24,251 research outputs found

    The initial temporal evolution of a feedback dynamo for Mercury

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    Various possibilities are currently under discussion to explain the observed weakness of the intrinsic magnetic field of planet Mercury. One of the possible dynamo scenarios is a dynamo with feedback from the magnetosphere. Due to its weak magnetic field Mercury exhibits a small magnetosphere whose subsolar magnetopause distance is only about 1.7 Hermean radii. We consider the magnetic field due to magnetopause currents in the dynamo region. Since the external field of magnetospheric origin is antiparallel to the dipole component of the dynamo field, a negative feedback results. For an alpha-omega-dynamo two stationary solutions of such a feedback dynamo emerge, one with a weak and the other with a strong magnetic field. The question, however, is how these solutions can be realized. To address this problem, we discuss various scenarios for a simple dynamo model and the conditions under which a steady weak magnetic field can be reached. We find that the feedback mechanism quenches the overall field to a low value of about 100 to 150 nT if the dynamo is not driven too strongly

    An algorithm for correcting CoRoT raw light curves

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    We introduce the CoRoT detrend algorithm (CDA) for detrending CoRoT stellar light curves. The algorithm CDA has the capability to remove random jumps and systematic trends encountered in typical CoRoT data in a fully automatic fashion. Since enormous jumps in flux can destroy the information content of a light curve, such an algorithm is essential. From a study of 1030 light curves in the CoRoT IRa01 field, we developed three simple assumptions which upon CDA is based. We describe the algorithm analytically and provide some examples of how it works. We demonstrate the functionality of the algorithm in the cases of CoRoT0102702789, CoRoT0102874481, CoRoT0102741994, and CoRoT0102729260. Using CDA in the specific case of CoRoT0102729260, we detect a candidate exoplanet around the host star of spectral type G5, which remains undetected in the raw light curve, and estimate the planetary parameters to be Rp=6.27Re and P=1.6986 days.Comment: 8 pages, 13 figure

    Microscopic magnetic modeling for the SS=1/2 alternating chain compounds Na3_3Cu2_2SbO6_6 and Na2_2Cu2_2TeO6_6

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    The spin-1/2 alternating Heisenberg chain system Na3_3Cu2_2SbO6_6 features two relevant exchange couplings: J1aJ_{1a} within the structural Cu2_2O6_6 dimers and J1bJ_{1b} between the dimers. Motivated by the controversially discussed nature of J1aJ_{1a}, we perform extensive density-functional-theory (DFT) calculations, including DFT+UU and hybrid functionals. Fits to the experimental magnetic susceptibility using high-temperature series expansions and quantum Monte Carlo simulations yield the optimal parameters J1aJ_{1a} = -217 K and J1bJ_{1b} = 174 K with the alternation ratio α=J1a/J1b\alpha = J_{1a}/J_{1b} \simeq -1.25. For the closely related system Na2_2Cu2_2TeO6_6, DFT yields substantially enhanced J1bJ_{1b}, but weaker J1aJ_{1a}. The comparative analysis renders the buckling of the chains as the key parameter altering the magnetic coupling regime. Numerical simulation of the dispersion relations of the alternating chain model clarify why both antiferromagnetic and ferrromagnetic J1aJ_{1a} can reproduce the experimental magnetic susceptibility data.Comment: published version: 11 pages, 8 figures, 5 tables + Supplemental materia

    Evaluation of Potentially Nonlethal Sampling Methods for Monitoring Mercury Concentrations in Smallmouth Bass (\u3ci\u3eMicropterus dolomieu\u3c/i\u3e)

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    We evaluated three potentially nonlethal alternatives to fillet sampling for the determination of mercury (Hg) concentrations in smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu). Fish (n = 62, 226–464 mm total length) from six sites in southern Missouri were captured by electrofishing. Blood samples (1 mL) from each fish were obtained by caudal veinipuncture with a heparinized needle and syringe. Biopsy needle (10 mm x 14 gauge; three cuts per fish; 10–20 mg total dry weight) and biopsy punch (7 mm x 5 mm in diameter, one plug per fish, 30–50 mg dry weight) samples were obtained from the area beneath the dorsal fin. Fillet samples were obtained from the opposite side of the fish. All samples were freeze-dried and analyzed for total Hg by combustion amalgamation atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Mean relative standard deviations (RSDs) of triplicate samples were similar for all four methods (2.2–2.4%), but the range of RSDs was greater for blood (0.4–5.5%) than for the muscle methods (1.8–4.0%). Total Hg concentrations in muscle were 0.0200–0.8809 lg/g wet weight; concentrations in plug, needle, and fillet samples from each fish were nearly identical. Blood Hg concentrations were 0.0006–0.0812 lg/mL and were highly correlated with muscle concentrations; linear regressions between log-transformed blood and fillet Hg concentrations were linear and statistically significant (p \u3c 0.01), and explained 91–93% of the total variation. Correlations between fillet Hg concentrations and fish size and age were weak; together they explained \u3c37% of the total variation, and the relations differed among sites. Overall, any of the alternative methods could provide satisfactory estimates of fillet Hg in smallmouth bass; however, both blood and plug sampling with disposable instruments were easier to perform than needle sampling. The biopsy needle was the most difficult to use, especially on smaller fish, and its relative expense necessitates reuse and, consequently, thorough cleaning between fish to prevent cross-contamination

