2,654 research outputs found

    Integration of UAS in Air Traffic and Commercial Space Management

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    Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) are going to be integrated into the National Airspace (NAS) as well as into the Single European Sky (SESAR). I. e. the European Roadmap describes a step by step approach with a full integration by 2028. Currently space vehicles are also developed to fly remotely piloted in space as well in near orbits or during reentry. Although they will fly without pilot operations on board, they may carry passengers or astronauts, respectively, or they will operate as a fully unmanned freighter to transport supply to the ISS or other space based stations. Currently these flights are operated in segregated airspace during launch and landing. When the number of flights will increase due to the commercialization of space transport, the use of restricted airspace will be no more feasible. To manage segregated airspace is costly and it is affecting the capacity of the air transport system. As the concepts and technology for air traffic insertion of UAS currently exist to a quite matured level, they should be also applied to space vehicles. A concept will be proposed which considers not to fully apply all rules for manned aircraft but to create a system for integration according to achieve an equivalent level of safety for unmanned aircraft and spacecraft

    Commercial Space Transportation and Air Traffic Insertion - SESAR Requirements and the European Perspective

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    Commercial Space Transportation becomes an international business and requires landing opportunities all over the world. Hence the integration of space vehicles in other airspace than the US NAS is an important topic to be considered. The Single European Sky ATM Research Programme (SESAR) is preparing the implementation of a new ATM system in Europe. The requirements are defined by the concept of the shared Business Trajectory and System Wide Information Management (SWIM). Space vehicle operations are associated with the requested need for submitting an Mishap Investigation Plan (MIP), containing responding and reporting procedures referring to possible reentry or launch incidents or accidents. This leads to the submission of an Emergency Response Plan (ERP), addressing information procedures about a planned Reusable Launch Vehicle (RLV) mission of the airspace alerting and emergency services in the areas of: Emergency Detection o Information relay between the Commercial Space Transportation (CST ) vehicle operator and the Traffic Flow Management (TFM ) Response Organization o Due to the fact that orbital CST missions may need to be aborted anywhere around the earth, a global alerting function has to include segregated foci of the involved response organizations, from international down to regional or even local reaction units. This paper describes the integration of the above mentioned services in the Air Traffic Management (ATM) information exchange concept of SWIM. It proposes an implementation concept via the world wide use of Remote Tower Operations (RTO) for surveillance of safe landings at spaceports far away from the launch/start site

    Single European Sky

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    Simulation of new Display Concepts for Air/Space Traffic Control Systems

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    A long track record on research on display concepts is available in the domain to assist the Air Traffic Controller in his situation awareness. Most of the concepts were designed to reduce Air Traffic Management (ATM) complexity with respect to traffic density, identification and resolution of conflict situations as well as to enhance the efficiency of the air transport system. The existing concepts mostly do not take into consideration air traffic and space traffic above flight level 500. Further on, higher speed and higher rates of decent of space vehicles are not fully considered. Also the operation of space vehicles at spaceports - which could be also passenger airports - has to be considered. Landing and ground operations can make use of modern remote tower installations (RTO), which will especially facilitate landing on remote sites or sites located away from operation centers and the related customers. For the implementation of future display concepts, a validation process is required. We discuss the assets of the DLR Air Transport Validation Center for life virtual constructive simulations and the methodology of the European Operation Concept Validation Methodology (EOCVM) of Eurocontrol. Results include the validation of 3D-Displays for enhanced situation awareness for new types of airspace users and a successful validation for RTO systems

    NAS Integration: CST and Air Traffic Insertion The Way Ahead

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    Differences in handling aircraft vs. spacecraft in ATM Challenges for CST ATM & STM Integration CST Integration in Airspace ERAU and DLR Collaboration EUROCONTROL - Network Manager DLR Remote Tower solutions for Spaceports ATM Integration of Space Vehicles in Europe / Germany SESAR Requirements & SWIM Spacecraft Flight Planning and Executio

    Manned and Unmanned Space Vehicles: Air Traffic Insertion & SESAR Requirements

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    Space Traffic Management, SESA

    Interoperable data exchange for safe and efficient launch and re-entry operations in an international environment

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    The frequency of commercial space launch and re-entry operations is increasing worldwide. Current regulations and procedures ensure safe operations by temporarily closing large volumes of airspace where risks to aircraft would exist in case of non-nominal events during launch or re-entry operations. To maintain the safety of air traffic as the number of space operations rises, effectively providing the right information to the right stakeholders at the right time is key. Through a cooperative agreement, the FAA and DLR are sharing their unique capabilities using the Commercial Space Integration Lab and Air Traffic Validation Center, located in the USA and Germany respectively, to improve situational awareness through real-time data exchange. The project seeks to answer whether U.S. and European ANSPs can respond adequately to a non-nominal event during a launch or re-entry operation that presents a hazard to the airspace system. It leverages existing international data standards and infrastructures by using a data exchange approach based on System Wide Information Management (SWIM). Within the project an initial assessment of the processes, roles and responsibilities for implementing launch and re-entry events in the air traffic systems on both sides of the Atlantic, as well as the requirements for basic functions and performance parameters of a SWIM-based integration, have been completed. The project developed a demonstration model across all system levels as far down as to the ANSPs, namely to the air traffic controllers. Through a series of demonstrations, covering launch scenarios from the U.S. with possible effects on European airspace and vice versa, the project evaluated the technical and operational feasibility of the concept. The key data parameters identified during the analyses shall enable information sharing among various users within the U.S. and European global airspace system. It has been shown, that the systems on both sides of the Atlantic could be connected via standardized protocols und used successfully for exercises in different scenarios. Further research on the best integration of the processes in international ATM networks and Domains will follow

