life-threatening emergencies at 74 primary level hospitals in Mongolia: results of a prospective, observational multicenter study

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    Abstract Background While the capacities to care for and epidemiology of emergency and critically ill patients have been reported for secondary and tertiary level hospitals in Mongolia, no data exist for Mongolian primary level hospitals. Methods In this prospective, observational multicenter study, 74 primary level hospitals of Mongolia were included. We determined the capacities of these hospitals to manage medical emergencies. Furthermore, characteristics of patients presenting with potentially life-threatening emergencies to these hospitals were evaluated during a 6 month period. Results An emergency/resuscitation room was available in 62.2% of hospitals. One third of the study hospitals had an operation theatre (32.4%). No hospital ran an intensive care unit or had trained emergency/critical care physicians or nurses available. Diagnostic resources were inconsistently available (sonography, 59.5%; echocardiography, 0%). Basic emergency procedures (wound care, 97.3%; foreign body removal, 86.5%; oxygen application, 85.2%) were commonly but advanced procedures (advanced cardiac life support, 10.8%; airway management, 13.5%; mechanical ventilation, 0%; renal replacement therapy, 0%) rarely available. During 6 months, 14,545 patients were hospitalized in the 74 study hospitals, of which 8.7% [n = 1267; median age, 34 (IQR 18–53) years; male gender, 54.4%] were included in the study. Trauma (excl. brain trauma) (20.4%), acute abdomen (16.9%) and heart failure (9.6%) were the most common conditions. Five-hundred-thirty patients (41.8%) were transferred to a secondary level hospital. The hospital mortality of patients not transferred was 3.2%. Conclusions Capacities of Mongolian primary level hospitals to manage life-threatening emergencies are highly limited. Trauma, surgical and medical conditions make up the most common emergencies. In view of the fact that almost half of the patients with a potentially life-threatening emergency were transferred to secondary level hospitals and the mortality of those hospitalized in primary level hospitals was 3.2%, room for improvement is clearly evident. Based on our findings, improvements could be obtained by strengthening inter-hospital transfer systems, training staff in emergency/critical care skills and by making mechanical ventilation and advanced life support techniques available at the emergency rooms of primary level hospitals

    The association between early hemodynamic variables and outcome in normothermic comatose patients following cardiac arrest

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    Currently, few data exist on the association between post-cardiac arrest hemodynamic function and outcome. In this explorative, retrospective analysis, the association between hemodynamic variables during the first 24 h after intensive care unit admission and functional outcome at day 28 was evaluated in 153 normothermic comatose patients following a cardiac arrest