    Intergyre salt transport in the climate warming response

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    Author Posting. © American Meteorological Society, 2020. This article is posted here by permission of American Meteorological Society for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Physical Oceanography 50(1), (2020): 255-268, doi:10.1175/JPO-D-19-0166.1.Regional connectivity is important to the global climate salinity response, particularly because salinity anomalies do not have a damping feedback with atmospheric freshwater fluxes and may therefore be advected over long distances by ocean circulation, resulting in nonlocal influences. Climate model intercomparison experiments such as CMIP5 exhibit large uncertainty in some aspects of the salinity response, hypothesized here to be a result of ocean dynamics. We use two types of Lagrangian particle tracking experiments to investigate pathways of exchange for salinity anomalies. The first uses forward trajectories to estimate average transport time scales between water cycle regimes. The second uses reverse trajectories and a freshwater accumulation method to quantitatively identify remote influences in the salinity response. Additionally, we compare velocity fields with both resolved and parameterized eddies to understand the impact of eddy stirring on intergyre exchange. These experiments show that surface anomalies are readily exchanged within the ocean gyres by the mean circulation, but intergyre exchange is slower and largely eddy driven. These dynamics are used to analyze the North Atlantic salinity response to climate warming and water cycle intensification, where the system is broadly forced with fresh surface anomalies in the subpolar gyre and salty surface anomalies in the subtropical gyres. Under these competing forcings, strong intergyre eddy fluxes carry anomalously salty subtropical water into the subpolar gyre which balances out much of the local freshwater input.We acknowledge the World Climate Research Programme’s Working Group on Coupled Modelling, which is responsible for CMIP, and we thank the climate modeling groups (listed in Table 1 of this paper) for producing and making available their model output. We also thank the creators of the SODA and ECCO reanalysis products. This work was supported by NASA Headquarters under the NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship Program Award 80NSSC17K0372, and by National Science Foundation Award OCE-1433132. The SODA outputs used here can be accessed at http://www.atmos.umd.edu/~ocean/, and the ECCO outputs at https://ecco.jpl.nasa.gov/. Data from the CMIP5 ensemble is available at https://esgf-node.llnl.gov/projects/esgf-llnl/. The particle tracking code used for these experiments can be found at https://github.com/slevang/particle-tracking.2020-07-2

    Entropy and Long range correlations in literary English

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    Recently long range correlations were detected in nucleotide sequences and in human writings by several authors. We undertake here a systematic investigation of two books, Moby Dick by H. Melville and Grimm's tales, with respect to the existence of long range correlations. The analysis is based on the calculation of entropy like quantities as the mutual information for pairs of letters and the entropy, the mean uncertainty, per letter. We further estimate the number of different subwords of a given length nn. Filtering out the contributions due to the effects of the finite length of the texts, we find correlations ranging to a few hundred letters. Scaling laws for the mutual information (decay with a power law), for the entropy per letter (decay with the inverse square root of nn) and for the word numbers (stretched exponential growth with nn and with a power law of the text length) were found.Comment: 8 page

    Medical Data Architecture Platform and Recommended Requirements for a Medical Data System for Exploration Missions