    Commercial Space Transportation and Approaches to landing sites over Maritime Areas

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    The use of RPAS for coastguard operations rather than manned aircraft introduces several challenges, which will be addressed in this presentation. Typically the envisioned coastguard tasks involve low level flights Beyond Visual Line Of Sight (BVLOS). This requires the Remotely Piloted Aircraft to be equipped with appropriate sensors and on-board Detect and Avoid (DAA) capabilities. We will present a demonstration flight for the project AIRICA (ATM Innovative RPAS Integration for Coastguard Applications), where the detection and separation will be based on active Mode S interrogation and received ADS-B signals. A Detect & Avoid (DAA) system, AirScout, will be implemented and tested. While operating the RPAS on a mission, different airspace environments will be encountered. ATM involvement is crucial, because of the envisaged take-off and landing at local airfields and the involvement of other (manned) aircraft in the mission. The proposed AIRICA flight will include demonstration of the RPAS under ATC and demonstration of the DAA function with planned intruder aircraft (manned). To prepare the demonstration flights, a real-time man-in-the-loop simulation environment has been set-up, where real air traffic controllers, a real pilot (for other traffic), and a pilot at an RPAS ground control station (GCS) participated to evaluate the concept. The simulations paved the way for real flight demonstrations with a MALE (Medium Altitude Long Endurance) RPAS in non-segregated airspace for maritime surveillance missions

    Nutzen der Digitalisierung auf eine nachhaltige Landschafts- und Raumentwicklung: Ergebnisse einer breit angelegten Delphi-Umfrage in der Schweiz

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    Digitalisierung verändert die Anforderungen an den Raum, dessen Nutzungen und damit Raum und Landschaft selbst. Für Technik und Fachplanungen kristallisieren sich die Entwicklungstrends allmählich heraus. Doch wie sich die Digitalisierung auf den Raum und die Planung konkret auswirkt, ist momentan noch kaum erforscht. Auswirkungen der Digitalisierung werden in den Bereichen Mobilität, Energie und Versorgung besonders deutlich, aber auch in Bezug auf Freizeit und Erholung und die flächenhaften Nutzungen werden Trends in der Fachwelt diskutiert.Hier erste Antworten und Hilfestellungen für die Planung in den Gemeinden und Regionen zu finden, um deren Handlungsfähigkeit im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung zu erhöhen, ist Ziel des Forschungsprojekts „NUDIG – Nutzen der Digitalisierung für eine nachhaltige Landschafts- und Raumentwicklung“ der HSR Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil / Schweiz. Als Grundlage werden im ersten Schritt aus der Literatur und aus beschriebene Auswirkungen der Digitalisierung vom Forschungsteam systematisiert und bewertet. Als Ergebnis der Desktoprecherche kann die Raumwirksamkeit der Digitalisierung und mögliche Steuerungsansätze phänomenologisch beschrieben werden, eine Evidenz oder sogar Empirie über die Raumwirksamkeit lässt sich hingegen nicht ableiten. Eine empirische Untersuchung der Raumwirksamkeit der Digitalisierung, die sich mit mehreren Disziplinen der räumlichen Planung und deren Wechselwirkungen befasst, scheint zumindest zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt nicht möglich. Um die Ergebnisse und die darausfolgenden Thesen der Literaturrecherche dennoch zu plausibilisieren wurde eine zweifstufige Delphi-Umfrage gestartet, wo Fachexpertinnen und Fachexperten der einzelnen Planungsdisziplinen gefragt sind,ihre Einschätzungen zu den Auswirkungen und dem Nutzen der Digitalisierung auf die Planung abzugeben. Das zentrale Ergebnis der Umfrage ist, dass sich die Fachdisziplinen der Digitalisierung nicht verweigern können und die Raumnutzungen und die Wahrnehmung von Raum beeinflusst und verändert werden. Die Digitalisierung eröffnet für alle Raumkategorien und die unterschiedlichen Fachdisziplinen Potenziale für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung, wenngleich die einzelnen positiven und auch negativen Einschätzungen derFachdisziplinen variieren. Dieser Beitrag soll daher einerseits die Vorgehensweise der Delphi-Umfrage beleuchten sowie die relevantesten Ergebnisse und Schlussfolgerungen aus der Umfrage erläutern. Andererseits liegt der Fokus auf der Frage ob mithilfe der Digitalisierung und der dadurch entstehenden neuen planerischen Perspektiven, eine Trendumkehr, eine umweltverträglichere und ressourceneffizientere Raum-, Verkehrs- und Landschaftsplanung, unterstützt und wie dieser Aspekt von der Fachwelt beurteilt wird

    Space Based ADS-B for Commercial Space Flight Operations

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    The steadily increasing air traffic and commercial space traffic in particular on transcontinental routes or suborbital operations requires extending controlled airspace to those regions not yet covered by ground based surveillance. An ADS-B system with a strong focus on space-based ADS-B can provide global and continuous air and space surveillance to enhance the operation of spacecraft and spaceplanes in transit through the US National Airspace System (NAS) and Single European Sky (SESAR) and above. Such a system can overcome the prevailing surveillance constraints in non-radar airspace (NRA)
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