49 research outputs found

    Hele-Shaw limit for a system of two reaction-(cross-)diffusion equations for living tissues

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    Multiphase mechanical models are now commonly used to describe living tissues including tumour growth. The specific model we study here consists of two equations of mixed parabolic and hyperbolic type which extend the standard compressible porous medium equation, including cross-reaction terms. We study the incompressible limit, when the pressure becomes stiff, which generates a free boundary problem. We establish the complementarity relation and also a segregation result. Several major mathematical difficulties arise in the two species case. Firstly, the system structure makes comparison principles fail. Secondly, segregation and internal layers limit the regularity available on some quantities to BV. Thirdly, the Aronson-B{\'e}nilan estimates cannot be established in our context. We are lead, as it is classical, to add correction terms. This procedure requires technical manipulations based on BV estimates only valid in one space dimension. Another novelty is to establish an L1 version in place of the standard upper bound

    Many-particle limit for a system of interaction equations driven by Newtonian potentials

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    We consider a discrete particle system of two species coupled through nonlocal interactions driven by the one-dimensional Newtonian potential, with repulsive self-interaction and attractive cross-interaction. After providing a suitable existence theory in a finite-dimensional framework, we explore the behaviour of the particle system in case of collisions and analyse the behaviour of the solutions with initial data featuring particle clusters. Subsequently, we prove that the empirical measure associated to the particle system converges to the unique 2-Wasserstein gradient flow solution of a system of two partial differential equations (PDEs) with nonlocal interaction terms in a proper measure sense. The latter result uses uniform estimates of the LmL^m-norms of a piecewise constant reconstruction of the density using the particle trajectories

    Nonlocal cross-interaction systems on graphs: Energy landscape and dynamics

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    We explore the dynamical behavior and energetic properties of a model of two species that interact nonlocally on finite graphs. The authors recently introduced the model in the context of nonquadratic Finslerian gradient flows on generalized graphs featuring nonlinear mobilities. In a continuous and local setting, this class of systems exhibits a wide variety of patterns, including mixing of the two species, partial engulfment, or phase separation. This work showcases how this rich behavior carries over to the graph structure. We present analytical and numerical evidence thereof.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2107.1128

    Gradient Flow Solutions For Porous Medium Equations with Nonlocal L\'{e}vy-type Pressure

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    We study a porous medium-type equation whose pressure is given by a nonlocal L\'{e}vy operator associated to a symmetric jump L\'{e}vy kernel. The class of nonlocal operators under consideration appears as a generalization of the classical fractional Laplace operator. For the class of L\'evy-operators, we construct weak solutions using a variational minimizing movement scheme. The lack of interpolation techniques is ensued by technical challenges that render our setting more challenging than the one known for fractional operators.Comment: 42 page

    A multiscale approach for spatially inhomogeneous disease dynamics

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    In this paper we introduce an agent-based epidemiological model that generalizes the classical SIR model by Kermack and McKendrick. We further provide a multiscale approach to the derivation of a macroscopic counterpart via the mean-field limit. The chain of equations acquired via the multiscale approach is investigated, analytically as well as numerically. The outcome of these results provides strong evidence of the models' robustness and justifies their practicality in describing disease dynamics, in particularly when mobility is involved. The numerical results provide further insights into the applicability of the different scaling limits