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    The Medical Data Architecture (MDA) project supports the Exploration Medical Capability (ExMC) risk to minimize or reduce the risk of adverse health outcomes and decrements in performance due to in-flight medical capabilities on human exploration missions. To mitigate this risk, the ExMC MDA project addresses the technical limitations identified in ExMC Gap Med 07: We do not have the capability to comprehensively process medically- relevant information to support medical operations during exploration missions. This gap identifies that the current in-flight medical data management includes a combination of data collection and distribution methods that are minimally integrated with on-board medical devices and systems. Furthermore, there are a variety of data sources and methods of data collection. For an exploration mission, the seamless management of such data will enable a more medically autonomous crew than the current paradigm of medical data management on the International Space Station. ExMC has recognized that in order to make informed decisions about a medical data architecture framework, current methods for medical data management must not only be understood, but an architecture must also be identified that provides the crew with actionable insight to medical conditions. This medical data architecture will provide the necessary functionality to address the challenges of executing a self-contained medical system that approaches crew health care delivery without assistance from ground support. Hence, the products derived from the third MDA prototype development will directly inform exploration medical system requirements for Level of Care IV in Gateway missions. In fiscal year 2019, the MDA project developed Test Bed 3, the third iteration in a series of prototypes, that featured integrations with cognition tool data, ultrasound image analytics and core Flight Software (cFS). Maintaining a layered architecture design, the framework implemented a plug-in, modular approach in the integration of these external data sources. An early version of MDA Test Bed 3 software was deployed and operated in a simulated analog environment that was part of the Next Space Technologies for Exploration Partnerships (NextSTEP) Gateway tests of multiple habitat prototypes. In addition, the MDA team participated in the Gateway Test and Verification Demonstration, where the MDA cFS applications was integrated with Gateway-in-a-Box software to send and receive medically relevant data over a simulated vehicle network. This software demonstration was given to ExMC and Gateway Program stakeholders at the NASA Johnson Space Center Integrated Power, Avionics and Software (iPAS) facility. Also, the integrated prototypes served as a vehicle to provide Level 5 requirements for the Crew Health and Performance Habitat Data System for Gateway Missions (Medical Level of Care IV). In the upcoming fiscal year, the MDA project will continue to provide systems engineering and vertical prototypes to refine requirements for medical Level of Care IV and inform requirements for Level of Care V

    Steigerung der Ausdauerleistungsfähigkeit von durchschnittlich trainierten Personen durch natürliche Sonnenstrahlung (Heliotherapie)

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    Problemstellung: Der UV-Strahlung wird unter anderem eine Steigerung der Ausdauerleistungsfähigkeit zugeschrieben; zahlreiche experimentelle Studien mit künstlicher Bestrahlung bestätigen dies. Aufgrund dieser Ergebnisse wird diskutiert, dass UV-Bestrahlung die gleichen Stoffwechselprozesse induziert wie ein Ausdauertraining. Diese Resultate wurden jedoch nur mit UVB-Bestrahlung erzielt; mit UVA-, Infrarot- oder sichtbarer Strahlung konnte keine Steigerung der Leistungsfähigkeit festgestellt werden. Es ist deshalb zusätzlich zu klären, ob die leistungssteigernden Effekte auch durch natürliches Sonnenlicht, welches wesentlich weniger UVB enthält, hervorgerufen werden können. Gegenstand: Ziel der vorliegenden Studie war, die Auswirkungen der natürlichen Sonnenbestrahlung während Heliotherapie auf das Training der Ausdauerleistungsfähigkeit zu untersuchen. Insbesonders standen die metabolischen Effekte im Vordergrund der Untersuchung. Versuchsplan: In Davos wurden 53 Neuroder-mitispatienten, die vom Herz-Kreislauf-System her gesund und durchschnittlich trainiert waren, einer 3wöchigen Heliotherapie unterzogen. Bei im übrigen gleichem Therapieregime wurden die Patienten zwei unterschiedlichen Therapiegruppen zugeteilt: Die 32 Patienten der „Sonnengruppe” haben während der 21tägigen Studiendauer im Mittel 19,3 Stunden, die Patienten der Kontrollgruppe dagegen nur 5,7 Stunden unbekleidet in der Sonne gelegen. Die Besonnung fand unter kontrollierten Bedingungen statt. Am Anfang und Ende der Kur wurde die Leistungssteigerung mittels Fahrradergometrie bestimmt. Meßparameter waren in erster Linie Puls und Laktat. Zusätzliche Aktivitäten der Patienten wurden in einem Tagebuch protokolliert. Ergebnisse: Bei der Sonnengruppe ergab sich anhand der Laktatwerte eine signifikante Verbesserung des aeroben Metabolismus bei gleicher, submaximaler Belastung im Vergleich zur Kontrollgruppe (Differenz zwischen den Gruppen 0,5 mmol/l, p < 0,01). Die Pulswerte beider Gruppen unterscheiden sich am Kurende nur geringfügig (3 /min, n.s.). Schlußfolgerung: Diese Ergebnisse bestätigen, dass durch UV-Bestrahlung dieselben Adaptationen im Muskelstoffwechsel wie durch ein mäßig dosiertes Ausdauertraining hervorgerufen werden. Auch die Größenordnung ist vergleichbar. Diese leichte Steigerung der Ausdauerleistungsfähigkeit läßt sich darüber hinaus nicht nur durch serielle künstliche UVB-Bestrahlung, sondern auch durch eine 3wöchige Heliotherapie erreichen